The Swiggy Story: How it Became India’s Largest Food Delivery Platform?

ishaan bhardwaj
10 min readSep 18, 2021


Established in 2014, Swiggy is India’s driving on-request food conveyance stage with a dream to raise the personal satisfaction of the metropolitan shopper by offering accommodation.

And the food conveying stage has become more than 5,000,000 application establishments and is a typical family for any individual who needs to arrange food on the web.

For this situation study, we expect to talk about the accounts of one of the biggest and quickest food requesting and conveying stages in India, Swiggy, and how it has had the option to set up and become what it is today!

Begun by the graduated class of India’s top designing schools, to be specific IIT Kharagpur and BITS Pilani, the authors of the Bangalore-based beginning up are Nandan Reddy, Sriharsha Majety and Rahul Jaimini.

Before the dispatch of Swiggy, Sriharsha Majety (Co-author and CEO, Swiggy) and Nathan Reddy (Founder and CEO, Swiggy), saw a chance in the chaotic coordination and delivery area.

The beginning up’s strength was giving private ventures the opportunity to associate with dispatch administrations utilizing an internet business stage.

However, with the absence of innovation centered group and key part chose to dispatch items all alone, things didn’t go as arranged. The endeavour shut down at the time of its initiation.

Ascent of Swiggy, after the Fall of Bundl

Gained from past encounters, they began to search for something that can be accomplished with a tick of a catch. With the accomplishment of Ola and Uber, the three accomplices were entranced and saw a monstrous potential in the hyperlocal market. They arranged and started its food conveyance tasks in 2014 with 6 conveyance young men giving food from 25 eateries.

Today, Swiggy by associating customers to more than 1,00,000 café accomplices gives a solitary window to requesting from a wide scope of eateries and conveying the scrumptious food to your entryway venture across 200 urban communities in India. With the utilization of imaginative innovation, Swiggy chose to give an issue free, quick and solid conveyance experience.

A Challenge to Expand

As the current players Zomato and Food panda had restricted achievement, specialists anticipated that Swiggy is entering the all around stuffed market. To give an intense rivalry to the current players, Swiggy as a late participant expected to create competitive brand correspondence strategies that drove them to the way of progress.

The most importantly challenge for Swiggy was to persuade the cafés to join the stages against the contenders. At first, the café accomplices didn’t show any interest on account of the trust, however at that point Swiggy buckled down towards making their coordinations network quicker, simpler and smoothed out with an inescapable and solid organization of nearby conveyance young men to make it stand separated in the online food conveyance situation.

Swiggy worked behind getting sorted out the disorderly food conveyance industry. They noticed and comprehended the sufferings of the client as the eateries set aside stretched out effort to convey the food. In those days, the food conveying alternatives were not arranged tasks set up, so Swiggy’s passageway in the market functioned as an1 good to beat all.

Street Ahead Towards the Success

Swiggy began acquiring footing with enormous financial backers on account of their moment development in income. By 2015, Swiggy brought $80 million up in subsidizing. Financial backers began to put resources into the beginning up after which the stage began to observe incredible statures. Before the finish of 2015, the food stage banded together with 100+ eateries, conveying more than 70,000 orders each month.

In March 2016, Swiggy confronted misfortunes multiple times. So, in April 2016, Swiggy chose to chip away at reducing expenses and fortifying the coordinations organization. Swiggy put resources into center designing, computerization, information sciences, AI, and personalization to comprehend the client’s necessities and to additional upgrade its tasks in 2017. Before the finish of December 2017, Swiggy arrived at 10+ urban areas, restricted with more than 20,000 cafés and their asset report represented an astounding 4+ million exchanges each month.

In 2018, Swiggy gained Scootsy to differentiate its activities in business classes, like food, design things, writing material and other fundamental products. By 2019, Swiggy timed around 1.4 million orders each day, broadened their conveyance group with 45000 specialists, cooperated with 1,30,000+ eateries and presently has a presence in 325+ urban areas across India.

Swiggy’s Business Model

With a mean to convey the food inside 30 minutes on-request, Swiggy’s plan of action is absolutely founded on hyperlocal on-request food conveyance business activity. Swiggy utilized imaginative innovation and ideas to overcome any barrier among eateries and food darlings.

