Earning $1 on the Third Day: My Medium Success Story

Unlocking Medium’s Potential: Insights and Strategies for Writers

Iftekar Shoeb
13 min readFeb 15, 2024
Earning $1 on the Third Day: My Medium Success Story

Entering the world of Medium was like stepping into a bustling marketplace of ideas, where writers, bloggers, and storytellers converge to share their thoughts and experiences with the world.

As I embarked on my journey into this platform, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. After all, I had heard both glowing reviews and cautious warnings about what to expect.

On the third day of my first publishing on Medium, I earned $1 from just one view!

Screenshot from the author’s desktop

What’s even more amazing is that my previous article achieved a 100% read ratio.

Here it is:

Isn’t that incredible?

It shows that our efforts are already making an impact.

I decided to write about a topic close to my heart, weaving my personal experiences into a broader narrative that I hoped would resonate with readers.

The initial hours passed with an eerie quiet. Like a message in a bottle tossed into the sea, my article floated in the digital expanse, waiting to be discovered.

I busied myself with other tasks, trying not to obsess over overviews or claps (Medium’s version of likes). However, curiosity soon got the better of me, and I found myself refreshing the page, eager for any sign of engagement.

Delving into Medium’s Ecosystem

Understanding the Platform’s Unique Dynamics

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My initial triumph on Medium was just the beginning. To sustain and grow my presence, I realized the importance of understanding the platform’s unique ecosystem.

Medium is not just about publishing; it’s about creating connections, offering value, and engaging in meaningful ways with readers and fellow writers.

Here’s how I navigated through

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Building a Follower Base

Engage Authentically with the Community: The true value of followers isn’t in the numbers but in cultivating a genuine interest in your content. Make an effort to connect with other writers by leaving thoughtful comments on their posts and engaging in discussions.

This not only builds your network but also encourages others to engage with your content.

Be Responsive

Show your readers that you value their input by responding to comments on your articles. This interaction can foster a loyal readership and encourage more engagement in your future posts.

Leveraging Publications

Identify and Contribute to Relevant Publications: Medium’s publications can dramatically extend the reach of your articles. Look for publications that resonate with your niche and contribute to them.

This exposure can attract readers who are genuinely interested in your content, potentially increasing your follower base.

Collaborate and Network: Contributing to publications is also a great way to collaborate with other writers and editors. Networking within these communities can open up more opportunities for your writing to be featured and shared.

Crafting Engaging Content

Focus on Quality and Relevance: The cornerstone of a successful Medium writer is the ability to produce content that resonates.

Write articles that not only reflect your personal experiences and knowledge but also offer something valuable or thought-provoking to your readers.

Balance Personal and Universal Appeal: Aim to create content that mixes personal narrative with broader appeal. Successful articles often allow readers to see part of themselves in the story, making your writing more relatable and engaging.

Be Thoughtful in Your Approach: Consider what your audience finds valuable, and tailor your content to meet those needs. Whether it’s providing actionable advice, sharing insights, or sparking discussions, ensure each piece of content you publish aims to enrich your readers’ experience in some way.

By implementing these strategies, you can navigate the challenges of building a follower base, leveraging publications to enhance your reach, and crafting content that not only resonates with your audience but also encourages engagement and discussion.

Remember, the journey of building a presence on Medium is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience, persistence, and a genuine passion for sharing your stories and insights are key to growing your audience and making an impact.

Optimizing for Medium’s Algorithm

Medium’s algorithm can seem like a mystery, but I discovered that it rewards engagement and quality. Here are some tactics I employed:

Understanding the Importance of Claps
On Medium, claps are more than just a simple like; they are a gauge of how much readers appreciate your work.

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

I noticed that articles with higher claps gained more visibility, likely because Medium’s algorithm interprets this engagement as a sign of quality content.

Encouraging readers to clap if they liked the article became a subtle call-to-action at the end of my posts.

The Power of Read Time
Medium pays attention to how long readers spend on your articles. This insight shifted my focus toward creating compelling content that keeps readers engaged from start to finish.

I aimed for clarity, relevance, and depth, ensuring my articles were worth the reader’s time.

Regular Posting Schedule
Consistency was key. I established a regular posting schedule, which not only helped me stay disciplined but also kept my audience engaged.

Knowing when to expect new content can create anticipation and build a habit for readers, making them more likely to return to your profile.

Diversifying Content While Maintaining Quality

While my initial articles focused on topics I was most familiar with, I realized the importance of diversifying my content to attract a wider audience.

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However, I was careful not to sacrifice quality for the sake of variety. Each new topic I explored was thoroughly researched and presented with the same care and authenticity as my initial posts.

