My Continued Journey with Friend of Medium and the Medium Partner Program — Part 2

Unlocking New Horizons and Embracing Opportunities in the Medium Writing Community

Iftekar Shoeb
11 min readFeb 17, 2024
Source: Medium Membership-Screenshot from the Author’s Desktop


Ah, Medium. It’s like walking into a grand library, but instead of dust-covered books, you’re greeted with the buzzing energy of stories and ideas that are alive, pulsating with the thoughts and dreams of writers from all around the globe.

I stumbled upon this treasure trove not too long ago, and let me tell you, it’s been an exhilarating ride ever since.

From the moment I signed up, it was clear that Medium wasn’t just another blogging platform.

It’s a kaleidoscope of voices, each sharing their unique perspective, making the world feel both vast and intimately connected at the same time.

There’s something magical about it. The way you can dive into a piece and emerge feeling like you’ve traveled a thousand miles or lived another life in the span of a few paragraphs.

And then, there’s the Friend of Medium subscription. It’s like being handed a key to an exclusive club, where every door opens to realms of knowledge, insight, and inspiration.

The allure was undeniable.

Unlimited access to stories, the ability to interact deeply with a community of thinkers and dreamers, and the chance to support the very creators that make this platform a treasure — it was an invitation I couldn’t refuse.

Becoming a Friend of Medium felt like leveling up in the best way possible. Suddenly, the walls between reader and writer started to blur, and I found myself part of a vibrant tapestry of storytelling that was both humbling and empowering.

It’s been a journey of discovery, not just of the incredible content that’s crafted here every day, but of my own potential as a writer and a creator.

So here I am, completely enamored with the world of Medium, eager to see where this path leads. If you’re reading this, consider it a glimpse into my journey — a journey that’s only just begun.

My Journey to the Friend of Medium

Source: Medium Membership-Screenshot from the Author’s Desktop

When I first came across Medium, I’ll admit, I was skeptical. Paying for a subscription to share and read content online?

It felt a bit off. But curiosity has a way of nudging you into places you’d never expect to go. So, I dove in, eager to see what lay beneath the surface of this buzzing community.

The leap from casual reader to a Friend of Medium wasn’t just a step; it felt like a giant stride into a new world.

The process?

Surprisingly simple.

A few clicks, a bit of information, and there I was, on the other side of the looking glass. What greeted me was nothing short of remarkable.

It was like being at a grand banquet, where every dish was more tantalizing than the last. Stories that made me laugh, think, cry, and dream were now at my fingertips, without limits.

The immediate benefit was clear: I was no longer an outsider looking in. I was part of a pulsating, vibrant community, contributing to the very ecosystem that fueled my passion for reading and writing.

Becoming a Friend of Medium opened doors I didn’t even know existed.

The ease of access to a treasure trove of knowledge and insight, the ability to engage with writers and readers from all corners of the globe, and the sense of belonging to a community that values stories and ideas — these were the gifts that came with that simple decision.

In this new chapter, every article read, every comment shared, and every piece written felt like threads weaving me closer to the heart of Medium. The initial skepticism faded, replaced by a deep appreciation for the platform and its mission to connect minds and hearts through storytelling.

Understanding the Medium Partner Program

Source: Medium Membership-Screenshot from the Author’s Desktop

Now, let’s dive into the heart of the Medium experience: the Partner Program. It’s like the beating pulse of this vibrant community, pulsating with opportunities for writers like me.

Here’s the scoop: the Partner Program is all about rewarding writers for their hard work and dedication. It’s a way for us to earn some extra dough while doing what we love most — writing.

But here’s the kicker: our earnings aren’t just based on the number of views our articles get. No, Medium takes it a step further. They factor in reader engagement, like claps, comments, and even follows.

It’s like a little pat on the back for a job well done, encouraging us to keep pouring our hearts into our words.

Personally, participating in the Partner Program has been a game-changer for me. It’s not just about the money (although, let’s be real, that’s a nice bonus). It’s about the sense of validation I get when readers engage with my content.

