How to make reading a habit

3 min readJan 25, 2021

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We all know that reading is a very useful thing to do in our free time.

Important people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Elon Musk, read a lot of books and they recommend reading for personal growth, knowledge and life advice.

But anyway, reading seems a really hard thing to do, especially in this period when we are constantly sorrounded by new technologies and new stuff.

Besides, when we approach a new book we tend to lose the habit of reading it and, with time, we end up abandoning it.

This happens for 2 main reasons:

  1. We don’t enjoy the book that we’re reading
  2. We don’t have enough time for reading a book

Now I’m gonna show you how these two problems are completely solvable, so you can start reading every day without any problem.

Solving the first problem:

Well, there isn’t much to say. Reading must be a thing that you enjoy doing, otherwise it is useless. If I’m reading a book that I don’t enjoy, it’s normal that I will not like it.


The tip is to read all different kinds of books and genres until you find what you truly enjoy. Believe me, you’ll find something that you like, 100 % sure.

TIP: Don’t be scared to abandon a book that you are not enjoying, there’s nothing wrong about it. You don’t have to feel forced to finish a book, that’s not the point of reading. You should finish a book because you like it, because you enjoy it. That’s the point.

Here is a list of genres that you can read:

  1. Novels: Thrillers, Romantic, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Humor, Non-Fiction, etc.
  2. Poetry
  3. Every topic that you are interested of: Psychology, Nature, Space, History, Math, etc.
  4. Self-Help books, such as Personal Growth books.
  5. Biography books

Solving the second problem:

We often think that we have to read for a long period of time every day. Well, this is the main reason why you are not reading consistently.

Nowadays, it’s very difficult to find a free hour or more where we can only read due to our busy schedule. Or maybe we are too tired to read after work and we prefer watching Netflix instead. ( Nothing wrong about it, it’s normal haha).


So, how can you actually find the time to read?. The key is to read for a short amount of time. You can read 5 minutes a day or 10 minutes a day.

It’s better to read everyday for 5 minutes than an hour for few days.

You must strive for consistency, not for quantity.

Find 5 minutes in your day when you are completely free and you can only read. It can be during your lunch break, before you go to sleep or any free time that you have.

Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. — Plato

Thank you for reading this article, I really appreciate that!!

If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments section.




Dreamer | Psychology lover | Music and Tv series addicted. Sharing life advice, personal growth and general tips on how to live better.