Cultivating Happiness: The Skill of a Lifetime

3 min readJun 15, 2024

The Art of Building Coping Skills

Hi readers,

I’m back to writing more articles this time. I’ve been busy venturing in Japan, and now I’m in Bangkok for a month. This month, June, is my birthday and Pride Month, and I think it’s a great time for me to write something about happiness.

Personal Picture: First Night in Bangkok, Khaosan Road

The thing about happiness is this: we often learn what happiness is, but not necessarily how to achieve it.

Happiness is a concept we’re all familiar with. From a young age, many of us are taught what happiness is — a state of joy, contentment, and satisfaction. However, what often goes unmentioned is how to achieve this elusive state. The truth is, happiness is a skill, much like riding a bike, painting a masterpiece, or mastering the art of cooking. It requires time, effort, and support to develop.

Just as with any skill, the key to happiness lies not in our circumstances but in our approach to them. It’s about how we react and handle the situations life throws at us. By reframing our mindset, we can see that happiness is not solely determined by external factors but by our internal responses.

Recognizing that the power to be happy lies within us is crucial. It’s a skill we can train and refine over time. Some people may have a natural aptitude for it…




Passionate traveler & fearless solopreneur, on a constant quest for new experiences & challenges. Never settling, always exploring.