React Native-Is it the Future of Mobile App Development?

Ishan Gupta
6 min readSep 19, 2022


Digital solutions have changed from being requirements to necessities in the new era. Since the world has shifted to mobile app usage for their day-to-day tasks, more businesses have adopted the new norm of launching an application for channelizing their service easily for every user.

Developing and launching mobile apps are also becoming a new normal. Business owners and app developers are looking to advance the app development process. Advancement of the app development process comes with speeding the process, minimizing the timeline, eliminating the bugs, optimization of app performance, and advanced features & functionalities with the latest and fast-pacing tech stack.

With the advancement of leveraging the power of a single codebase for multiple platforms, mobile app developers and app owners have targeted cross-platform app development frameworks I.e., React Native, Flutter, etc. Such cross-platform app development frameworks are penetrating the market with huge demand and benefits.

Businesses and app developers are striding ahead towards using react native as their cross-platform app development solution as it amplifies the user experience across multiple platforms.

If we talk about the primary advantage of using react native as your next app development framework, then, the benefit of using react native is to enable the end-user to leverage the almost properties and advancement of native app development. React native has gained much popularity among developers and business owners.

Talked about the importance of React native for business app development, let’s talk deep about react native and its benefits:

React Native App Development: Significance of the Framework

Backed by Facebook, React Native is the native version of the JavaScript library. React Native development combines the best parts of native development with React, a robust JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

React Native is an open-source JavaScript & the framework can be utilized for developing applications that can run on various platforms such as android and iOS. The users can enjoy the native experience just like a native iOS and Android app. By using React Native a seamless cross-platform experience develops.

Talking about its statical worth:

“Also, according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, RN takes the 6th spot in the ranking with 14.51% of all respondents’ votes. Talking about only professional ones, here React Native places 5th with 16.48%.”

React Native is the future of mobile app development: How?

There are three major reasons why React Native is the future of mobile app development. The first reason is that it is built on JavaScript, a language that many developers already know and can use. The second reason is that it allows developers to build cross-platform apps.

Lastly, the third reason is that its code can be reused across multiple platforms with more ease than native code can.

The biggest advantage of React Native over other technologies like PhoneGap and Ionic Framework, which are also used for cross-platform app development, is its scalability.

let’s dive down deep for understanding the charisma of React Native:

React Native Offers Cross-Platform Compatibility

React native offers a native-like experience on various mobile devices and operating systems like iOS and Android. It offers cross-platform compatibility and is an excellent way to get up and running in no time.

React Native is a framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript, which means that it can be used to create a cross-platform application for both iOS and Android by using the same code.

React native’s use of responsive design means that the developer does not have to write separate code for mobile devices, rather they can just use self-contained components that respond to device differences dynamically in code.

It offers Native Functionality

React Native is a JavaScript library that is used to develop apps for both iOS and Android.

React native app development is much like native app development as it delivers the same performance, operability, and user experience of apps built with Objective-C or Java.

React Native has a developer community which makes it easier for developers to find help when they get stuck with any problem and also give feedback on the tools they use. Thus, React Native offers all the benefits of being a cross-platform app without any of the drawbacks that are seen in other cross-platform mobile development frameworks.

Instant Live Updates with React Native

This JavaScript library is for creating real-world mobile apps. It also provides instant live updates for app developers. React native is one of the most popular libraries for creating cross-platform mobile applications in the market today.

This library offers a wide range of tools that are used to create high-quality, robust, and feature-rich applications. The power of React Native is its ability to use tools with existing skills in JavaScript and let you focus on what makes your app unique and differentiates it from other apps in the industry.

It has been gaining popularity among mobile application developers over time due to its ease of use and ability to allow developers to build an app without having any previous experience with React or React Native programming languages.

It is easy to learn

The React Native framework has been gaining popularity in the app development community because it is entirely based on JavaScript and not Java. React Native provides a way to build native mobile apps using only JavaScript. Facebook, Yahoo, Airbnb, and Bloomberg are a few of the companies that have developed apps with React Native.

React is a JavaScript library that is used to build user interfaces or other components of an application. React Native uses an approach called “learn once, write anywhere” which means that developers can write in one language for both mobile and web apps. This is one of the simplest frameworks that needs less time to learn.

Positive Developer Experience

A lot of React Native success stories are coming out. One of them is the European Central Bank. They’ve been using React Native for a few years now and with great success. The main reason for their choice was that it allowed them to quickly iterate with new designs and features which is not possible with just plain Android apps or regular iOS apps which need to go through a lot of Apple review processes.

React native offers multiple benefits to mobile app developers thus it became the popular choice of mobile app developers.

1. Mobile app developers can work closely together with the product managers and design team,

2. The app development team can quickly release new features without any friction,

3. There is less need for translation,

4. It’s easier to develop updates on the fly without waiting for QA cycles,

React Native is Growing Technology

React Native is an open-source framework developed at Facebook that enables developers to build mobile apps using JavaScript. React Native was developed by Facebook to solve some of the major problems with building cross-platform mobile apps.

One of the main benefits of React Native is that it uses the same API as React, which allows developers to use a JavaScript-based language for building mobile applications and reduces the amount of code needed when compared to other cross-platform technologies because it shares a lot of common features.

The future with React native has never been brighter and its widespread use has been predicted. It’s time for you to start learning how this technology will help your business thrive.


React Native is gaining much popularity among business owners and the app developers community. It offers a vibrant ecosystem for the mobile app development domain and helps developers build innovative and competitive mobile apps.

To get the best knowledge of how to develop an app using react native and how much it costs to develop an app using react native requires a top react native app development company. Consult with an agency who is holding vast experience and expertise in using react and developing robust apps can help you to gain the benefits of react-native for your business app development and help your business is thriving more.



Ishan Gupta

Ishan Gupta is the CEO and Co-founder of RipenApps, a leading web and mobile app development company specializing in android and iOS app development.