My Journey as a Friend of Medium — Part 3

Navigating the Path to Writer Success Through Engagement, Support, and Genuine Connection

Iftekar Shoeb
19 min readFeb 17, 2024
Source: Medium Membership-Screenshot from Author’s Desktop

As I sit down to write this article, I’m filled with a sense of nostalgia and excitement, reflecting on the journey that has led me to this moment. You see, writing has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember.

From the tender age of childhood, penning down my thoughts and experiences in the pages of my diary, to now, over 25 years later, where the passion for storytelling still burns bright within me.

Throughout these years, my compositions have primarily been personal narratives, meticulously documented in the pages of my cherished diaries. Each entry is a window into my soul, capturing the essence of my experiences, emotions, and reflections.

Writing, for me, has never been merely a hobby; it’s been a lifeline, a means of expression, and a journey of self-discovery.

Yet, despite my love for the written word, my writing remained confined to the pages of my diaries, unseen by the world beyond. That is until I stumbled upon the Friends of Medium Program.

The transition to this platform marked a significant turning point in my writing journey, one fueled by curiosity, ambition, and the desire to share my stories with a broader audience.

The motivations behind my decision to join the Friends of Medium Program were manifold.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Firstly, there was a longing to break free from the confines of my private diaries and share my stories with the world.

Medium, with its reputation as a platform where esteemed authors write and earn revenue based on the consumption of their content, seemed like the perfect avenue to do just that.

Additionally, there was a desire to immerse myself in a community of like-minded individuals, to learn from their experiences, share insights, and grow as a writer.

The prospect of engaging with readers, receiving feedback, and fostering meaningful connections was undeniably enticing.

And so, with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, I took the plunge and enrolled in the Friends of Medium Program. Little did I know that this decision would set into motion a series of events that would surpass my wildest expectations. But more on that later.

For now, let me take you on a journey through my experiences as a Friend of Medium, as we explore the highs, the lows, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way.

Welcome to my world of words, where every story has a voice, and every voice has a story to tell.

Missed Opportunities Down Under

January was a month marked by anticipation and adventure, as I set off for Australia, a land renowned for its rugged landscapes, vibrant cities, and, of course, the grand spectacle of the Australian Open.

Source: Author’s Mobile Picture-Tennis Area, Australia

My itinerary was packed, with tickets to thrilling tennis matches and plans to explore the bustling streets of Melbourne and Sydney. Amidst this whirlwind of excitement, I harbored a quiet intention — to delve into the world of Medium, exploring stories and perhaps even sharing a few of my own.

I had recently acquired the Friend of Medium Subscription plan, motivated by the thought of idle moments during my two-week visit being filled with reading and engaging with the vast array of content on the platform.

Source: Author’s Mobile Picture

The Australian Open, held from January 7–28, 2024, presented what I believed to be the perfect backdrop for this endeavor.

What better way to relax after a day of tennis and sightseeing than immersing myself in the world of Medium?

However, reality, as it often does, had a different script in store. The excitement of the Australian Open was all-consuming. Each match was a spectacle of skill and endurance, drawing me in with the kind of intensity that makes you forget the world outside.

Novak Djokovic’s precision, Carlos Alcaraz’s youthful vigor, Jannik Sinner’s determination, and Daniil Medvedev’s resilience were more than just games; they were narratives unfolding before my eyes, and I was utterly captivated.

Then there were the cities themselves — Melbourne with its eclectic laneways and art-infused streets, Sydney with its iconic Opera House and harbor.

Source: Author’s Mobile Picture

Each day was an adventure, a chance to explore and discover, leaving me exhilarated but exhausted. My evenings, which I had envisioned spending curled up with my tablet, browsing through Medium, instead found me collapsing into bed, my mind too full of the day’s experiences to entertain anything else.

Source: Author’s Mobile Picture from the Hotel Room, Australia

Regrettably, amidst the non-stop action of tennis matches and the allure of exploring Melbourne and Sydney, I didn’t log in to my Medium account even once.

