What actually is motivation?

Where can I get myself some?

Saman Fatima
2 min readOct 27, 2021

I have heard this word used a lot in everyday conversations. The more I hear people talking about it, the more I want to know; what is it and how is it affecting my life?

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

As explained by the oxford dictionary, motivation is the reason people behave in a particular way. It is the driving force that guides and helps the individual maintain goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation helps people achieve their dreams, have more control over their lives, and feel happy and content with their lives.

In psychology, there are different distinctive theories that explain the concept of motivation.

The Drive-Reduction theory.

According to this theory, every form of motivation that arises in an individual is a result of physiological or biological needs. For example, we are motivated to drink water when we feel thirsty; ‘thirst’ is a biological need.

Instinct theory.

This theory states that every living being is born with certain tendencies that are supposed to help them survive. In the theory, these ‘tendencies’ are called instincts. Instincts can be explained as the behaviors depicted by people, that are not learned through external influence. So, this theory implies that human beings are motivated to perform in a way that would aid their survival.

Now we understand that motivation is the driving force for certain behavior, but what drives motivation? Motivation is driven by the need to change, changing yourself or your environment. Oftentimes, it is the need to belong somewhere, or the need to be accepted by their loved ones, that motivates people to act a certain way.

Well, this explains a lot but this also raises a question.

Is motivation enough to make people to adopt a certain behavior?

Kindly give me a follow and look forward to the next article where I will attempt to answer the question mentioned above.



Saman Fatima

I will be using this platform Medium has provided to explain the ideas and words that confuse me daily, and I hope they help you too!