A New Year, New era, and New Way of life?

Isabelle Laflèche
2 min readJan 5, 2022

Instead of resolutions this year, how about simply vowing to show kindness, compassion, non- judgment and understanding to all?

Image: Cristina Gottardi

We’re all going through turbulence at the moment; a time of tremendous change, inner and outer movement, transformation, and let’s face it, chaos. Mother Earth is purifying itself and so are we.

No matter where you are, where you live, your social status or way of life, you have been impacted by recent world events and continue to do so.

During this time of change and growth, it may be easy to judge others, their life choices, or their way of life, but that prevents us from moving forward harmoniously.

Instead, we must choose to see our fellow brothers in sisters through the lens of love.

Yes, love…Not in the romantic sense, but the kind that soothes the spirit and feeds the soul. The kind that brings tremendous comfort and relief in times of change.

We are being asked to have more compassion for ourselves, the planet, and all living beings, including animals too. And to forgive ourselves for the choices we may have made in the past. Yesterday is gone, and we have the opportunity to make this year and this era even better. This quote encompasses this message well: “Yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream.” Khalil Gibran

Image: Brandon Frie

It’s crucial to remember that we make choices from our own level of knowledge and understanding. We may consume things that are harmful for the planet, because wedon’t know better nor have we been presented with the right choices or better alternatives. Let’s be the beacon of light to show the world something new. Let’s be the ones to move forward with courage, strength, and loads of compassion. Rather than judge, think: It could have been me! And chances are, it probably was!

In my case, I used to consume huge amounts of stuff and junk to fill an empty hole in my heart and soul. A hole left from not doing what I enjoy and love.

We are all moving towards a new era; one of greater peace, joy and blessings. In order to usher this in more quickly, the best thing you can do is open your heart, refrain from judging others or creating more division. Choose peace and harmony over divisiveness, stay in the light, follow your intuition and remain hopeful. And don’t do things just because others are doing them.

Be bold! Stand tall.

I see and appreciate you.

Happy New Year.



Isabelle Laflèche

Author, blogger, soulful teacher, and public speaker. Lover of nature + fashion + yoga + tea.