Marble texture photoshop

3 min readSep 2, 2022


The easiest marble feel Photoshop tutorial is very simple yet so exciting to get at you too. It even has a warning at the conclusion of it to make you aware that there's no way you may certainly do everything you will notice in this particular informative article. It's straightforward and fun, however, it will also be helpful for individuals with any degree of expertise and understanding of Photoshop. I've already been using Photoshop for several years now and I always thought it was pretty straightforward, however after the tutorial, I'm not so sure anymore. If you're new to Photoshop, especially this tutorial, you might want to bookmark this page and return back again to this again.This tutorial starts by explaining the difference between the Marble Texture Layer and the Marble Mesh. It moves into different options for every single explaining and showing the primary differences and the way they affect your marble texture layer. I must say I like both these options, as they offer me more flexibility along with my images and the overall design process.After this, the tutorial puts in the basics, describing the vocabulary and concepts utilized in Photoshop. You understand, all those symbols you visit... S, H, M, R, etc.. We will learn the things they mean and how they're combined with the other person to create some complex textures. For example, when making a net in the feel, we could unite lots of various shapes to the mesh. It might sound complicated, but when you know the idea, it is possible to create complex and brilliant meshes within minutes.Next, I will explain to you how you can eliminate the current undesirable marble textures. I am certain that you have created hundreds or dozens of different textures, most likely with a lot more to come. You may have also lost or lost some of your textures during the editing process. This informative article may allow you to find and replace most your lost textures, so allowing your last work to be unique and stunning as the first time you worked on it.Once you have replaced every one your textures, you're left with one final step : The sky is your limit with your marble feel creations ! Remember how I said you are able to use two or more of the same contour as a base for creating new fills? Well, you can use two of one's previous texture layers being a base for producing fresh fill layers. By applying the layer mask tool, then you may efficiently remove any undesirable areas of one's original texture coating, leaving you using an area that is smooth and also in feel.That's it - The marble feel tutorial. There are still many other topics in this set of tutorials, ranging from topics about just how to start using Photoshop, to topics on enhancing the image quality of your images with various Photoshop techniques. If you should be curious, all you need to do is search the net for tutorials on any topic that you are interested in. You're sure to discover a great Photoshop tutorial that will teach you everything that you want to understand about working with textures.

