MSI Optix MAG241C
I recently bought this new monitor with my new gaming/production setup. I will be going over the ups and downs of this monitor, and my personal thoughts.
This article may sound a little biased because I am super stoked, but I will be as fair as possible. I as a gamer, or just a media user as a whole, have never experienced more than a 60hz refresh rate. This monitor has a refresh rate of 144hz. For example, say you are playing an older game such as counter strike; if you have any newer parts, chances are, you can easily reach over 100fps (Frames Per Second). Now if you have a 60hz refresh rate, you will only be seeing 60 of those frames, rather than 100 or more.
Another thing that I have never experienced is less than a 5 millisecond response time. This is pretty much how it sounds. It takes X amount of milliseconds for your monitor to pick up what your computer is telling it to display. With this monitor, it has a 1 millisecond gtg, or gray to gray response time. This is how long it takes for the monitor to switch from color to color. When buying your own monitor, lower response time is better, and higher refresh rate is better.
It is hard for me to list the cons because this is in every way an upgrade for me. One thing that I can say though which is just kind of annoying is the user interface of the monitor if you have an AMD based graphics card. I had to download multiple different drivers in order to get it to 144hz, however it was well worth it, and after I got it done, I haven’t had to worry about it since.
Just a last couple of things that I personally enjoy is the fact that it is a frameless design, which makes it look like all screen, except the obvious needed bezels. Also the curved design is really nice in a 24.5 inch screen form factor. This thing also sports 2 HDMI ports, 1 display port, 2 USB 2.0, and has an integrated headset holder on the left side (When facing it).
Anyway, those are my thoughts on this monitor. Like I said, it is hard to give this thing a hard time unless I am comparing it to higher end monitors with a better sRGB rating amongst other things.