The intention was there, but the execution was amiss.

My diary entries from those days are filled with tales of the Australian Open and my adventures down under, but there’s a conspicuous absence of any mention of Medium.

It was a missed opportunity, one that I didn’t fully grasp until I was back home in Houston, Texas.

Reflecting on this now, I realize that life often presents us with grand plans and intentions, but it’s the unforeseen experiences that truly shape our journey.

Source: Picture from Author’s Mobile Phone. SCG-2023, Australia

My trip to Australia was supposed to be a period of exploration on Medium, yet it turned into a reminder of the beauty of living in the moment, of being fully present in the experiences life offers us.

It was a lesson in missed opportunities, yes, but also in the unpredictability of life and the joys it brings.

As I resumed my routine back home, my failure to engage with Medium during my travels lingered in my mind, a niggling reminder of what could have been.

Yet, it also reinforced my resolve to dive into the platform with renewed vigor.

Little did I know, this resolve would soon lead to an unexpected journey of growth, connection, and discovery on Medium — a journey that was just about to begin.

Unexpected Growth Spurts

Source: Medium Membership-Screenshot from Author’s Desktop

When I embarked on my journey as a Friend of Medium, I had certain goals and expectations in mind — ambitions that, in hindsight, seemed both audacious and humble at the same time.

I envisioned a gradual ascent, a slow but steady climb towards building a readership, connecting with fellow writers, and perhaps if luck would have it, earning a modest income from my stories.

Little did I know that within just five days, those aspirations would be surpassed beyond my wildest dreams.

My initial goals were modest, grounded in a sense of realism tempered by a healthy dose of optimism.

I aimed to familiarize myself with the platform, to understand its intricacies and nuances, and to begin sharing my stories with the world. I hoped to garner a modest following, maybe a few dozen readers who resonated with my words and found value in my narratives.

And, if luck would have it, I dared to dream of earning a few dollars in revenue — a token gesture of validation for my efforts as a writer.

Yet, what transpired within those first five days defied all expectations. It was a whirlwind of activity, a flurry of notifications and interactions that left me both exhilarated and slightly dazed.

Within hours of publishing my inaugural stories, I found myself inundated with feedback, applause, and most surprisingly, followers.

It seemed that my words had struck a chord with readers, resonating with them in ways I had never imagined.

To my astonishment, I soon found myself celebrating a milestone I had only dared to dream of — 100 followers, a testament to the power of community and the generosity of readers who had embraced my stories with open arms.

It was a humbling moment, one that filled me with gratitude and renewed determination to continue sharing my words with the world.

But the surprises didn’t end there. As I navigated through the statistics and analytics provided by Medium, I was stunned to discover that my stories had not only attracted a sizable following but had also begun to generate revenue.

What had started as a modest experiment had blossomed into something beyond my wildest imagination — a tangible validation of my efforts as a writer and a promising sign of things to come.

In just five days, I had gone from a newcomer on the platform to a writer with a growing readership and a budding income stream. It was a testament to the power of Medium, to its ability to amplify the voices of aspiring writers and connect them with readers who hungered for meaningful stories.

And for me, it was a sign that perhaps, just perhaps, my dreams of earning a living through writing were not as far-fetched as I had once believed.

As I reflected on this unexpected growth spurt, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary journeys begin with a single step, a leap of faith into the unknown.

As I stood on the precipice of this new chapter in my writing journey, I felt a surge of excitement and anticipation, eager to see where this unexpected growth spurt would take me next.

The Power of Engagement

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

As I delved deeper into the world of Medium, one thing became abundantly clear — the power of engagement cannot be overstated. In a platform teeming with talented writers and avid readers, it’s not just about the stories we tell but also the connections we forge and the communities we build.

Community engagement is at the heart of Medium, fueling a vibrant ecosystem where writers and readers come together to share, learn, and grow.

It’s a symbiotic relationship, where each interaction — whether it’s a comment, a clap, or a shared story — contributes to the collective tapestry of knowledge and creativity.

