8 -28 -17 Millenial

2 min readAug 29, 2017


Alright so im going to try something different. This is gonna be my diary. I hope creating a fake email was worth it. I don’t wanna be seen. Like most people, im uncomfortable expressing my vulnerabilities, but thats where we grow. Plus, i could get attention and make money off this shit, so fuck it. I’m 20 years old, Puerto-Rican, Black, American, and one of the smartest people you’d ever encounter. I say that because I already know a shit ton. Can you say “entitled” lol? But no, i mean that like there is a lot of information stored up in my brain that when i need it, its there, usually. I also know nothing. “Jon Snow.” I recognize that people in my generation think they know everything. And because just that is MY gut reaction, I have a never ending quest to learn and adjust to the repetitive yet unpredictable patterns of this world.

Everything is a pattern. I cant think of concrete examples at the moment but i made it a point, in the past, to make that a definitive rule going forward. And everytime I’ve re-deduced. It holds up. Plus, i just remembered that scientists literally say humans look for patterns in everything. So no matter what its true lol. At least to you and me. But nah everything is interconnected. Elements of certain situations can be applied to elements in others to give us a better look. The proof is in metaphors. “Up a creek without a padde.” Again, i cant think of anything definitive in terms of real life application but thats because i dont write shit down (Hey Medium ;) and im doing this spontaneously. This is just going to be my ramshackle, scatterbrained thought dump every day.

I hope you can get a feel of how i am.

I hope you fuck with it…