Presently, how about we perceive how swiggy functions:

Customer Segment:

Swiggy has acquired a great deal of fan following as the food stage can be worked by anybody through its versatile application or site. So, the application is utilized by metropolitan foodies to arrange food online from their close by cafés. Swiggy likewise shows bug menus of cafés on its applications so foodies can browse a wide assortment. The stage seen an ascent in quantity of clients as there has been an expansion in the client type.

Value Propositions:

As Swiggy expects to convey the food or fundamental things inside 30–40 minutes. And the food conveyance application has the strength of conveying food with no base request strategy. And effective online installment frameworks set up that incorporates Paytm, PhonePe, Freecharge, Mobikwik, Credit and Debit Cards, Sodexo Meal, Ticket Restaurants Meal and Zeta Food Card, LazyPay and Cash-On-Delivery. Determined to win client’s trust and certainty, Swiggy planned their versatile application with a simple to explore client experience.

Customer Relationships:

As Swiggy works through its online stages, it is known to advance 24*7 client assistance. So it has flourished to keep a decent connection with its client issues and administrations. We as a whole have seen individuals getting discounts if the client isn’t happy with the food or service.

Key Resources:

The stage’s fundamental assets are:

  1. Neighborhood Food Delivery Boys.
  2. Association with Restaurants and Stores.
  3. An Easy-to-Use Mobile Application.
  4. Enormous Database of Customers and Restaurants.

Key Activities:

The stage’s principle tasks are:

  1. Establishing and overseeing organizations with cafés, diners and retail shops.
  2. Managing conveyance partners.
  3. Management of Online stages, requests and specialized operations.
  4. Advertising and obtaining clients.
  5. Management of installment cycles and taking care of client concerns.

Key Partners:

The food stage’s key accomplices are:

  1. Restaurants and retail shops: The prime key accomplices of Swiggy are the eateries and shops which are recorded on the application, and these are the stores which wish to convey their food at the doorstep of individuals are the critical accomplices of Swiggy like McDonalds, Burger King and numerous more.
  2. Delivery Providers: Delivery providers are individuals who convey food. So, they can be full-time, low maintenance or consultants who work to acquire some extra money.

Cost Structures:

The costs of food stages are:

  1. Payroll expenses.
  2. Costs to keep up with application and site development.
  3. Maintenance charges and Administrative charges.
  4. Advertising and Marketing Expenses.
  5. Dispute-related returns, discounts and different costs.
  6. Kitchen base-like office arrangement Revenue Model.

Income Model of Swiggy

With regards to the income model, Swiggy tends to acquire through a great deal of channels. In 2018, the food conveyance stage saw the ascent in costs. Because of expanded endeavors to broaden its armada comprising of in excess of 90,000 conveyance leaders. The all out costs were beyond twofold to Rs 865 crore when contrasted with Rs 350 crore. So, here are the 6 Revenue streams through which Swiggy produces income:

1.Delivery charges:

Swiggy charges an ostensible measure of Rs. 20 to Rs. 40 to the clients for conveying the request. The charges likewise rely on the high request requests or surprising climate conditions.


There are two sorts of commercials that Swiggy adopts:

  1. It permits the brand to show their standard advertisements on the site and application for their promotions.
  2. In versatile application, Swiggy permits cafés to show the posting of eateries at ‘top spots’ as a trade-off for some speculation from their side.


Swiggy takes a commission from every one of the cafés from which orders are set. So it gathers 15% — 25% of commission from each order.

4.Swiggy Access:

Swiggy has concocted a cloud kitchen idea as indicated by which it gives kitchen spaces to cafés in a specific region where their chain doesn’t work. As indicated by a source, Swiggy is intending to grow its cloud kitchen model to incorporate 30 cafés locally available with 36 kitchens to four new urban communities which will produce around 25% of incomes in 2 years.

5.Swiggy Super:

Swiggy Super is a participation program presented by Swiggy to its clients that gives clients admittance to limitless free conveyances. On the off chance that clients buy in to this program, they don’t need to pay flood estimating during inordinate demands.


The organization has set up associations with probably the greatest monetary associations like Citibank, HSBC, and ICICI Bank. It brings in cash by selling their Visas.

Because of its novel components and incredible client assistance, it may before long get an upper hand over other such models and increment its generally expanding client base. Discussing the client base, the brand has a grounded picture on the online stages. The food conveyance application has utilized the force of advertising in different imaginative manners.

