How to Get Stuff Done in 60 Seconds or Less: The Ultimate Time Management Guide

ISF Crew
4 min readDec 4, 2022


Do you struggle to find enough time to get things done? Have you ever wished you could magically fast-forward through tedious tasks like paperwork and report writing? Well, it may sound too good to be true, but we’ve got your back. Introducing the ultimate time management guide, designed to help you get stuff done in 60 seconds or less!

Nowadays, time management is essential for success. Whether you’re a busy parent, student, or professional, managing your time efficiently will help reduce stress and increase productivity. The good news is that there are plenty of strategies out there to help you get on top of your to-do list. Here are our top tips for how to get stuff done in 60 seconds or less.

1. Use the Five Second Rule

When faced with a task, use the five second rule. Take five seconds to decide what to do and commit to doing it. This simple mental trick works wonders for productivity and can help you avoid procrastination. Think of it this way — if you can do a task in five seconds, why not just do it now and be one step closer to completing it?

2. Set Timers

Don’t underestimate the power of a good timer. Set a timer for a specific duration — say, 15 minutes — and focus on a single task for the duration of the timer. Once the time is up, take a few seconds to rest and review how much you’ve achieved. Then set the timer again and carry on.

3. Break It Down

Large tasks can be daunting. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, break it down into smaller tasks. Creating mini-goals will help you stay focused and motivated while chipping away at that bigger goal. Moreover, you’ll also get a sense of satisfaction every time you tick off one of those mini goals.

4. Batch Tasks

Group similar tasks together so that you can get them done more quickly. For instance, if you need to write a blog post and write a few emails, group the writing tasks together and concentrate on completing them in one go. That way, you won’t have to switch between tasks and lose valuable time.

5. Create a Routine

A good routine will help you plan your day effectively and get stuff done. Every morning, plan out the day’s tasks and prioritize them. Try to also block out quieter periods through the day when you can concentrate on more detailed tasks. Remember, it’s important to give yourself time to rest too!

6. Eliminate Distractions

Distractions such as emails, phone calls, and notifications can disrupt your workflow and take up valuable time. Turn off your notifications or mute your phone to stay focused on the task at hand. You can also get out of the habit of checking your emails every 5 minutes. Instead, allocate specific times of the day to reply to emails.

7. Say No

It might feel hard at first, but saying no is essential if you want to stick to your productivity plan. Learn to prioritize tasks and only focus on the most important ones. Don’t be afraid to say no if it means that you can stick to your plan and get stuff done more quickly.

8. Timer Apps

There are plenty of timer apps out there which can help you stay on track. Use a timer app to track how long you spend on a task. This will help you understand which tasks take up the most time and make the changes you’ll need to become more productive.

9. Learn to Delegate

We all have different strengths, so it’s important to recognize where you’re not so good and outsource those tasks where possible. Trust someone else to do a task which takes you a long time and would be better done by someone else. Think of it as investing your precious time wisely.

10. Take a Break

Taking regular breaks is essential if you want to be productive. Regular breaks can help you stay alert and stay focused when tackling tasks. Get up, move around, and take deep breaths — it only takes a few minutes and can have a huge impact on your productivity.

So there you have it — our top 10 time management tips for getting stuff done in 60 seconds or less. With some practice and dedication, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals and maximizing your time. Good luck!



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