World Oceans Day

Celebrated on the 8th of June every year to raise awareness about sustaining the oceans from human evils

Ishaque Mev
2 min readJun 8, 2022
Photo by Wexor Tmg on Unsplash

An excerpt from a newsletter from National Geographic…

Global warming is causing alterations in ocean chemistry and many oceanic processes, and it is threatening many species of marine animals that cannot cope with higher temperatures. Overfishing is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Conservationists advocate creating expansive marine reserves to protect the biodiversity of the oceans.

I think nothing could be written about oceans and water which haven’t been written before. We all know their’s current state and what is causing them. To be honest I am writing this just by chance because today, 8th June, is World Oceans Day, dedicated to the oceans and the benefits they provide us in our lives, and the return gift they get from us.

There are many factors to contribute to the current state of the oceans and we need to take collective measures to stop it before things get out of hand. There are many social groups who are doing it and we need to support them as much as we can, be it by getting involved with them physically or financially, or even by spreading awareness about it through any medium.

We are all, in some way or another involved in the current state of it. Be it wasting too much water, be it polluting it by throwing our waste into it. There are many parts of my country that don’t have enough water in their village to even drink, especially in summer when the temperature normally ranges about 45C. The wells have dried up and fetching land water is not financially stable for people in those villages.

We got to ask the value of water to those people. Just like they say a person doesn’t value the things he gets from inheritance because he hasn’t earned it or he hasn’t seen the struggle of earning it. The same is with a water crisis situation in various places where people are struggling due to lack of water availability.

We only need to play a small part in improving the situation. We need to be just careful to not waste too much water and not throw waste in it, as well as spread awareness about it. Hopefully, we get to see a time when we no longer need to write or explain it to the world anymore.