For me, embracing the power of engagement meant more than just passively consuming content; it meant actively participating in the community, lending my voice to the conversation, and supporting my fellow writers along the way.

And so, I set out to explore various strategies to engage with the Medium community, each one a testament to the transformative power of connection.

One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to engage with fellow writers is by leaving comments on their stories.

Whether it’s sharing my thoughts on their writing style, offering constructive feedback, or simply expressing appreciation for their words, each comment is an opportunity to connect on a deeper level and foster meaningful dialogue.

In turn, I’ve been overwhelmed by the warmth and generosity of the responses I’ve received, as writers from all walks of life come together to celebrate each other’s successes and offer support in times of need.

Another strategy I’ve employed is the art of clapping — a gesture of appreciation that goes beyond mere recognition to convey genuine admiration for a well-crafted story.

With Medium allowing users to applaud up to 50 times, I make it a point to clap generously for stories that resonate with me, knowing that each clap is not just a token of support but also a tangible way to boost a writer’s visibility and earnings.

It’s a small gesture, perhaps, but one that can have a profound impact on the livelihoods of fellow writers, inspiring them to continue sharing their stories with the world.

But perhaps the most rewarding aspect of community engagement on Medium is the opportunity to support fellow writers in their creative endeavors.

Whether it’s by sharing their stories with my followers, highlighting their work in curated collections, or simply lending a listening ear when they need it most, I’ve discovered that the true essence of Medium lies not in individual success but in the collective spirit of camaraderie and collaboration.

However, the power of engagement on Medium is not just about numbers or metrics — it’s about building genuine connections, fostering meaningful relationships, and uplifting each other in our shared pursuit of storytelling excellence.

As I continue on this journey, I’m reminded time and time again that the true measure of success lies not in how many followers or claps I receive but in the depth of the connections I forge and the impact I have on those around me.

Building Genuine Connections

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

For me, writing has always been about more than just putting words on a page — it’s about connecting with readers on a deeper level, sharing experiences, and fostering genuine relationships that transcend the boundaries of the written word.

And nowhere is this commitment to connection more evident than in my journey as a Friend of Medium.

From the moment I joined the platform, I made it my mission to establish meaningful relationships with my followers — to not just amass numbers but to cultivate a community built on trust, respect, and mutual support.

And so, I set out to engage with my readers in a way that went beyond mere interactions, striving to create a space where every voice was heard, and every story was valued.

One of the ways I’ve sought to build genuine connections with my followers is through active engagement with their stories.

Whether it’s reading, clapping, or leaving thoughtful comments, I make it a point to show my appreciation for their work and let them know that their words have made an impact on me.

In doing so, I’ve discovered that the true beauty of Medium lies not just in sharing my own stories but in celebrating the stories of others and lifting them up in their own creative journey.

But what truly sets Medium apart is the reciprocal nature of support within its community — a dynamic that has played a pivotal role in shaping my success as a writer.

Here, support is not just a one-way street but a continuous exchange of encouragement, inspiration, and solidarity that fuels our collective growth and success.

When I support fellow writers by reading their stories, clapping for their work, and leaving thoughtful comments, I’m not just giving back — I’m contributing to a cycle of generosity and goodwill that benefits us all.

And in return, I’ve been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and encouragement I’ve received from my own followers, as they rally behind me in my own writing journey.

Whether it’s through sharing my stories with their own followers, leaving heartfelt comments, or simply offering words of encouragement, their support has been a constant source of inspiration and motivation, driving me to push the boundaries of my creativity and strive for excellence in everything I do.

In the end, building genuine connections on Medium is about more than just numbers or metrics — it’s about creating a community where writers feel valued, supported, and empowered to share their stories with the world.

As I continue on this journey, I’m reminded time and time again that the true measure of success lies not in accolades or achievements but in the relationships we forge and the impact we have on those around us.

Taking a Strategic Pause

Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

In the whirlwind of activity that is life on Medium, it’s easy to get caught up in the relentless cycle of writing, publishing, and engaging with followers.

