It’s Time For You To Get In The Flow

Lower Your Stress & Increase Your Creativity

Isabel Young
3 min readFeb 5, 2022
Photo by Baskin Creative Studios from Pexels

Now It’s Time — To Get In the Flow:

Work-life balance is a common issue for many of us, and it can be hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you must find ways to keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

One way is by making sure that you don’t take on more Responsibilities than you know that you can handle.

This means that one should get into the flow before they take on more work so that they know exactly what their capabilities are.

Stress Can Affect Your Writing:

Creativity is essential to writers. But over time, stress will erode your creative thinking. Writers can sharpen their creativity after they exercise to reduce their stress levels.

We know that stress levels are at an all-time high,

and it’s time to do something about it.

If you’re not able to combat the effects of stress on your creativity, then this is what you need to know:

  1. Stress increases our sensitivity to information around us so we can’t focus — which means we’re not able to generate new ideas or come up with any creative thoughts.
  2. So when we’re stressed, we’ll often find ourselves avoiding tasks that require much mental energy and focus in order to escape the stressful environment and minimize exposure to tasks that

Lower Your Anxiety So You Can Get Into The Flow State:

The flow state is a mental state of consciousness where the person becomes one with what they are doing and loses track of time and space.

While there is no one way to get into the flow state,

There are certain things that you can do to help

Yourself get there.

One way is to practice mindfulness meditation before you go about your day. This will help you enter the flow state quicker because it trains your brain for heightened concentration and even brings up creativity in some cases.

Another thing you can do is reduce stress in your life

by developing healthy habits such as exercise, yoga,

or meditation.

Eating healthy while reducing caffeine intake has been shown to also increase levels of dopamine in the brain which helps with focus and attention span.

Final Thoughts — Be More Creative With Your Writing:

One way to balance work and creativity is to make sure that we always have time for creative endeavors. Writers need to find a way to create for themselves and not just rely on clients or editors.

Creativity can also be nurtured by

Building a writing routine.

Setting aside some time each day, week, or month for your writing tasks will help you get into the habit of putting your creativity into practice.

Finally, treat yourself well!

Writers need to take care of themselves in order to be at their best and do their best work. That means eating right, exercising, and taking some time off each day.



Isabel Young

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.