Convex Functions and Convex sets

Sehrish Iqbal
10 min readApr 14, 2023


Definition of convex function:

A convex function is a real-valued function defined on an interval of the real line, where the line segment between any two points on the graph of the function always lies above or on the graph. In other words, a function f(x) is convex if, for any x1, x2 in the interval and for any t between 0 and 1, the following inequality holds:

f(tx1 + (1-t)x2) ≤ tf(x1) + (1-t)f(x2)

Geometrically, this means that the graph of the function lies below or on the straight line segment connecting any two points on the graph. Intuitively, this means that the function is "bowed out" or "curved upward" and does not have any local maxima (peaks) or inflection points.

Convex functions are important in optimization and economics, as they have many useful properties such as being guaranteed to have a global minimum.

Examples of convex functions:

Here are some examples of convex functions:

Linear functions: A linear function of the form f(x) = ax + b is convex, where a and b are constants.

Exponential functions: An exponential function of the form f(x) = e^(ax) is convex for any value of a.

Quadratic functions: A quadratic function of the form f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c is convex if and only if a is non-negative.

Power functions: A power function of the form f(x) = x^a is convex if and only if a is greater than or equal to 1.

A logarithmic function of the form f(x) = log(x) is concave (which is the opposite of convex) on the interval (0,∞), but its negative, -log(x), is convex on that interval.

These are just a few examples of convex functions, but there are many others. It is important to note that convexity is a property of a function on a particular interval, so a function may be convex on one interval but not on another.

Properties of convex functions:

Here are some important properties of convex functions:

Non-negative second derivative: A function f(x) is convex if and only if its second derivative f''(x) is non-negative for all x in the function's domain.

Straight-line upper bounds: A convex function f(x) defined on an interval [a,b] has the property that the graph of the function lies below or on any straight line segment connecting two points on the graph. That is, for any x1, x2 in [a,b] and any t between 0 and 1, we have:

f(tx1 + (1-t)x2) ≤ tf(x1) + (1-t)f(x2)

This implies that the function is "bowed out" or "curved upward" and does not have any local maxima.

Global minimum: A convex function defined on a convex set has a unique global minimum, which is also a local minimum.

Jensen's inequality: If f(x) is a convex function and X is a random variable, then for any probability distribution of X, we have:

f(E[X]) ≤ E[f(X)]

where E[X] denotes the expected value of X.

Subdifferential: A convex function f(x) defined on an open set has a subdifferential at any point x0 in its domain, which is a set of slopes that upper-bound the function's increase in the vicinity of x0. The subdifferential is non-empty if and only if the function is proper (i.e., it takes finite values in its domain).

These properties make convex functions particularly useful in optimization problems, as they allow us to find a unique global minimum and establish convergence guarantees for optimization algorithms.

Convex functions in Machine Learning:

Convex functions play an important role in many areas of machine learning, including optimization, classification, regression, and clustering. A function is said to be convex if its graph lies above the tangent line between any two points on the function. In other words, a function is convex if it satisfies the inequality:

f(tx + (1-t)y) <= tf(x) + (1-t)f(y)

where x and y are points in the domain of f, t is a scalar between 0 and 1, and f(tx + (1-t)y) is the value of the function at the point tx + (1-t)y.

There are many reasons why convex functions are useful in machine learning. One important reason is that convex optimization problems are much easier to solve than non-convex problems. In particular, convex optimization problems have a unique global minimum, which can be found efficiently using a variety of algorithms, such as gradient descent, Newton's method, and the interior-point method.

Many common machine learning problems, such as linear regression, logistic regression, and support vector machines, can be formulated as convex optimization problems. In these cases, the objective function to be minimized is a convex function of the parameters of the model, subject to certain constraints.

Another reason why convex functions are useful in machine learning is that they have nice theoretical properties. For example, the subdifferential of a convex function is always non-empty and bounded, which allows for the use of subgradient methods in optimization. Convex functions also satisfy a strong duality property, which allows for the derivation of useful upper and lower bounds on the objective function.

Overall, convex functions are a powerful tool in machine learning, and their properties make them a natural choice for many optimization problems in this field.

Definition of convex set:

A convex set is a set of points in a Euclidean space (such as the plane or higher-dimensional spaces) that includes all the line segments connecting any two points in the set. More precisely, a set S is convex if, for any two points x and y in S, the entire line segment connecting x and y is also contained in S.

Formally, a set S is convex if for any x, y ∈ S and any t ∈ [0,1], the point z = tx + (1-t)y is also in S.

Geometrically, this means that a convex set has no "dents" or "holes," and its boundary (if it exists) is smooth and does not have any sharp corners or edges.

Examples of convex sets:

Here are some examples of convex sets:

The entire Euclidean space: The set of all points in n-dimensional Euclidean space R^n is convex.

Balls and ellipsoids: A ball or an ellipsoid is a convex set. For example, the unit ball centered at the origin in R^n, which is the set of points whose Euclidean norm is less than or equal to 1, is a convex set.

Half-spaces: A half-space is a convex set defined by an affine hyperplane. For example, the set of points in R^n that satisfy the inequality a^T x ≤ b, where a is a fixed vector and b is a scalar, is a convex set.

