How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]

Isabella Mason
17 min readFeb 21, 2021


Do you have a hard time manifesting the things you want into your life? Perhaps you follow the Law of Attraction and just can’t quite conquer manifestation or wrap your head around it? It can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, boom… manifesting can become second nature to you. Maybe you are unsure of what manifestation really means. Or maybe you need clarity on what the purpose of manifestation is! In order to succeed in your manifestations, you need to truly believe in them.

How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]

You may be familiar with manifestation, or the laws of attraction. After all, the process was the focus of a 2006 bestselling book, Titled — The Secret- which sold over 30 million copies — and it’s something that thought leaders, including Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Iyanla Vanzant, Gabrielle Bernstein and Oprah have spoken about. (For the record, they all agree that you really can manifest things-in other words, it’s 100% possible to manifest anything you want in your life.)

But wait! first things first, even though manifesting is about turning your dreams into reality, it does require that you to take proactive steps towards whatever it is that you desire — so you shouldn’t expect it to happen instantly or overnight while you sleep. That said, it’s a small price to pay (at least in our humble opinion) for something that can have such a profound impact on your life:

“You really control a lot by your thoughts and we control a lot by our joined thoughts…by what I [and we] believe,” Oprah told LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner in 2015. “When I started to figure that out for myself, I became careful of what I think and what I ask for,” she explained. “I was like what else can I do? What else can I manifest, because I have seen it work. I have seen it happen over and over and over and over and over and over again.”

You know manifesting works for other people, but you feel as though you’re missing something to make it work for you.

The number one reason most people get stuck while manifesting is they don’t know every vital step to manifest and co-create with the universe.

So, it’s worth knowing the ins and outs of what exactly manifestation is and how to properly manifest what you want. Before I share my manifestation guide with you, let’s take a look at what manifestation means and how it works.

How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]

👉>>>Are you willing to know more about manifesting anything you want in life? 👉See our recommended way to do just that👈

Okay!…What Exactly is Manifestation?

Manifesting is bringing something tangible into your life by cultivating the experience of what you want to feel, then living and believing in that experience so it can become a reality.

An abundance mindset helps you manifest anything you want because it starts with a deep belief that you are enough, that you have enough, and that you’re deserving of the things you have in your life.

It’s a strong feeling of security and confidence in yourself. A belief that you already have everything you need to be successful. That anything you want is available to you.

That deep belief is the foundation for manifesting. Manifesting is about making everything you want to feel and experience a reality for you — through your beliefs, emotions, behaviors, and effects.

Manifesting isn’t about asking the Universe for help, then stepping back and waiting for what you want to just fall into your lap. You have to do the work. You have to take powerful, aligned action to achieve your goals. This isn’t a passive exercise.

Remember: your thoughts create your reality. If you believe you’ll never be good enough to go after your dream job or start your own business, you’ll behave in a way that gets you that result. In other words, you likely won’t take action toward your goals.

On the other hand, if you believe that you have enough knowledge, wisdom, strength, and guidance to achieve your goals, you’ll feel confident enough to take powerful action and manifest those goals.

Ultimately, manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief, i.e. if you think it, and it will come. However, there is more to manifestation than willpower and positive thinking. As Angelina Lombardo, the author of A Spiritual Entrepreneur, tells, “manifesting is making everything you want to feel and experience a reality… through your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions.”

How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]

How do you manifest something? [How to manifest something]

“Alright”! you say. “I’m ready! How do I make this happen, as quickly as possible (even as fast as 24 hours)?”

Eager for those dreams to become a reality?

The sooner you take action on the first physical step, the sooner things will begin to manifest.

But until this happens, until you choose action, well, you’re really just sitting around, soaking in a pile of dreams.

The choice is yours.

Manifesting is simple. You just have to start.

As this practice builds, and the belief system strengthens, we shall often find ourselves facing yet another important question.

“How do I attract what I want?”

Attract what you want, by knowing that it is already attracted to you.

Honestly, you can literally have anything you want in this life.

Your dream job, that perfect relationship, or even a one-way ticket to traveling the world.

Whatever it is that your heart desires, is already waiting for you.

The status of your life, the magnitude of your happiness, these things are all up to you to decide.

The choice for a better life is yours.

Here are 8 principles of manifestation you can start implementing today.

👉>>>Are you willing to know more about manifesting anything you want in life? 👉See our recommended way to do just that👈

How Does Manifestation Work?

Okay! Like with the Law of Attraction, a manifestation is where your thoughts and your energy can create your reality. If you are constantly being negative and feeling down, then you are going to attract and manifest negative energy.

