Can’t hurt me…

Saira Iqbal
3 min readOct 1, 2023


In the dimly lit room, I sit, surrounded by shelves of untouched stories, yearning for the magic of literary worlds. But there is a weight upon my heart, a barrier that keeps the pages unturned. It is the enchanting call of paintbrushes and the dance of words upon canvas that beckon me, pulling me away from the comforting embrace of books.

My once-beloved phone now holds a powerful allure, drawing me into a realm of creative expression, where thoughts flow freely and emotions find release in art. Yet, as I indulge in this new pursuit, a feeling of emptiness tugs at my soul, for I long for the solace that only a good book can bring.

But there is hope in the midst of this struggle. A title shines brightly on my bedside table: “Can’t Hurt Me.” A book that carries the promise of breaking the spell, of reigniting my lost passion for reading, and guiding me back to the treasures of the written word.

And so, I hold that book in my hands, feeling the weight of possibility. I take a deep breath and open its pages, ready to embark on a new adventure, hopeful that the words within will lift me from the enchanting distractions and lead me back to the literary world I hold so dear. With a heart full of anticipation and a gentle smile, I take my first step on the journey to reclaim the joy of reading.

“Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins is a relentless and inspirational journey that chisels the mind and spirit like a sculptor crafting a masterpiece from raw stone. With the tenacity of a warrior and the vulnerability of a poet, Goggins invites readers to the battleground of his life, where pain and suffering are transformed into raw fuel for personal growth.

This book is a symphony of determination and resilience, with every chapter a powerful note that resonates deep within the soul. Goggins’ words cut through excuses like a surgeon’s scalpel, reminding us that the limits we perceive are self-imposed, and that the human spirit is unbreakable when pushed to its utmost potential.

Through his extraordinary life story, Goggins reveals the power of the mind to overcome physical and mental barriers, encouraging us to embrace discomfort, confront our fears, and redefine our limits. With each turn of the page, “Can’t Hurt Me” imparts a vital lesson in pushing beyond one’s comfort zone, unlocking untapped potential, and emerging stronger on the other side.

This book is a beacon of hope and a call to action for those seeking to elevate themselves to new heights. It’s a testament to the fact that, no matter the obstacles, we can’t be defeated unless we allow ourselves to be. “Can’t Hurt Me” is not just a book; it’s a blueprint for unlocking the extraordinary potential that resides within us all.



Saira Iqbal

"Art, Nature, Life: A Student's Canvas 🎨🌿📚"