This approach helped me to tap into different communities on Medium, each with its own set of readers, further expanding my reach.

Mastering the Art of Headlines and Images
The first impression counts, and on Medium, that first impression is often your headline and the accompanying image. I learned to craft headlines that piqued curiosity or promised value, making it irresistible for potential readers to click through.

Similarly, selecting engaging images that complemented my headlines added a visual appeal that increased the likelihood of my articles being noticed.

By implementing these strategies, I began to see a steady increase in my views, engagement, and earnings. My journey on Medium was becoming a testament to the power of persistence, engagement, and quality content.

Yet, there were more lessons to be learned and strategies to be refined as I continued to navigate through this platform’s vast and vibrant landscape.

Leveraging Feedback and Analytics

As my Medium journey progressed, I became more analytical about my approach, diving deep into the feedback and analytics provided by the platform.

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

Medium offers detailed insights into how articles perform, including views, read time, and engagement rates.

Here’s how I used this data:

Embracing Constructive Feedback

Feedback, both from readers and fellow writers, was instrumental in refining my content. I learned to see constructive criticism not as a setback but as a growth opportunity.

Adjusting my writing based on feedback helped me resonate more deeply with my audience, making my articles more impactful and relatable.

Analyzing Performance Metrics

Medium’s analytics allowed me to understand which articles performed well and why. I noticed patterns in topics, writing styles, and publication times that tended to garner more engagement.

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The Power of Networking

My growing presence on Medium opened up new avenues for networking. Engaging with other writers not only led to fruitful collaborations but also introduced me to broader writing and publishing opportunities outside Medium.

Here’s how networking transformed my journey:

Collaborations and Guest Posts
Interacting with like-minded writers led to collaborations that expanded my reach. Writing guest posts for other writers’ newsletters or blogs, and inviting them to do the same, created a mutually beneficial exchange, driving traffic and attracting new followers to our Medium profiles.

Joining Writing Groups
I joined several Medium-centric writing groups on social media. These groups were invaluable for sharing experiences, strategies, and support.

The sense of community and collective knowledge further honed my writing and promotional strategies on Medium.

Beyond Medium

As my follower count and engagement grew, so did opportunities beyond the Medium platform.

Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

Here’s what unfolded:

Based on the experiences shared, here are some valuable insights and actionable advice for leveraging Medium success into broader professional opportunities:

Exploring Freelance Writing Offers

Showcase Your Expertise: Use your Medium profile as a portfolio to showcase your writing skills and areas of expertise.

Make sure your bio and stories reflect the niches you’re most knowledgeable about, making you an attractive option for businesses and publications seeking freelance writers.

Be Open to Opportunities: Stay open and responsive to inquiries from potential clients.

Often, your next big opportunity could come from a reader impressed by your work.

Diversify Your Income: Freelance writing gigs can provide a significant boost to your income, allowing you to explore different topics and industries. This not only diversifies your income but also broadens your writing experience and portfolio.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


Establish Yourself as an Expert: Regularly publishing insightful content on Medium can position you as a subject matter expert.

Use this credibility to engage with opportunities for podcasts, webinars, and virtual conferences.

Expand Your Audience: Speaking engagements allow you to reach beyond your written word, connecting with audiences in a more personal and impactful way.

This can lead to an increase in your Medium followers and a broader professional network.

Prepare and Deliver Value: When participating in speaking engagements, ensure you’re well-prepared and offer tangible insights or takeaways for your audience.

This enhances your reputation and encourages further invitations.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Building an Email List

Offer Exclusive Content: Encourage your Medium readers to subscribe to your email list by offering them something unique, such as exclusive content, early access to your articles, or in-depth insights into your niche.

Deepen Reader Relationships: Use your email list to build stronger connections with your audience. Personalized communication can make your readers feel valued and more engaged with your work.

Create a Direct Marketing Channel: An email list serves as a direct line to your most engaged readers. This is invaluable for promoting your work, announcing new projects, or even launching products or services in the future.

By effectively leveraging the visibility and credibility gained from Medium, you can open up a multitude of opportunities to expand your writing career, establish yourself as an authority in your field, and build a direct relationship with your audience.

These steps not only enhance your professional standing but also contribute to a sustainable and diversified writing career.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The final, ongoing step in my Medium journey has been continuous learning and adaptation. The digital publishing landscape is always evolving, and staying informed about Medium’s changing algorithms, features, and reader preferences has been crucial.

I regularly experiment with new content formats, engagement strategies, and promotional techniques, always aiming to provide value to my readers.

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The Conclusion of a Remarkable Journey

Reflecting on my early days on Medium and the insights I’ve gained, it’s clear that success on this platform is a blend of patience, quality, and engagement.