The first thing to do when manifesting is to take a look at your thoughts and feelings. Are you feeling negative? Do your thoughts surround negativity? If so, you could begin to manifest things you don’t want in your reality. This is why it’s important to clear your mind and have a positive mind when you are wanting to manifest.

Manifestation doesn’t just work with your thoughts, there has to be a form of action on your part. This could be actually applying for the jobs that suit what you are looking for and going to the interviews.

Trying to visualize your thoughts and feelings about your job; this will then help you to feel more positive and motivated to make these changes a reality. This will then push you to take some action and, ultimately, manifest your goals into your life.

👉🏾👉🏾Here are 10 Simples Steps you can take right now to manifest anything you want in your life in less than 24 hours…

👉🏾How To Manifest Something - Step 1

Believe in yourself

First things first, believe in yourself-You must believe in yourself!

Sometimes easier said than done, we all know.

And yet the ease is there, should you choose to pursue it. Actually, creative visualization is a great way to initiate this becoming.

Visualize yourself, believing in yourself.

Acknowledge that you are capable, and through this acknowledgement, allow the desire for a better life to build within you.

How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 2

Get clear on what exactly you want and Choose it.

If you don’t know exactly what you want, you can’t actually take steps to make it happen. To manifest something, you must know what you desire.

That means you must get very clear on the specifics, detailing the features as if your manifestation is tailor made for you.

To get started with this step, create a list of 20–25 things you want to manifest. Get specific about what you want and list the attributes in the positive (aka avoid using the word don’t).

“I want a car” might land you a 1965 El Camino without a working engine.
“I want a used SUV with less than 30,000 miles on it that’s priced under $15,000” streamlines your search quite a bit.

Side note: As you create your list, give yourself permission to want what you want today and be open to changing it tomorrow. Judgement of yourself doesn’t help you manifest anything.

When you decide on something specific to manifest, it’s vital that you know exactly why you want this specific thing in your life. And when you’re trying to manifest something in just 24 hours, you also have to pick something you believe you can manifest in a day.

So, for example, there’s little point in saying you want to start a new business in 24 hours unless you actually believe you can attain this goal in the next day. However, you may well believe that you can successfully manifest the next step in your journey to a new business in a day, in which case you might set that as your goal (e.g. to complete a business plan, get a loan you need, or find someone to collaborate with).

When picking a thing to manifest, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I really want this, in my heart of hearts?
  • How will I benefit from having this?
  • When I think about having this, does it feel right?
  • How will it be good for me and for others?

Whatever want should be the greater good, and something you want in itself; most likely something that’s a significant step on the journey towards a greater manifestation goal.

So, in sum: decide what you want, really connect with the intention to have it, and believe that you will receive what you ask for.

How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 3

Ask the universe.

Once you have your list, it’s time to amplify your signal to the universe by asking for what you want. When the universe is clear on what you want to manifest, then it can help you. If you don’t ask, it will still try to help you, but it guesses as to what you truly desire.

👉>>>Are you willing to know more about manifesting anything you want in life? 👉See our recommended way to do just that👈

Don’t leave what you receive up to chance, ask for what you want.

There are a lots of ways to ask including prayer, meditation, visualization, and vision boards. An easy way to ask for what you want is to write a letter to the universe.

Ask the universe for what you want once a day makes your requests clearer and clearer.

Gabby Bernstein says, “Manifesting is also known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the Universe.” Once you make your ask, trust that the Universe has a bigger plan for you.

Here’s a secret: manifesting isn’t about you and what you want. It’s about what’s in the highest and best for everyone.

That’s why I truly believe that if every woman lived her purpose, every need in the world would be met.

The Universe has a plan and purpose for every being on this Earth. When you manifest, you create something with Universal guidance. It may seem like it’s for you, but if you really stop to think about it, what does this achievement allow you to do? Who else benefits from your success?

It’s likely that the answer isn’t you alone!

Whose life will get better when yours does? How many people will be served when you manifest your desires?

This is an abundance mindset at work! The believe that there is enough to go around and that everyone is deserving of everything because they’re alive on this Earth.

The Universe loves working with you to manifest your desires, especially when they’re in the highest and best interest of others. All you need to do is ask!

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 4

Work toward your goals.

Manifesting is the art of co-creating with the universe. Working toward your goals increases your chances of receiving what you want. It’s also fun.

Write down 3 actions you can do today to bring you closer to your goal. If you don’t know what to do, use Google to figure out what actions you can take. It’s likely someone has struggled with the same issue and has written about it. Let yourself be inspired by what others have done.

