“The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” (And Why his Wife Totally killed Him)

Isaiah Golden
3 min readJul 17, 2020
Ernest Hemingway on safari, 1934

Margot, Francis’s wife, kills her husband on purpose. There are too many hints at her fears of Francis getting braver before this happened. I also feel as though Wilson suspected or even helped plan this in some way or form. He mentions her cruelty multiple times “…now she is back, simply enameled in that American female cruelty.” His comments about her are disguised as just sexism against women and a hatred of American culture. But I think they are actually the author hinting at the idea that Wilson was hired by her to make the process of killing Francis look like an accident.

This is supported by the fact that Francis mentions that this trip was her idea, “You said if we made this trip that there would be none of that. You promised.” It was her who promised something in return for taking the trip meaning it was her who likely suggested it and set everything up. She had to convince him to agree to going by using said promise. If she were the one who set the trip up, she could have had the chance to convince Wilson to help with her plans. Wilson’s ideology is exemplified by this quote “’By my troth, I care not; a man can die but once; we owe God a death and let it go which way it will he that dies this year is quit for the next.’… He was very embarrassed, having brought out this thing he had lived by.” It…