My initial earnings of $1.06 from just one fully read article — within just three days — was a pleasant surprise.

Considering the information I found through a Google search, which suggests that earnings can vary widely, with an average between $10 to $98 per 1,000 views, my experience stands out as encouraging.

Most top writers on Medium took 1 to 2 years to start seeing significant earnings, with around 94% of writers making under $100 a month.

This context makes my early success all the more remarkable and serves as a beacon of hope for new writers.

This journey of mine, from the very first dollar to where I stand now, underscores not just the potential for earnings, but the importance of community, the sharing of knowledge, and the doors that continue to open along the way.

For those just starting or finding their footing, let my story be a motivator. Remember, every read, every clap, and every new follower is a step in the right direction.

It’s crucial to keep writing, focusing on SEO-friendly and engaging content. Let the statistics not dismay but inspire you.

Your unique voice has a place on Medium, and the journey, though varied for everyone, can lead to unexpected success and fulfillment.

Keep writing, keep engaging, and most importantly, keep sharing. Your next article could be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.

This concludes the detailed journey of my Medium writing adventure, encapsulating the highs and lows, the strategies employed, and the unexpected opportunities that arose from consistently putting my thoughts into words and sharing them with a global audience.

Screenshot of My Story Stats of Medium on the 3rd Day after publishing the 5th Story

My experience underscores a universal truth in the realm of content creation: success is a blend of passion, persistence, and adaptability.

As I look to the future, there are a few key areas I’m excited to explore further:

Exploring New Content Horizons
While I have established a niche for myself, the ever-evolving interests of readers and the dynamic nature of Medium itself encourage me to explore new topics.

This could mean stepping outside my comfort zone, tackling subjects I’m less familiar with but deeply curious about, and bringing my unique perspective to fresh audiences.

Leveraging Multimedia
Medium has increasingly become a platform where diverse forms of content can thrive.

Incorporating multimedia elements like videos, podcasts, and interactive graphics into my articles could not only enhance reader engagement but also cater to varied preferences, ensuring my content remains as accessible as it is informative.

Deepening Reader Interaction
Building on the foundation of community I’ve established, I aim to deepen interactions with my readers.

This could involve more Q&A sessions, live discussions, or collaborative content creation, fostering a more interactive and engaged community.

Expanding My Digital Footprint
The success on Medium has been immensely rewarding, but it also serves as a springboard to broader ambitions.

I’m looking at expanding my digital footprint through other platforms, potentially starting a blog or a YouTube channel, where I can diversify my content and reach even wider audiences.

Continuous Learning and Personal Growth
At the heart of my journey is a commitment to continuous learning and personal growth. Whether it’s improving my writing skills, staying abreast of the latest digital marketing strategies, or exploring new technologies and platforms, I’m eager to keep learning and growing.

The digital landscape is perpetually changing, and staying curious and adaptable is key to sustained success.

Final Thoughts

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To those reading this, whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, remember that every journey is unique. Your path on Medium or any other platform will be shaped by your own experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

Embrace the journey with an open heart and a curious mind. Engage with your community, learn from feedback, and never underestimate the power of a single story to resonate and inspire.

As I continue to write, explore, and connect, I look forward to the stories we’ll share and the countless adventures that lie ahead.

Here’s to the next chapter, filled with new lessons, opportunities, and connections. Let’s make it an incredible one.

Thank you for following my journey.

Let’s keep the conversation going. Your next article could be the start of something extraordinary.

Turning the Page

Unraveling Medium’s Mysteries Together

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Hey everyone,

I’ve got some news to share — things took an unexpected turn on Medium, and I’m diving deeper to uncover what’s going on.

Yesterday, after sharing the above article with you all, I saw some surprising changes in my stats. It’s like Medium decided to throw us a curveball, and now I’m more determined than ever to figure it out.

Alright, get ready because we’re diving deep into the world of Medium together. I’ve begun exploring some fresh strategies and insights, and I’m excited to pass them on to you in my upcoming article.

You can find the link below!

But here’s the thing — I need your help. Your thoughts, and your experiences, they’re invaluable. Together, we can crack this code.

Stay tuned for my upcoming article. It’s going to be a good one, I promise. And in the meantime, drop me a line in the comments. Let’s keep this conversation going.

Thanks for being part of this unexpected adventure. Let’s turn these surprises into our roadmap for success on Medium.

P.S. This message comes to you fresh off the press after yesterday’s revelations. Let’s make sense of this, together.

Join me on my writing journey!

🌄 Here’s how you can be part of the adventure:

📚 Follow me on Medium → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
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Together, let’s explore the beauty of storytelling in the heart of the mountains!



Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.