But sometimes, amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s important to take a step back, to pause and reflect on the journey thus far, and to recharge both mind and spirit for the road ahead.

And so, after five exhilarating days of immersing myself in the world of Medium, I’ve made the decision to take a strategic pause — a brief hiatus from writing to replenish my creative reserves and return with renewed energy and vigor.

The decision to take a break was not one made lightly but was born out of a desire to ensure that I continue to produce content of the highest quality and maintain the level of engagement with my followers that they deserve.

In the fast-paced world of online writing, it’s all too easy to succumb to burnout, to let the pressure of constant production overshadow the joy of creation.

And so, I’ve chosen to take a step back, to give myself the time and space to rest, reflect, and refocus on what truly matters.

But make no mistake — this strategic pause is not a retreat but a recalibration, a chance to regroup and come back stronger than ever.

During these five days, I plan to immerse myself in activities that nourish my soul and reignite my passion for writing — whether it’s spending time with loved ones, indulging in my favorite hobbies, or simply basking in the beauty of the world around me.

By stepping away from the screen and allowing myself to be fully present in the moment, I hope to return with a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose.

And rest assured, my dear followers, this pause is but a temporary interlude in our ongoing journey together. Even as I take this brief hiatus from writing, my commitment to engaging with you remains unwavering.

I may not be publishing new stories during this time, but I will continue to interact with you, read your stories, and offer my support and encouragement wherever I can.

And when the five days are up, I’ll be back with a vengeance, ready to dive headfirst into the next chapter of our adventure together.

So until then, my friends, I bid you farewell with a promise — to return with renewed energy and enthusiasm, eager to continue our journey of discovery and connection on Medium.

Thank you for your unwavering support and understanding, and I look forward to reconnecting with each and every one of you very soon.

Inviting Others to Join the Journey

Photo by Manuel Cosentino on Unsplash

As I reflect on my journey as a Friend of Medium, I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunities and experiences this platform has afforded me.

From connecting with fellow writers to sharing my stories with a global audience, Medium has truly become a home for me — a place where my words can find resonance and my voice can be heard.

And so, dear readers, I extend to you an invitation to join me on this incredible journey. Whether you’re a seasoned writer looking to expand your reach or a budding storyteller eager to share your voice with the world, the benefits of the Friend of Medium subscription are undeniable.

With access to exclusive features and resources, including the ability to earn revenue from your stories and engage with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, the Friend of Medium subscription offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and connection.

From curated collections to personalized recommendations, Medium provides the tools and support you need to thrive as a writer, regardless of your level of experience.

But perhaps the most compelling reason to join the Friend of Medium program is the opportunity to be part of a supportive and nurturing community — a community that celebrates diversity, fosters creativity, and values the power of storytelling to inspire and uplift.

Here, you’ll find fellow writers who are not just colleagues but friends — friends who will cheer you on in your successes, offer a shoulder to lean on in your struggles and celebrate your victories as if they were their own.

Navigating the platform may seem daunting at first, but fear not — for I am here to offer my insights and recommendations to help you find your way.

From optimizing your profile to engaging with readers, from honing your writing skills to building genuine connections with fellow writers, I’ll be by your side every step of the way, sharing my own experiences and lessons learned along the way.

So if you’re ready to embark on a journey of discovery and connection, I invite you to take the plunge and become a Friend of Medium today.

Together, we’ll explore the boundless possibilities of storytelling, forge lasting friendships, and create a community where every voice is valued and every story is celebrated.

Join me, dear readers, as we embark on this incredible adventure together. The road ahead may be long and winding, but with the support of our fellow writers and the power of our collective voices, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

Here’s to the journey ahead — and to the stories yet to be told.

Embracing Challenges Together

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

As we navigate the ebbs and flows of our writing journeys on Medium, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges that come with aspiring to qualify for the Medium Partner Program.

This path is not devoid of obstacles, yet it is the very hurdles we encounter that make our stories richer and our victories more rewarding.

I am fully aware, as many of you are, of the complexities involved in reaching the thresholds set by the Partner Program.