Knowing that someone out there took the time to clap for my article or leave a thoughtful comment — it’s a feeling like no other.

And it’s not just one-sided, either. The Partner Program has influenced the way I approach my writing. I find myself striving to create content that sparks conversation, that resonates with readers on a deeper level.

It’s a symbiotic relationship, where we writers feed off the energy of our audience, and vice versa.

In short, the Medium Partner Program isn’t just about making money. It’s about building connections, fostering creativity, and celebrating the power of words. And for writers like me, it’s an opportunity we wouldn’t trade for the world.

The Dual Benefit: Writers and Readers Alike

Photo by Sophi Raju on Unsplash

Let’s talk about the magic of the Friend of Medium subscription. It’s like having a backstage pass to the coolest show in town — except the show is the incredible world of writing and ideas on Medium.

With the Friend of Medium subscription, writers like me get to enjoy a whole host of benefits that take our Medium experience to the next level.

It’s not just about unlocking paywalled content (although that’s pretty awesome too). It’s about being part of a community that values and supports creativity.

And here’s the best part: subscribing to Friend of Medium isn’t just good for writers — it’s good for readers too.

When readers subscribe, they’re not just gaining access to exclusive content. They’re also directly supporting the writers they love, helping to fuel a culture of creativity and expression.

Plus, there’s a direct correlation between subscription and improved content visibility, engagement, and community interaction. It’s like a domino effect: the more subscribers there are, the more eyes are on our content.

And the more eyes on our content, the more engagement we get. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

So if you’re passionate about writing and love immersing yourself in thought-provoking content, do yourself a favor and join the Friend of Medium community.

You’ll be supporting writers like me, while also enriching your own reading experience. It’s a decision you won’t regret.

Exclusive Features of Friend of Medium

Photo by Millo Lin on Unsplash

Diving into the Friend of Medium subscription feels like unlocking a treasure chest full of writing gems. Suddenly, you’ve got this all-access pass to stories that span every corner of imagination and insight.

It’s like the whole library of Medium just swings its doors wide open for you — no limits, just endless reading pleasure.

But wait, there’s more to it than just an endless buffet of stories. We’re talking about specialized content that’s tailored just for Friends of Medium. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill stuff.

It’s the kind of content that makes you think, laugh, cry, and grow — all at the same time. It’s content that’s crafted with care, just for us.

And let’s not forget about the networking and collaboration opportunities. Being a Friend of Medium is like being invited to the coolest writers’ club.

You get to mingle with like-minded souls, share ideas, and even collaborate on projects. It’s not just about growing your readership; it’s about growing together, as a community.

This whole experience — it’s been nothing short of inspiring. Every day feels like a new opportunity to connect, learn, and be part of something truly special.

So, if you’re on the fence about joining, let me just say: jump in. The world of Medium is waiting for you, and it’s more amazing than you can imagine.

The Quadruple Win: How Everyone Gains More

Photo by Alejandro Pérez on Unsplash

Jumping into the Friend of Medium and embracing its offerings has felt like hitting a jackpot, not just for me, but for my readers too. It’s this incredible win-win-win-win scenario that’s hard to find anywhere else.

Let’s break it down, shall we?

For writers like me, the benefits are crystal clear. First off, the visibility we get is off the charts. It’s like being on a stage with the spotlight shining just on you.

Your stories get in front of eyes that genuinely want to read them, leading to deeper engagement and more meaningful interactions. Plus, there’s this sweet boost in motivation.

Knowing there’s a community eagerly waiting for your next piece? It’s like a constant cheerleading squad.

Now, for the readers, it’s like being at an all-you-can-eat buffet of thoughtfully prepared dishes. They get this rich, diverse library of stories that’s just brimming with fresh perspectives and unique voices.

And because they’re part of this exclusive club, they’re treated to content that’s just a notch above, tailored to their curiosity and interests.

Here’s where the magic happens for me: seeing comments and getting feedback that’s genuinely insightful. It’s not just the “nice post” kind of stuff. We’re talking about engaging conversations that spark new ideas and push my writing to new heights.

