Ishan Niluksha
5 min readNov 15, 2021


The history of the tourism and hospitality industry People have travelled for several purposes throughout history. For finding new places to live, hunting, wars and battles, businesses, education purposes, pilgrimages or as a punishment (expel). When we talk about how the tourism industry starts, In the 20th century, tourism started to develop as an industry. In earlier ages, travelling was limited to the rich people who had huge amounts of money and leisure time. Particularly rich Romans used to travel to beach resorts in Greece and Egypt. On these trips, they have visited historical sites such as pyramids. Young English elites of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries often spent two to four years traveling around Europe in an effort to broaden their horizons and learn about language, architecture, geography, and culture. This experience was called “The Grand Tour.” It is an important event in the history of tourism. The Grand Tour began in the sixteenth century and gained popularity during the seventeenth century.

The Origin of the Grand Tour


The term “Grand Tour” was introduced by Richard Lassels in his 1670 book, Voyage to Italy, but he is not the father of tourism. Additional guidebooks, tour guides, and the tourist industry were developed and grew to meet the needs of male and female travelers and their tutors across the European continent. The young tourists were wealthy and could afford multiple years abroad. The most common crossing of the English Channel (La Manche) was made from Dover to Calais, France (the route of the Channel Tunnel today).A trip from Dover across the Channel to Calais and onto Paris customarily takes three days. There were risks of seasickness, illness, and even shipwreck. Paris, Rome, and Venice were the cities that were considered the major centers of culture at the time, and grand tourists were primarily interested in visiting those. Florence and Naples were also popular destinations. Paris was the most popular city, as French was the most common second language of the British elite. To the English, Paris was the most impressive city.The locations included as part of some grand tours include Spain and Portugal, Germany, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Baltic. When we talk about the main activities, While the goal of the Grand Tour was educational, a great deal of time was spent on pursuits such as extensive drinking, gambling, and intimate encounters. The journals and sketches that were supposed to be completed during the tour were often left quite blank. The Tour has been given credit for a dramatic improvement in British architecture and culture. The French Revolution in 1789 marked the end of the Grand Tour for the early nineteenth century.In the 18th century, health reasons became the most famous reason for travel, and this was the most immediate reason for which tourism was invented. Wealthy and stylish Europeans who believe in the healing power of nature travelled to experience natural spas in destinations such as Livinton, England and Baden Baden, Germany.

In the last part of the 18th century, it was believed that sea bathing was good for your health. Due to this belief, beaches around small fishing villages in Europe gradually transformed into beach tourist destinations. As an example, we can show Margate and Bognor Regis. It was fashionable for royal families to spend their leisure time in beach resorts back then.Only a minority of people could afford those facilities and have free time. David Law started the first modern hotel at Lord Arches House in Kent Garden.

After the industrial revolution in the 20th century, travel opportunities were opened to the general public as well. Working people in England get the chance to travel for pleasure. To increase the number of leaves available to working people, new rules and regulations were introduced to increase the number of leaves. For the first time, working people received paid leaves. During these days, with the development of science and technology, the transportation sector started to show some development and low-budget modes of transportation came into play.

Domestic rail services and international steamship services were started in the 19th century. The tourism industry started booming with the development of domestic and international businesses. Transportation, which is one of the most powerful elements of tourism, developed after introducing the steam train in 1825. In 1830, the first passenger train started to travel from Manchester to Liverpool. By 1837, train companies started to build large-scale hotels around railway stations. The first steamship for leisure tours was introduced in 1840 by the Kanard Company.

Thomas Cook Travel Company


Thomas Cook began his international travel company in 1841, and he is considered the father of tourism with the successful one-day rail excursion at a shilling a head from Leicester to Loughborough on July 5. Within these limits, many thousands of people experienced rail travel for the first time, and Thomas was able to lay the foundations of his future business. Thomas also investigated the route and published a handbook of the journey. This 60-page booklet was a forerunner of the modern holiday brochure. Considering the number of European tourists visiting England, hotels like Savoy, Clarigues, and Cariton were opened. Great Britain did a huge task in developing the tourism industry in the 20th century. In 1901, The Trust House Company, which was the first company to start chain hotels, started tourist hotels around Britain. Also, the first hotel school to train people in the F & B sector was started in 1914 in Westland, London. The holiday resort, started in 1937 by Billy Bartlin, was a turning point in British tourism. By 1939, the number of holiday resorts and camps had increased to 200.

However, around 1950, cost-effective air travel facilities for the mass tourism industry were established, which aided in the development of the tourism industry.The tourism industry grew significantly after the first and second world wars.Around 1970 in the 20th century, mass tourism reached its golden era. At the beginning of 1970, tour packages were sold by prominent tour operators.



Ishan Niluksha

Graduated (Tourism & Hospitality Management ) Sri-Lankan 🇱🇰