Start taking action and keep taking action until you’ve reached your goal.

According to Gabrielle Bernstein, author of Super Attractor and The Universe Has Your Back, “Manifesting is also known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the Universe.” Which is exactly why knowing what you want is only half the battle — you will not see any results without action. Set aside a bit of time to think about what steps you can take to reach your goals yourself, then build them into your routine. For example, if you want to make a major career change, start networking with people in your new field and practice for a job interview.

“Another way to be ‘in action’ when manifesting is to ask yourself the question, ‘What would my future self be thinking?’” Lombardo says. The reason? Reframing your mind can (and will) enable you to be successful. “‘Being’ the person who already has, does, and feels your goals, dreams, and desires helps you become that person,” adds Lombardo.

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 5

Get Rid Of Things That Stand In Your Way

Unfortunately, almost always there will be something standing in your way to success. This shouldn’t scare you, this is just part of the whole manifestation process.

Keep an eye out for these three most common manifestation blocks:

  • Negative beliefs/mindset

If you are in a bad place emotionally, you need to first get yourself into the right mindset before you can successfully manifest anything. You can’t be focusing on negativity and expect to attract good things into your life. So take some time to practice self-care. Try meditation and different stress-relief techniques.

  • Toxic people

When you are working on manifesting your dream you need to make sure no one is holding you back. People who don’t believe in you, always criticize you and/or complain about everything are blocks that will keep you from doing your best.

  • Timing

Sometimes you just need to be patient. Everything you want will happen. but it will happen at the right time and for the right reasons. So if something isn’t happening for you right now, it doesn’t mean it never will. Keep believing and keep working on your goal.

Sit back and think about how your manifestation process is going at the moment.

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 6

Take Powerful and Aligned action

Manifesting isn’t about asking for what you want then simply believing or willing it into existence. It takes powerful, aligned action to cultivate what you want.

What’s aligned action? It’s any action you take that’s in line with your goals or what you want to manifest.

For example, if you want to manifest your dream job, aligned action might look like updating your resume or LinkedIn profile, reaching out to recruiters, talking to friends who work in a similar field, or practicing your interviewing skills.

Or, if you want to manifest an extra $1,000 per month, aligned action might look like reviewing your budget to see if you have any subscriptions you can cancel, starting a side hustle, asking for a raise, or paying off your credit card bills. Any of those actions are aligned to your manifestation goal.

When you take action, the Universe takes notice. And when you’re living in total commitment and alignment with your goal, the Universe conspires to help you make it happen.

Aligned action doesn’t mean trying to control your life to get what you want. Instead, it’s about letting go, allowing, and being in flow with your goals.

If you constantly ask your friends for their opinions before taking action, get hung up on the little things that go wrong, or avoid making big decisions or taking risks, you’re likely trying to control some aspect of your life.

Let go and allow. Once you make your ask, trust that the Universe will conspire to help you achieve your goal. Remember: the Universe has a plan bigger than you can know. And it’s a plan and purpose that benefits others. You don’t need to know the “how;” just concentrate on the what.

Letting go doesn’t mean sitting idly by and waiting for things to magically happen, either. That’s where aligned action comes in.

Think about the goal you set for yourself in Step 1 and work backwards from the end date. If you want to manifest something in one year, what can you do each month to get closer to your goal? What could you do each week? Each day?

Then, think about how you can make manifesting part of your daily routine. You might not realize it, but you’re always manifesting. Your thoughts create your reality, and manifesting is nothing more than cultivating your reality through your thoughts and beliefs.

To be more intentional about manifesting, you can start with a morning ritual. Incorporate spiritual practices that energize you or make you feel the way you want to feel. You could read a passage from the Bible, Tao te Ching, A Course in Miracles, or other spiritual text. You could spend time journaling or meditating. You could pull a few tarot or oracle cards. The practices are up to you — do whatever makes you feel centered and whole.

A morning ritual sets you up for a successful day. By spending the first few moments of the day focused on you and your dreams, you’ll have the motivation to apply to a job posting, follow up with a client, launch your new website, or create a budget.

And, as you go about your day and take aligned action, you can keep your manifestation goal at the top of your mind. Say your mantra or affirmation out loud, visualize your dreams coming true, or say a silent prayer. To paraphrase Napoleon Hill, “what you believe, you can achieve.”

👉>>>Are you willing to know more about manifesting anything you want in life? 👉See our recommended way to do just that👈

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 7

Trust the process.

