Prooving the parallel Universe with some statistics and probability.

Ash of the big bang.
4 min readAug 21, 2018

Before going further let me introduce some laws of probabilty and statistics.

Law of large numbers- It states that in repeated independent tests with the same actual probabilty p of a particular outcome in each test,the chances that the fraction of times that outcome occurs differes from p converges to zero as the number of trials goes to infinity.

The gambler’s fallacy-The gambler’s fallacy, also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy or the fallacy of the maturity of chances, is the mistaken belief that, if something happens more frequently than normal during a given period, it will happen less frequently in the future.

Monte Carlo Simulation- It is method of estimating the value of unknown quantity principles of inferential i.e. using random sample of data taken from population to describe and make inferences about the population.

The empirical rule states that for a normal distribution, nearly all of the data will fall within three standard deviations of the mean.

What is standard deviation?

-a quantity expressing by how much the members of a group differ from the mean value for the group.

Normal distribution Often called bell curve so, The bell curve is symmetrical half of the data will fall to the left of the mean; half will fall to the right

So I have done so much of gambling sorry I mean probability.

But how this all related to parallel universe and its events?

Well lets eloborate so the first law i.e. law of large numbers as it says when you take infinite trials the variances or say difference in outcome converges to zero so any event happening in exact time now must be one of the probabilty of its happening at the same time of another parallel universe and another and another and so on ,so if I try to synchronize my watch with that particular events timings I would match the same event in similar place similar time but nonillion light years apart and in all it would finnaly reduce its outcome and intend to reach to 0. If this is right it also prooves that Universe is Finite.

Now taking the second The so called gambler’s fallacy so it says the parallel Universe are infinitely infinite but ultimately reduces to a centre which is too at infinity so if a event is more of frequent it is more of chance that it has reduced to its maturity.

If you want me to be spiritual I would say the same must be happening with the life cycle of a living. Well leave it on its own.

Moving on

Monte carlo simulation the famous one. If you ultimately follow the rhythmic pattern of the happening or say state of happening of a particular event it will describe the pattern itself or will give the link of further prediction. This tells how parallel universe has originated from one point and not violating the Big bang in any way because somehow there is rythm connection in all event states.

Before moving to Empirical law let me state the Normal distribution conjection so it states the symmetricity and unsure the data is equally distributed ,and it in return tells that the shape of the Universe must be spherical which ia prooving Einstein for curved Universe conjection in General theory of relativity and also hubble expansion law. The symmetricity is all we need.

See the assumptions in the image which is clearly important.

Now what we call the Empirical rule so as it says the state of event would fall within three standard deviation of the mean or cenre value. So that event is within three variabilty from mean or centre. Well above I stated that normal distribution prooves spherical shape or curved shape of Universe and the centre of curve is the centre so in our case mean is the centre and a sphere is easily covered fully with three points and in this case it is called the langragian points.

The mathematical proof of all of these theorums exist and you can easily look at it but you will need a good knowledge on probability.

The credit for the defination part goes to wiki .

Images credit : Google

Other credits

I owe it all😀

