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About me, spread across my thoughts and experiences

Shashank Sharma
2 min readMar 16, 2024
Photo of the author

In the last 30 years, life has knocked me down many times, but not once have I broken down.

In the hope of something better, I have always pulled myself up & fought back better.

This blog is about those experiences, & learnings — raw and unfiltered.

To be specific, I would write articles mostly revolve around — career, personal growth, self — improvement, productivity, marketing, science & spirituality, travel, life lessons, and books.

I will only share what I have lived & believed — nothing that I haven’t.

When I’m not writing, you’ll find me working for an NGO, gulping evolving AI tech, dissecting important news, playing table tennis or chess, travelling or speaking to NG.

I do not want to write in solitude — or I would have written a diary like Anne Frank, isn’t it?

To motivate me to write publicly, I invite your thoughts, feedback, critique or appreciation. Whatever — just something so I don’t feel like screaming in abyss.

Apart from Medium, you can connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on my Instagram.

Before I go, a quote that I swear by :

The next time you experience a blackout, take some solace by looking at the sky. You will not recognize it. Success is about honour, feeling morally calibrated, absence of shame, not what some newspaper defines from an external metric.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb



Shashank Sharma

Anti-Fragile Human | Physicist | Marketer