From garnering enough followers to achieving a consistent readership, the criteria can seem daunting. However, it is in the face of these challenges that the true spirit of the Medium community shines brightest.

In my own journey, I have learned that openness and collaboration are the keystones of overcoming obstacles. It’s easy to feel isolated in our struggles, but I urge you to remember that we are part of a vibrant, dynamic community.

Here, every writer, regardless of their niche or experience level, has faced their share of challenges. By fostering open dialogue, we can share strategies that have worked, offer constructive feedback, and provide the moral support necessary to persevere.

I encourage each one of you to engage in conversations, whether through comments, responses, or social media platforms associated with Medium.

Share your experiences, ask questions, and seek advice. You’ll find that many are willing to offer insights from their own journeys. This collaborative spirit not only helps us overcome personal challenges but also contributes to the growth and enrichment of our community as a whole.

Let us embrace these challenges together, with the understanding that each obstacle is an opportunity for growth.

Whether it’s refining our writing skills, enhancing our engagement strategies, or simply finding our voice, every challenge we overcome brings us one step closer to our goals.

So, to my fellow writers, I say: let’s not view these challenges as barriers but as stepping stones. Together, we can build a supportive network, sharing our collective wisdom and experiences to lift each other up.

Remember, the journey to qualifying for the Medium Partner Program is not a solitary endeavor but a communal voyage.

Let us embark on this journey with open hearts and minds, ready to support one another in navigating the challenges that lie ahead.

With collaboration, resilience, and a shared commitment to our craft, there’s no doubt that we can achieve our goals and foster a thriving community of writers on Medium.


Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Reflecting on my journey from a lifelong diarist to embarking on a new chapter with the Friends of Medium Program, it’s clear that the essence of my writing adventure is deeply rooted in community and connection.

My transition from personal narratives to sharing stories on a global platform has been both exhilarating and enlightening, underscoring the transformative power of shared experiences and mutual support.

The past few days have been a whirlwind of discovery, growth, and unexpected progress.

Reaching 100 followers in such a short time and seeing my stories resonate with readers has been nothing short of astonishing. Yet, the true heart of this journey lies in the connections formed along the way.

The Medium community has shown me the profound impact of engagement, from leaving thoughtful comments to supporting fellow writers with claps and reads.

This reciprocity has not only amplified my reach but also enriched my understanding of what it means to be part of a writing community.

The importance of genuine connections cannot be overstated. It’s these relationships that fuel our growth as writers and individuals, providing a foundation of support that transcends the digital space.

My commitment to building meaningful relationships with my readers and fellow writers remains steadfast, driven by the belief that together, we can achieve remarkable success.

As I look forward to resuming my writing after a brief pause, my heart is filled with gratitude for the lessons learned and the friendships forged.

This journey has reaffirmed my belief in the power of community support and the immeasurable value of every comment, clap, and story shared.

I invite you, dear reader, to join me in this ongoing conversation. Share your thoughts, experiences, and insights in the comments section below. Whether you’re a seasoned writer on Medium or just beginning your journey, your voice is a vital part of this community tapestry.

Let’s continue to support one another, share our stories, and embrace the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead, together.

As we move forward, let’s remember that our success on Medium and beyond is not just measured by followers or revenue, but by the genuine connections we forge and the lives we touch through our words.

Here’s to writing, reading, and growing together in this vibrant community of storytellers.

Join me in this journey of exploration and growth on Medium. Share your own experiences, stories, and thoughts.

Let’s create a vibrant dialogue that enriches our community even further. Together, we can continue to inspire, connect, and support each other as writers and readers on this incredible platform.

Come along on this writing adventure with me!

🌄 Here’s how you can join in:

📚 Follow me on Medium as → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
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Let’s dive into the magic of storytelling together! And if you liked this story, don’t forget to show your support by clapping 50 times. Feel free to explore my other stories and share your thoughts in the comments, highlighting what you liked or disliked and offering suggestions for improvement in future stories.

Your feedback means the world to me!




Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.