Entrepreneurial Spirit & Literary Exploration: Navigating Digital Seas

Unlocking New Horizons: A Seasoned Entrepreneur’s Leap into Digital Content & Medium

Iftekar Shoeb
9 min readFeb 14, 2024
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

The Genesis of a Visionary’s Quest

Hello, esteemed readers and budding entrepreneurs! I am Iftekar M Shoeb, the driving force behind SAAN TRADING INC., in the heart of Houston, Texas. Our core mission is a beacon for entrepreneurs venturing into the vast expanse of online trading. SAAN TRADING INC. has cemented its legacy in the garments industry over an illustrious two decades. Yet, our gaze is firmly set on the digital frontier, with Learning Management Systems (LMS) platforms soon to join our repertoire.

My Udemy Instructor Business Profile: SAAN TRADING INC.

The digital odyssey embarked with the inauguration of 11 courses on Udemy, a venture that bore fruit in substantial revenue streams in recent months. Such achievements are the fruits of my team’s relentless pursuit of excellence, curating content that not only educates but inspires our global student base.

However, the journey doesn’t halt at Udemy. Our horizons are ever-expanding, with platforms like Gumroad and Payhip in our sights, aiming to amplify our digital footprint. This venture into uncharted territories beckons you to join hands with us, ensuring you’re abreast of every breakthrough and innovation we unfurl in the digital content realm.

Why Medium? A Confluence of Growth and Giving Back

You may ponder, “Why Medium? The answer lies in the dual aspirations of personal development and community contribution. Medium serves as the crucible for refining my writing prowess and engaging with a tapestry of minds united by a love for literature and innovation. This platform is not merely a stage for seasoned scribes but a sanctuary where I seek to rekindle my long-standing romance with storytelling.

My journey into the world of literature began in the most humble and innocent of settings — at the tender age of 12 when I first discovered the magic that could be woven through words. It was a simple drama, penned with the unbridled imagination only a child could possess, intended for the eyes and ears of my classmates.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Yet, at that moment, as my words came to life through the voices and actions of my peers, I realized the profound impact of storytelling. This early endeavor was more than just a school activity; it was a pivotal moment that showcased the transformative power of words, and their ability to evoke emotions, connect people, and alter perceptions.

Fast forward to the present, and the platform of Medium has emerged as a modern-day beacon, shining a light on the path I embarked upon all those years ago. The allure of Medium is not rooted in the potential for monetary gain. Instead, it offers something far more valuable: the sheer joy of sharing experiences, insights, and stories with a global community. It’s a digital agora where writers and readers converge, drawn together by a shared love for the written word.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

On Medium, the journey of growth and discovery is a collective endeavor. Each story shared adds to the tapestry of human experience, providing lessons, laughter, and sometimes, a mirror into our own lives. It is here, on this platform, that I find myself reigniting my passion for storytelling, not as a solitary pursuit but as part of a vibrant, supportive community. The opportunity to connect with others, to inspire and be inspired, and to cultivate a space for mutual growth is the true reward of this literary journey.

In this digital age, where the written word competes with the fleeting nature of visual media, platforms like Medium remind us of the enduring power of stories. They can transcend boundaries, touch hearts, and spark change. My early experiment with drama for my classmates laid the foundation for a lifelong belief in the potency of storytelling. Now, with Medium as my canvas, I am excited to continue exploring the vast landscapes of human emotion and experience, sharing pieces of myself and learning from the collective wisdom of this diverse community.

This journey ignited in the classrooms of my youth, now continues in the boundless realms of the internet. It’s a testament to the idea that while our tools and audiences may evolve, the essence of storytelling remains unchanged: a powerful conduit for connection, understanding, and growth. In embracing this journey anew on Medium, I am reminded of the simple joy that comes from crafting stories, not for accolades or profit, but for the love of the art and the community that it nurtures.

A Milestone Unveiled and The Promise of Tomorrow

The narrative took a celebratory turn yesterday as I unveiled my inaugural story on Medium, a milestone that was immediately recognized by the addition of two followers within a day! My heartfelt appreciation extends to Ferhat Ünlükal and ✅ Doc Samurai Sam 🍿 for their encouragement on this nascent journey. Embracing the Friend of Medium subscription has opened new avenues for me to contribute and thrive within the Medium Partner Program.

This chapter in my journey is not just about self-expression but about sowing seeds of inspiration and collaboration within this vibrant community. It’s an invitation to you, my readers, to partake in this voyage, sharing insights, and fostering a nurturing environment for writers and entrepreneurs alike.