Advanced Marketing Model of Swiggy

As a piece of their advanced promoting methodology, they needed to focus on the crowd of 18–35 segment which had simple admittance to a cell phone. This included understudies who can’t cook all alone and working experts who face cravings for food during available time or late around evening time, and to accomplish that Swiggy put resources into arranging, planning and curating digital promoting strategies that have acquired Swiggy the consideration it focused on. So here are a few instances of something similar:

1. Website streamlining:

It further develops your site rankings on the web index results pages (Serp’s). For a brand to rank naturally high, have a decent SEO procedure. Swiggy saw the incredible potential in SEO and hence truly buckled down on its Search Engine Optimization. So they utilized the best SEO services with a blend of applicable substance marketing.

2. Social Media Marketing:

Swiggy has acquired a monstrous after over the course of the years via online media stages. So, what separates Swiggy from its rivals is their astounding online media crusade. Before, it has thought of splendid missions passing on the ideas of smart dieting in a clever manner by utilizing plays on words and clever jokes.

They expect to need clients by posting tempting pictures of good food on Instagram. They leveraged social media streamlining services which designated the youthful age and accumulated a huge market. So, consulting an online media the board office is recommendable assuming you need to grandstand your item or administration via web-based media agencies.

3. Email Marketing:

Swiggy has utilized innovatively the force of email advertising, utilizing alluring titles and so forth. So swiggy sends email with a purpose, and furthermore has a subject like as of late it has ensured that its clients know about the practices they are following to guarantee security. And in addition they send clients a ton of coupon codes that give limits.

The visuals in the messages are additionally exceptionally alluring. They likewise utilize current undertakings and occasions to send silly emails.Consult the best marking office for best email advertising services. As Swiggy glances towards extending in more up to date showcases, it should continue to discover inventive approaches to arrive at clients in these urban areas. So, presently let us view Swiggy’s missions.

Missions by Swiggy

Web-based media showcasing is an extremely viable and dependable hotspot for any brand, item which will be dispatched. Assuming online media promoting is utilized with an appropriate arrangement and system, we can see a tremendous distinction in rush hour gridlock and terms of income. So, to interface with the clients, draw in commitment and assemble the presence of the brand on the web, Swiggy created different web-based media crusades. We should view them.


Swiggy dispatched a video crusade which focused on client care chiefs, and the oppressive language they face while managing displeased clients.

So, the mission targets sharpening clients against utilization of harmful language. And, while associating with client care chiefs through talks, calls and social media.

#WhatsInAName-Ad crusade

Swiggy dispatched this promotion crusade with an aim to sharpen its client base to understand Swiggy conveyance accomplices and feature the respect of work and how they convey satisfaction to our homes.

Key Takeaways from Swiggy’s Business technique

From the hyper-subsidizing wave of 2014–15, Swiggy is the lone brand that proceeds to flourish and develop. Because of the savage rivalry from Zomato and Food panda, Swiggy effectively advanced toward the food conveyance space and turned into a unicorn fire up. How about we view Swiggy’s Business Strategy:

The Sharp spotlight on Logistics

The achievement and acclaim Swiggy got is on the grounds that they profoundly thought often about their coordinations tasks and planned to make it available through a tick. So they put the coordinations at the focal point of their tasks. Zeroing in on coordinations prompted an effective future for swiggy with minimal expense and glad and solid organization.

Catch the chance at the earliest opportunity

When you know what you will do, your best course of action is to recognize the most recent pattern. And organizers of Swiggy were very much aware of the coordinations business. So, they realized that the food business needs innovation and speed to interface clients with brands in a single tick. And, they exploited the pattern and Swiggy was conceived.

Fabricate a group with development mentality

Swiggy is a consequence of a developing group that contributed towards steady endeavors without disappointment.

The originators had acknowledged loss after closure of Bundl So, they could never have contacted the statures on which Swiggy is presently. So, it is the mix of strength and development mentality that kept the ball rolling.


In conclusion, swiggy is an ideal illustration of a strong beginning up and the brand began with conveying food in one city and presently spreading across India. The food-conveyance goliath is likewise broadening its coordinations business with crisis things like food and writing supplies. So, It has remarkable mix of business methodologies and online media techniques.

And which has changed the business in only 5 years of its origin. So there are openings for Swiggy to turn into the №1 food delivery stage as the organization is as of now giving an intense contest to different contenders.

Content Editor: Shahwar Jahan

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Originally published at on September 18, 2021.

