Isaak Dury
1 min readSep 27, 2017


Hi Jayson,

Thanks for the feedback. The adjustment in February was a move from pricing per app to pricing plans, it meant more organisations actually went to a free plan — less than 1% actually pay for plans currently.

Realise this will take a rethink for your committee and we hope that they see value with what we are building and the time it saves, as well as the experience it will provide the generation coming after them.

Unfortunately we cannot sustain running at a loss and need to know that customers are valuing what we’re building through financially supporting us.

This move hasn’t been done lightly or quickly (in fact it’s taken me ~10 years to come to this conclusion).

Cheers, Isaak



Isaak Dury

CEO and Founder of @TIDYHQAPP. Becoming more precious about time.