The Symbiosis of Entrepreneurship and Writing

This journey is more than a personal quest; it’s a clarion call to those standing at the crossroads of entrepreneurship and literary endeavor. SAAN TRADING INC.’s pivot towards digital platforms like Udemy, Gumroad, and Payhip is a testament to the limitless potential of online commerce and content creation. Similarly, my foray into Medium underscores the significance of storytelling, not just as a form of expression but as a vehicle for connection and growth.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

As we chart this course together, your engagement — be it through following, commenting, or sharing — will be the wind beneath the wings of this venture. It’s an opportunity to blend the analytical with the creative, and the entrepreneurial with the literary, creating a tapestry rich with insights, inspiration, and mutual growth.

Horizon Broadened, A Future Envisioned

In conclusion, this narrative is not merely a recount of past achievements or present endeavors. It’s a forward-looking gaze into a horizon brimming with possibilities. The confluence of digital entrepreneurship and literary exploration on platforms like Medium represents a new frontier for personal and professional growth.

As we stand on the precipice of this exciting journey, I extend my gratitude to you for being an integral part of this adventure. Together, let us navigate the digital seas, embrace the challenges that lie ahead, and craft stories that resonate across hearts and minds globally. Here’s to a future where our dreams converge, leading us to realms beyond our wildest imaginations.

Exploring the Depths of Medium’s Business Section

As I delve deeper into the vast ocean of knowledge and creativity that is Medium, I find myself drawn to the Business section, eager to uncover insights, perspectives, and stories that resonate with my entrepreneurial spirit. This marks the second day of my journey on Medium, and already, I feel the exhilarating rush of discovery coursing through me.

The Business section of Medium, with its 4.5 million followers and a staggering 661,000 stories, beckons like a beacon of enlightenment amidst the digital landscape. It is a bustling marketplace of ideas, where entrepreneurs, innovators, and thought leaders converge to share their experiences, expertise, and visions for the future of commerce and industry.

But why Business, you might ask? Why not explore other topics or genres? The answer lies in the undeniable allure of entrepreneurship and the pursuit of success. As someone who harbors ambitions of carving out my own path in the business world, immersing myself in the wealth of knowledge offered by seasoned professionals and budding entrepreneurs alike is not just a choice but a necessity.

Each story I encounter is a treasure trove of wisdom, offering invaluable lessons on everything from startup strategies and marketing tactics to leadership principles and industry trends. With every word read, I glean new insights, challenge my preconceptions, and broaden my understanding of the intricate workings of the business realm.

Moreover, the sheer diversity of voices and perspectives represented in the Business section is awe-inspiring. From seasoned CEOs sharing their hard-earned lessons to ambitious startups documenting their journey to success, there is something for everyone in this vibrant ecosystem of ideas and innovation.

Topics of the 10 stories read

1. “How I Made $5,608 Last Month With Just 3 Activity Books” by Kristen Walters Published in Kristen’s KDP Project.
2. “You Don’t Have To Be an Entrepreneur To Follow Your Passion” by Denis Gorbunov published in Career Paths.
3. “Microsoft Has A Problem & Will Eventually Fall — Even Though It’s The World’s Largest Company.” by AL Anany.
4. “I Constantly Use MrBeast’s Strategies to Grow My Business — Here’s How” by Sinem Günel.
5. “Return of the Glassholes” by Stephen Moore.
6. “Why You Should Pay Attention to Perplexity AI” by The Pareto Investor.
7. “Top 8 Task & Planner Apps in 2024: Best Picks” by Francesco D'Alessio.
8. “Culture is everyone’s business” by The Daily Edition published in The Medium Blog
9. “One of The Most Profitable 1-Person Business Anyone Can Start in 2024” by Desiree Peralta published in The Startup
10. “Building a Six-Figure Business isn’t Difficult” by Evan Kelly published in Atomic Thoughts

As I reflect on my journey thus far, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead. With each story I read, I inch closer to realizing my entrepreneurial dreams, armed with the knowledge, inspiration, and motivation gleaned from the brilliant minds of Medium’s Business community.

In conclusion, my decision to immerse myself in the Business section of Medium is not just a quest for knowledge but a declaration of intent — a commitment to learning, growing, and evolving as an entrepreneur. With the boundless resources and insights offered by this dynamic platform, I am confident that I am on the right path to success.

Warmest regards,

Iftekar M Shoeb


In this journey, every step we take together fortifies our resolve and expands our collective horizon.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Thank you for your companionship on this path of endless discovery and potential. Let’s turn the page to the next chapter, where our shared aspirations and endeavors weave into the legacy we aim to build in the digital age and beyond.

Join me on my writing journey! 🌄 Here’s how you can be part of the adventure:

📚 Follow me on Medium → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
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Together, let’s explore the beauty of storytelling in the heart of the mountains!



Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.