We are programmed to be poor, till we break the vicious cycle !!
When it comes to resources and wealth,I think all of us have an innate mechanism to make us poor and keep us in the poverty zone, supplemented by some external forces, till we learn to walk against the tide.Let’s see whether I make any sense and what all can be done to attain glory:
1.) The concept of gratification-Instant vs Delayed:
A Chicken in the hand s worth two in the bush, is it?
Not if you own the broiler.But to go that far, you may have to rear that chicken and produce eggs, and perhaps build a poultry farm.In other words,
there will be times when you will face crossroads, whether to fulfill your instant pleasures like buying cars,clothes and other ‘Status Symbol’ items versus warding off your initial pleasures with an aim to attain financial freedom later in life .Using the some money to invest productively can ultimately put you in a position where you can attain worldly pleasures with your side income.
The purpose of wealth is freedom; so you don’t have to wear a tie like a collar around your neck; so you don’t have to wake up at 7:00 a.m. to rush to work and sit in commute traffic; so you don’t have to waste your life grinding productive hours away into a soulless job that doesn’t fulfill you. It’s not to buy fur coats, or to drive Ferraris, or to sail yachts, or to jet around the world in a Gulf Stream. That stuff gets really boring and stupid, really fast. It’s about being your own sovereign individual.
2.) Recognizing the invisible enemies:
In all the moral lectures in school, we were taught to stay away from evils like jealousy, anger etc.But our teachers never to mentioned the enemies wrapped under the hoods of kindness and genuinity.Here are the ones who top the list:
Government- The government wants to make ends meet, only because they want to be re-elected.They pump money into the economy, so that you spend a majority of your earnings.The taxes you pay are used to fund the capitalists, who use the loopholes in the tax system and evade a major chunk altogether.Even the best of governments are merely concerned with the topmost runners of economy, because these are people who drive the country (and fund their elections).
Shopping Sites-One of my biggest struggles was to overcome the habit of buying things which i can do without, be it gadgets, pens,clothes,shoes etc.But Gosh, the companies are still hellbent on trying to throw me back to my old methods.I regularly get numerous credit and pay-later offers,and i fear i might fall into the trap of ‘i want that’ again.
Be Wary ; Despise the free lunch
Social Media-The whole world on social media is a rich happy place where you are the poorest, but don’t elude yourself in a trap.The Real Wealth is usually invisible
You want to be rich and anonymous, not poor and famous.
Banks-They provide you loans and free credit cards you don’t need, so that they can earn off the interest.Here again, you need to wary of the free goodies
3-Different savings, different investments-Stop adopting the One goal fits all strategy-Imagine 2 guys,one earns 1000$ a month and the other rakes in about 50,000.Sadly enough, they know only one method of investing viz- a-viz real estate.But since the former cannot picture himself buying anything in real estate with his paltry savings, he spends everything mindlessly without thinking about the consequences.This is a common case scenario with most middle class individuals.The Unconscious demoralization pushes them to believe that Wealth is only for a few lucky ones.The investment goals need to be customized according to your income
There is a viable saving method for everyone, what matters most is that you spend some time and energy to learn about what works best for you
4-Equating success with bringing others down-walk at your own pace,and do what you can do best- tricky- some things can help you recognize this-either be obsessed and learn skills,or follow what you’re already good at and become irreplaceable in that field
-Naval Ravikant
5-Take Charge and Assume Responsibility-
How bad the situation or our performance may be, we all have someone to blame
God,Luck and Circumstances are among the favorites.
A lot of people hesitate to take responsibility for their problems because they believe that to be responsible for your problems is to also be at fault for your problems.Responsibility and fault often appear together in our culture. But they are not the same thing.-Mark Manson
6-Stop undervaluing yourself and your time-Naval Ravikant , the famous entrepreneur suggests that people must set a really high hourly price rate and if anything they need but don’t know can be done for a lesser price, they must outsource it.This might come across to you as some bookish crap, but he practised this before he became rich.Today, we live in a world where everybody is replaceable.Learning unique skills will always give you a competitive advantage, which will help you value yourself.Also, spending unnecessary energy on petty stuff like haggling is an insult to yourself.
What is offered for free is dangerous-it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for. By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit. It is also often wise to pay the full price — there is no cutting corners with excellence. Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, for generosity is a sign and a magnet for power.”
― Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of PowerThey are born, put in a box; they go home to live in a box; they study by ticking boxes; they go to what is called “work” in a box, where they sit in their cubicle box; they drive to the grocery store in a box to buy food in a box; they talk about thinking “outside the box”; and when they die they are put in a box.” ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb