What is Important to You?

What Do You Value?

Isabel Young
2 min readOct 23, 2021
Photo by Katarzyna Grabowska on Unsplash

What is a Value?

We all want to know what the value is in life.

We spend our entire lives pursuing that knowledge and trying to find out what it means to live a fulfilling life.

We strive for meaning, but often end up just living day by day, not knowing how it will all add up in the end.

What is valuable in life and why it matters.

Some people might say that money makes the world go round.

It’s true that money can be a useful tool for getting things done.

Money is a representation of your time put into something.

Values are an important part of our lives.

They help us to understand what is

important to us and how we want to live.

Value Time & Value Things

The value of time and the value of things are intertwined. Our time is limited, so you have to choose what is worth your time.

You also need to make sure that you are investing in things that will bring you value in the long term.

What is worth your time?

Some people find it hard to answer this question

because they don’t know how they spend their

time on a day-to-day basis.

There are two types of people in this world:

those who create their own values and

those who believe the values set by society.

It’s crucial for everyone to understand

what they want out of life.

Final Thoughts:

Important Life Values

Life is filled with challenges and opportunities. You will find that you have to make important decisions that will affect the rest of your life.

It’s important that you take into account all the values you cherish.

These values are what make life worth living.

They are what makes each day worth getting out of bed for.

These values can be different for everyone, but there

are some common ones like family, love, relationships,

friendships, happiness and many more.

We can’t choose which values we want to live by — they’re chosen for us at birth and over time through our experiences.

Values can change as we grow older or realize new things about ourselves or the world around us. This is not a bad thing because it means that our lives are constantly evolving and growing with us.



Isabel Young

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves. https://linktr.ee/beyoung2