Polyhedra: A polyhedron is a convex set that can be defined as the intersection of a finite number of half-spaces. For example, a cube or a tetrahedron is a polyhedron, and hence a convex set.

Convex cones: A convex cone is a set that is closed under non-negative linear combinations. For example, the non-negative orthant in R^n, which is the set of points whose coordinates are all non-negative, is a convex cone.

These are just a few examples of convex sets, but there are many others. It is important to note that the intersection of convex sets is also convex, and hence many more complicated convex sets can be constructed by taking the intersection of simpler convex sets.

Properties of convex sets:

Here are some important properties of convex sets:

Closed under convex combinations:

A convex set S is closed under convex combinations, which means that for any two points x and y in S and any t between 0 and 1, the point tx + (1-t)y is also in S. This property ensures that all the points on the line segment connecting any two points in S are also in S.

No dents or holes: A convex set has no "dents" or "holes," which means that if any two points in S can be connected by a line segment, then any point on the line segment is also in S. This property ensures that the set is connected and has a smooth boundary (if it exists).

Intersection of convex sets is convex:

The intersection of any collection of convex sets is itself convex. This property ensures that more complex convex sets can be constructed by taking the intersection of simpler convex sets.

Supporting hyperplanes: For any point x on the boundary of a convex set S, there exists a hyperplane that touches the boundary at x and separates S into two disjoint convex sets. This property is useful in optimization problems, as it allows us to find the optimal solution by iteratively moving along the boundary in the direction of the supporting hyperplane.

Extreme points: An extreme point of a convex set S is a point that cannot be expressed as a convex combination of any two distinct points in S. A convex set has at least one extreme point if it is compact and non-empty. This property is useful in optimization problems, as it allows us to find the optimal solution by checking all the extreme points of the convex set.

These properties make convex sets particularly useful in optimization problems, as they allow us to establish convergence guarantees and find the optimal solution efficiently.

Importance of convex functions and convex sets in mathematics,optimization and engineering :

Convex functions and sets have a wide range of applications in mathematics, optimization, and engineering. Here are a few reasons why they are important:

Convexity simplifies optimization: One of the most important reasons for the importance of convex functions and sets is that they allow for efficient optimization. Optimization problems involving convex functions and sets can be solved efficiently using a variety of algorithms, including gradient descent, Newton's method, and the interior-point method. This is because convex functions have a unique global minimum, which can be found efficiently using these algorithms.

Convexity allows for stronger theoretical guarantees: Convex functions and sets have many nice theoretical properties that make them useful for proving theorems and deriving bounds. For example, convex functions have a subdifferential at every point, which can be used to derive subgradient methods for optimization. Convex sets have many nice properties as well, such as the fact that any point on the boundary can be expressed as a convex combination of points in the set.

Convexity is useful in engineering applications: Convex optimization is used in many engineering applications, including control systems, signal processing, and communications. For example, convex optimization is used in designing controllers for aircraft and spacecraft, in signal processing algorithms for image and speech recognition, and in designing communication networks.

Convexity is used in game theory: Convexity is also used in game theory, where it is used to model the payoff functions of players in a game. Convexity allows for the derivation of Nash equilibria, which are the optimal strategies for players in a game.

Overall, the importance of convex functions and sets lies in their ability to simplify optimization, provide theoretical guarantees, and be applied to a wide range of engineering and mathematical applications.

Difference between convex functions and sets:

Convex functions and sets are related concepts, but they are not the same thing.

A convex function is a function whose graph lies above the line segment connecting any two points on the graph. In other words, if you draw a line between any two points on the graph of a convex function, the graph of the function will lie entirely above that line. Mathematically, a function f(x) is convex if, for any x1 and x2 in its domain and any value t between 0 and 1, the inequality f(tx1 + (1-t)x2) <= tf(x1) + (1-t)f(x2) holds.

A convex set, on the other hand, is a set of points in a space such that if you draw a line between any two points in the set, the line segment connecting those points lies entirely within the set. Mathematically, a set S is convex if, for any x1 and x2 in the set and any value t between 0 and 1, the point tx1 + (1-t)x2 is also in the set.

So while convex functions and sets share the property that they lie entirely above line segments connecting pairs of points, they are defined on different objects: functions for convex functions and sets of points for convex sets. Convexity is an important property for both functions and sets because it makes optimization problems easier to solve and allows for stronger theoretical guarantees.

Conclusion of convex functions and convex sets:

Convex functions and convex sets are important concepts in mathematics, optimization, and engineering.

Convex functions are functions whose graph lies above the line segment connecting any two points on the graph. They are useful in optimization problems because they have a unique global minimum, which can be found efficiently using a variety of algorithms. Convex functions also have nice theoretical properties, such as the existence of subdifferentials at every point, which allows for the derivation of subgradient methods for optimization.

Convex sets are sets of points in a space such that the line segment connecting any two points in the set lies entirely within the set. They are also useful in optimization problems because they have a unique global minimum and can be used to derive constraints on optimization problems. Convex sets also have nice theoretical properties, such as the fact that any point on the boundary can be expressed as a convex combination of points in the set.

Overall, the importance of convex functions and sets lies in their ability to simplify optimization, provide theoretical guarantees, and be applied to a wide range of engineering and mathematical applications. They are powerful tools for solving complex problems in many fields, including machine learning, signal processing, control systems, and game theory.

