Fear — To Have or Not?

What role does fear plays in our life?

Ishaque Mev
2 min readOct 5, 2022
Photo by Vadim Bogulov on Unsplash

Fear is wisdom in the face of danger, it is nothing to be ashamed of — Sherlock Holmes

Fear. A word that can make a person do what he likes to, and stops what he doesn’t. And the opposite is also very true. Till there’s life there’ll be fear in the heart, fear of losing, of leaving, and the most dangerous and unspoken one, the fear of the unknown.

How much ready are we to face our fear? I believe hardly anyone is if we don’t know what we are facing. Some things are straight to our eyes. There’s the fear of losing the job, the fear of losing our loved ones, and in these cases, we can do something that’s in our hands, but it might not be the case every time.

If we fear a job loss, we ready ourselves for a new one, we brace ourselves for the challenge. For our loved ones, we try to be there for them, we do everything possible to keep them safe.

Fear is not some kind of a disease, it’s just there fitted in the soul. It runs with the blood. It rules different parts of our body. Sometimes it’s so much that we shiver, and sometimes it’s not even felt.

The fear of the unknown is what makes us strong and ready. It is something that is not learned but gathered from experiences of ours as well as others. It makes us decision-makers.

I was very surprised when I first heard that quote from Sherlock. How true it is in the context of human nature? While we talk about why to fear, and what’s there to fear, in reality, fear just comes naturally even if we are ready for it.

If you see a danger you ought to fear it, and that’s when the mind will work with focus because you know the consequences. But fear doesn’t always mean getting frightened or afraid, it is also about daring, to do the thing which is difficult to do but is needed to be done, for the best of all.

Overcoming fear is like accomplishing a mission. It makes you strong. Some fears leave a lasting impression on you while some could leave you with scars you might carry throughout your life.

I read somewhere having fear is necessary, for it is the sign of a living human soul. The dead don’t have it. And humans are known for their stubbornness, we won’t just succumb to it.