It’s this beautiful cycle of inspiration and growth that benefits us all.

And let’s not forget the quadruple win: Medium itself becomes this thriving ecosystem of high-quality content and engaged users, attracting more readers and writers to the platform.

It’s this perfect harmony where everyone gains more — more stories, more connections, more growth.

So, to sum it up, diving into the Friend of Medium subscription has been like finding my tribe. It’s opened up a world where my writing not only finds a home but also thrives, and where readers get to feast on content that enriches, entertains, and enlightens. It’s a win all around, and honestly, it doesn’t get better than this.

Encouraging Others to Take the Leap

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

To all my fellow writers out there, let me share a little secret: diving headfirst into Medium’s vibrant community is one of the best decisions you can make for your writing journey.

Trust me, I’ve been there, and the rewards are beyond worth it.

There’s this incredible energy here, a buzz of creativity and connection that’s hard to find elsewhere. By immersing yourself in Medium, you’re not just publishing stories; you’re building a community, forging connections, and honing your craft with every word you write.

And hey, let’s talk about the perks. The Friend of Medium subscription?

It’s like unlocking a treasure trove of opportunities. You get to showcase your work to an audience that’s hungry for great content, and the feedback you receive.

It’s like gold dust for your growth as a writer.

But it’s not just about what you can get — it’s also about what you can give. By being an active part of the Medium community, you’re contributing to something bigger than yourself. You’re adding your voice to a chorus of diverse perspectives, sparking conversations, and inspiring others along the way.

So, my advice?

Take the leap.

Embrace all that Medium has to offer, from the Friend of Medium subscription to the Medium Partner Program. Dive into the community, share your stories, and watch as your writing journey takes flight.

Who knows? The opportunities for personal growth, community building, and yes, even financial gain, are limitless.

Suggestions for Medium

Photo by Wizdan Zacky Fauzan on Unsplash

As someone deeply immersed in the Medium community, I’ve got a few ideas brewing on how we can make this platform even better.

Hear me out:

  1. Mentorship Programs: How about connecting seasoned writers with newcomers for guidance and support? A mentorship program could be a game-changer for writers looking to level up their skills.
  2. Customizable Reader Experiences: Imagine being able to tailor your Medium feed to your interests and preferences. Let’s make it happen by offering readers more control over their reading experience.
  3. Writer Collaboration Spaces: Collaboration breeds creativity, right? Let’s create dedicated spaces where writers can come together to brainstorm, collaborate on projects, and lift each other.
  4. Enhanced Community Features: Medium already has a thriving community, but why not take it to the next level? Let’s explore ways to foster even deeper connections, from virtual meetups to specialized groups based on niche interests.
  5. Expanded Feedback Mechanisms: Feedback is essential for growth, so let’s make it easier for writers to give and receive constructive feedback. Whether it’s through dedicated feedback forums or built-in tools within the platform, let’s encourage a culture of collaboration and improvement.

These are just a few ideas off the top of my head, but I truly believe that implementing initiatives like these could take Medium to new heights.

After all, when we invest in our community, we all reap the rewards.


Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

In conclusion, my journey on Medium has been nothing short of transformative. Becoming a Friend of Medium and participating in the Medium Partner Program has opened doors I never knew existed.

From connecting with fellow writers to earning revenue from my passion, the benefits have been tangible and rewarding.

I encourage all readers and writers alike to explore these opportunities for themselves. Whether you’re looking to grow as a writer, build a community, or even earn some extra income, Medium offers it all.

Take that leap of faith, dive into the world of Medium, and see where it takes you. Trust me, the journey is worth it.

Join me in this journey of exploration and growth on Medium. Share your own experiences, stories, and thoughts.

Let’s create a vibrant dialogue that enriches our community even further. Together, we can continue to inspire, connect, and support each other as writers and readers on this incredible platform.

Come along on this writing adventure with me!

🌄 Here’s how you can join in:

📚 Follow me on Medium as → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
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Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.