How To Actually Achieve Your Goals

4 min readFeb 4, 2021


Photo by: <a href=’'>Abstract vector created by vectorjuice —</a>

This post is a simple guide on how to achieve your life goals, even the ones you think are impossible.

Let’s start!!

First step: Identifying your life goals

Firstly you have to identify your life goals, if you haven’t already. Think big, don’t worry about the goals themselves, just write everything you want to achieve in your life, even if something seems impossible.

Think about all the areas in your life: Personal, growth, work, school, relationships, health, spirituality, hobbies etc.

Once you have your goals, write them on a piece of paper or on your phone.

Second step: Chunking your biggest goals

The second step is chunking the goals, in order to make them easier and more achievable. You basically have to make those long-term goals into short-term ones.

Let’s make an example:

Let’s say one of your life goal is to be fit. This goal can look too overwhelming to you, so let’s make it easier and more practical . We can divide this goal into small steps. For example, you can exercise 7 minutes a day or one hour a week. If it is still too overwhelming you can divide it even further by doing 50 sit-ups a day or 1 minute of jumping jacks.

What you have to do is to divide that big goal into a small, not overwhelming, and achievable goal\task.

Third step: Organizing the goals

While you are chunking the goals, you can sort them, in a yearly plan and in a monthly plan.

Let’s go back to our example: Be fit.

At the start of the new year ( or in the middle, it doesn’t matter) take your life goals and chunk them. Ask yourself: What can I achieve this year based on my life goals?. If one of your biggest goals is achievable in one year, then don’t divide it.

Once you have all your yearly goals based on your life goals, you can now divide them even further. At the start of the new month ( or in the middle), Ask yourself: What can I achieve this month based on my yearly goals?. Your monthly goals have to be even easier and achievable and they don’t have to be a lot, remember that you have 12 months to achieve your year goals.

The plan should look like this:

Life goal: Being fit

Year goal: Being fit ( if you think it is achievable in one year)

Month goal of February ( for example) : Exercise every day for 7 minutes.

Fourth and final step: Organizing the day

Once you have your yearly and monthly goals, you can now start to plan each day based on your monthly goals. You can do this process every day when you wake up or every month, planning each day.

Take your monthly goals and ask yourself: What can I do today to get closer to the goal?. Remember that your daily goals have to be even easier than your monthly goals ( you have 31, 30 or 28 days to achieve your monthly goals.)


Life goal: Be fit

Year goal: Be fit

Month goal: Exercise every day for 7 minutes

Today goal: Exercise for 7 minutes.

Another example:

Life goal: Publish a book

Year goal: Write half of the book

Month goal: Write 2 chapters

Today goal: Write for 30 minutes

After you have planned your daily goals the process is completed

So take action and start achieve what you care about!!

Conclusions and tips:

This process is designed in order to make you achieve your goals. The “Chunking Method” is useful because it divides that one big goal into small goals that are actually achievable and not too overwhelming. This will force you to complete that task, because it will be so easy that you won’t be able to say no. Remember to believe in yourself and to have discipline in what you do.

Alice: This is impossible. The Mad Hatter: Only if you think it is.

Once the month or year finishes, think about what you have and haven’t achieved. Pay attention to the not achieved monthly goals and think about some ways on how to achieve them the next month and what to improve.

Where to organize the life, yearly, monthly and daily goals?

You can write and organize them in an agenda with a calendar section and a daily section, or you can use an app. I personally use and recommend Notion and TickTick.

Photo by: <a href=’'>Background vector created by iconicbestiary —</a>

Hope this post helped you!! Let me know if you have any suggestions or problems.

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Dreamer | Psychology lover | Music and Tv series addicted. Sharing life advice, personal growth and general tips on how to live better.