Improve Your Mindset and Your Life

It’s Time to Get Yourself Together!

Isabel Young
3 min readOct 11, 2021
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

It’s Time to Get Yourself Together and to Feel Better!

Stop the habit of comparing yourself to others. We cannot base our self-worth on what others are doing or saying. Instead, we need to focus on who we are and what makes us special in this world.

It’s time to start feeling good about ourselves!

You can improve your mindset and life.

The importance of having a positive mental attitude.

Learn how to be mindful. By improving your mindset, you will have more success and happiness. These thoughts are in your control.

What is Mindset?

Mindset is a term used for the way people think and behave. It can be thought of as a continuum between two polar ends — fixed and growth.

A Fixed Mindset

A fixed mindset is the belief that your character, intelligence, and creative ability are set from birth. If you’re born smart or gifted in some way then you’ll stay that way forever.

A Growth Mindset

Those with a growth mindset learn to understand themselves better.

This involves developing your character, and creative abilities.

You can change over time, Through hard work you can change over time.

Challenging yourself involves taking on more difficult tasks.

People with a growth mindset are not being afraid of trying new things or of failure.

They know that their efforts will result in future success.

How Mindfulness Can Help You Take Control of Your Life

Mindfulness has become a popular self-care technique. It can help you achieve self-control and clarity of mind. Mindfulness exercises are easy to do. They can help lower your stress and anxiety.

The key to mindfulness is awareness. Whenever you notice your thoughts drifting, gently redirect your attention back to the present moment.

Awareness of your body is also an important part of mindfulness. This can be done by observing the sensations in various parts of your body.

You can do this while sitting still or while engaging in some activity like yoga or walking meditation.

Another key component of mindfulness is breathing. By focusing on your breath for 5–10 minutes each day without doing anything else — just watch it come and go naturally with each breath.

Practicing regular breathing exercises can help you relax and improve focus. This may help you become more productive.

Final Thoughts:

Whether you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset, or a combination of these, you can use them to your advantage.

A person with a fixed mindset believes that their intelligence is predetermined. They do not think they are able to change it.

Those with a growth mindset believe that they can improve. They do this by their efforts, intelligence and by challenging themselves.

Those with growth mindsets also typically work harder. They feel they need to prove themselves to others or themselves. This could be because of their perceived deficiency in their abilities.



Isabel Young

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.