With IMFS Know In Detail -Why Is GMAT Score So Important?

ishita trivedi
3 min readAug 23, 2019


Gmat coaching in pune

Do you know why the GMAT is so important? And what will you do to ensure that your GMAT score can represent your capabilities in a way you want to? Simply enrol in the GMAT Coaching in Pune.

Whereas MBA admissions are quite holistic and GMAT score is not a be-all or end-all, it’s one very important part of the application. Many business schools weigh your GMAT standardized test scores as a piece of the puzzle, all along with GPA, to check whether you are academically ready for the programs. There are a few employers (primarily in the fields like consulting and investment banking) use scores of GMAT as the pre-screening tool while evaluating the job applicants. The test scores influence their program rankings.

Suppose you are applying to the school where an average GMAT is around 650, probably you will see a high diversity of the GMAT scores in an acceptance pool (applicants with lower GMAT scores may also get accepted). However, if you are looking at the programs with average GMAT score above 700, then it is true –you will see lesser applicants being accepted with the low scores, although applications are looked at holistically. The application with a lower GMAT score at those programs will have to stand-out in some other areas.

You wish to get accepted in the top business school and want to perform best on your GMAT test so that you will get there. So, here are a few tips that will help you prepare rightly so that you will achieve the highest score possible or think of taking GMAT training in Pune:

Plan it out

Successful preparation will take a little time –never rush yourself. You must start preparing now, or take the exam when you are ready.

Set yourself the right schedule

Cramming is not a good strategy for the test like GMAT. The regular preparation can give you the best chance for your success.

Do practice exams & time yourself.

Keep in mind, successful test-taking isn’t only about managing your content; you have to master this test environment as well as complete everything in the given time. Just imagine how you would feel if you are not able to finish the material forwards and backwards — only because you were not ready for a time. just imagine completing your exam expertly and confidently — and on right time.

Check your performance regularly

When you make use of practice questions or practice exams, never just check the answers. Review it, and check your work carefully — both what you did right and what you did wrong.

Know where improvement is required, and structure the study around such areas.

When you analyze the work, you must focus on areas where you require improvement. After that take another test — and repeat!

Fight your anxiety

Suppose you are suffering from test-taking anxiety, you need to devote yourself to managing that problem. At times, repeated practice tests and careful prep can help to alleviate anxiety. Some test-takers might find it very useful to engage in meditation, breathing, and visualization exercises. Know what works right for you, and include it in your practice session with IMFS.