As you work toward your goal, it may question if manifesting actually works. You might get discouraged and frustrated. If you are sitting in the struggle and wondering when things are going to happen you aren’t trusting the process. When you question manifestation, you’re telling the universe to prove manifesting doesn’t work.

The Law of Attraction obliges by sending you experiences that keep you stuck.

To manifest, you have to trust the process.

Whenever you find yourself doubting, catch yourself and say, “I’m getting closer and closer to my goals every day. The universe has my back and it’s awesome.”

Repeat this phrase until you believe it.

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 8

Be Patient, Persistent and Grateful

How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]

Big dreams don’t happen overnight, so once you make your ask and begin to take action, always be patient with the Universe.

The actions you take don’t matter as much as your belief and trust in yourself and the Universe. Believe in your inner wisdom, clarity, confidence and actions. Believe that the Universe is working with you on your goals.

It’s also important to be flexible. You may not get everything you want in the exact timeframe, order, color, amount, or way you asked for. When this happens, acknowledge and be grateful for what you receive.

An abundance mindset is about looking for gratitude in every moment, so practice building your faith in the Universe by acknowledging the things you do receive, even if it’s not what you thought you’d receive. Everything happens in its own time, and the more you can focus on the good things you have in your life, the more good things will come your way.

As long as you’re taking aligned action, the Universe will work with that energy to guide you. Pay attention to signs, messages, and the thoughts you have. Then take action on those signs. Do some research, reach out to a friend that pops into your mind, or start brainstorming around an idea.

FOD — fear, overwhelm and doubt — can cloud your thoughts and serve as an obstacle to achieving what you want. Practice the BE YOU Mental Model to shift negative thoughts and limiting beliefs to abundant, powerful, or motivating thoughts.

Persistence is key when manifesting. You might not get what you want in the exact timeframe you specified, but don’t be discouraged. Instead, practice persistence by adding an affirmation like, “I am so happy and grateful now that I manifested a $5,000 raise,” to your phone reminders. Set it to remind you of this affirmation at the same time every day, then when it pops up, take a few moments to breathe deeply and repeat the affirmation silently.

Sometimes, and especially when you’re stressed or feeling like an impostor, your brain needs reminders of what’s important. Setting a reminder in your phone helps you stay on top of your manifesting goals and can give you the motivation you need to keep going.

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 9

Upgrade your beliefs

Many people also have a bottleneck of positive energy when it comes to money — usually rooted in beliefs of scarcity and unworthiness.

But since money is nothing but a number and a means of exchange, do you believe in the scarcity of the things you would purchase with that money?

Do you believe that you are not worthy of having food, shelter, or nice things?

If so, it’s time to have a chat — a long, deep chat — with yourself.

Ask yourself where these beliefs came from. Then, see if you can challenge the authority of those beliefs.

👉🏾How To Manifest Something — Step 10

Become a conscious creator

You are already a pro at manifesting.

You have, for the most part unconsciously, created a default existence based on your beliefs. There’s no reason why you can’t create an awesome life, using the proper techniques. All you need to do is take conscious control of the manifestation process instead of defaulting according to your old beliefs.

Take action on this potential, stay humble, and focus on how grateful you are for all the opportunities life throws your way.

Create new beliefs, guide your thoughts, emotions and visualization; feel the delight of watching your imagination become reality; raise your vibration by being happy and loving, and watch your dreams come true!

How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]
How To Manifest Something-Manifesting Anything You Want In 24 Hours[Simple Hacks]

Signs Your Manifestation Is Close

Yeah! When you are trying to manifest something into your life, there are many signs that you should be looking out for in order to know that your manifestation is close. Some will be small signs, and others might be staring you right in the face, without you knowing.

Here are some of the signs that may come to you when your manifestation is close:

  • Hearing about your desires. This could be overhearing someone’s conversation or listening to the radio, where they are talking about the very thing that you want.
  • Feeling excited. If you start to develop a sense of excitement despite there not being a reason, this could be a sign that your manifestation is close.
  • You see repeating numbers. Repeating numbers have important meanings and these are a good sign that your manifestation is close. Pay attention to the numbers you see.
  • Other people talking about your goals. The people in your life might bring up your goals in conversation, telling you that you would be good at something (even if they are unaware that this is your goal).

These are just a few signs to show that your manifestation is close to being in your reality. Make sure to keep note of the signs you are seeing and feel excited that your manifestations are close.

👉>>>Are you willing to know more about manifesting anything you want in life? 👉See our recommended way to do just that👈



Isabella Mason

Hi, I am Isabella Mason and I will be bringing to you detailed articles on the subject: Law of Attraction, Meditation, Soul Manifestation etc…