India in next 10–20 years !

Sachin Hooda
4 min readAug 9, 2022


Lately I have not written much but this question is good and it needs to be answered.

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So lets talk about the question. There are different aspects of looking at it. In which field we are looking or want to look .

May be you want to know how technologically advance will it be or may be as a nation contributing to the society called world. Also there are many other fields like Defence , Medical , Space , Sports , Education , Environment , Politics , Cinema etc.

These all topics are of very importance if we want to look a wholesome development.

Now let me tell you quick fact

India has the world’s largest youth population i.e 356 million . This means a lot of potential which will decide the fortune of india .

Here is the thing now , how do you see the youth of this country .

We should know that the brains , the young brains are the base of the nation in upcoming years . The more educated , devoted to his/her work it will be , the best it will be for India for the world . But there is this thing that we hit when the iron is hot , not before and not even after the time.

These young brains are very delicate to handle, a small bad incident and it changes them forever.

Why am i focussing on youth? Because it is one of them who will be an MP , an MLA or may be PM.

There will be doctors , engineers , IPSs and IASs . The whole scene depends upon how the youth grows.

Now lets talk in terms of infrastructure , the infra investment will go to $5.5 trillion. That is massive growth of 7.8 percent. From this you can get an idea of how Infrastructure of india will boom.

If we see the medical facility now and after 10 years then there will be totally digitalization of consumerism and that will reduce corruption , piracy of medicine and boost the revenue from it of around $778 billion . The hospitalization space will increase , this sector will have a full fledged growth .

If we talk about indian space , it has a clear roadmap for next 10 years. This sector will achieve greater heights. During a meet it was said that ISRO will be doing $50 billion business by 2024, so you see there are much bigger plans . The main focus will be on indigenous production , the R And D will focus on new businesses and startups . That will look forward to self made bharat.

Everything is good and does not concern me more as the Defence sector . Again i say the youth , if our borders are not protected then what is the use of advancement in any field.

I know you must be thinking that india has such a great army and air force and all. It has well built equipments and some of the most advance aircrafts and weapons.

Here i talk about the Agniveer, you know when i heard of it in march in 2020 it was said that this will be a ToD . Tour of duty where the person who could not go into the armed forces will get a chance to serve. It will be just to introduce army to the people of the country and they will be paid a handsome amount for that tour. I appreciated the government and was happy . Happy to hear this news but when it came to imply it is totally changed .

Now when it is introduced in the name of maintaining a young army , Agniveer. I felt like why?

This scares me , when i think of those well trained Agniveers coming out will be unemployed , they will have to earn , what will they do?

Will they become gatekeepers or guards ? Those young minds of 21–22 years of age will be ruined every year .

There is another fear that is haunting me , they will be trained in all kinds of weapons so what are not the chances that they may not fall into wrong hands. There will be unemployment and crime at a very high pace. As every year 30000 of them will retire.

These children i would call them will be taken away in such an age where they could long term goals and a better life through talent. This is just killing their talent in their growing ages and then leaving them at such an age at mercy of the corporates and private sector.

Do you think they will wear same courage and become same patriots as who have been serving in armed forces for 20 years ?

Will they not hesitate thinking they have to work only for 2–3 years in giving their utter efforts .

Half the youth is destroyed by social media where they dance at party numbers and follow any ongoing trend blindly and the remaining by unemployment .

I am afraid , but wish everything best for India and its people.

These are purely my thoughts and i never try to hurt anyone. Thoughts may vary so i have just put myself very clear and true.

This is how i see india in upcoming years.

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