My Journey to Friend of Medium and Medium Partner Program — Part 8

Uniting Through Words: The Power of Love in Our Writers’ Community

Iftekar Shoeb
15 min readMar 2, 2024
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Hey there, my wonderful readers!

Overflowing with excitement and gratitude, I’m here to share the essence of our journey on Medium.

Your incredible support has transformed this adventure into a symphony of words, emotions, and unity.

Together, we celebrated my first $100 milestone within a whirlwind 13 days, thanks to the overwhelming love for our 7th series entry, “My Journey to Friend of Medium and Medium Partner Program.”

This success isn’t just mine; it’s ours, a testament to the collective power and unbreakable bonds within our vibrant writers’ club.

Join me on this exhilarating journey to the end of the article, where I’ll unveil the remarkable revenue your unwavering support has generated from our 7th installment in just 12 hours after publication — a true testament to your incredible contribution.

As we step into the 8th chapter, it’s not about the achievements but the magic we create together, strengthening our connections and turning this platform into a home.

Let’s continue to celebrate this beautiful tapestry of community and support, inviting you to press Play and immerse in our shared story, woven with love and solidarity.

My Medium Adventure

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Diving into Medium felt like my debut on the world’s stage — heart pounding, hands trembling — as I shared my first piece. The thrill of joining the Medium Partner Program brought a whole new level of butterflies, marking the start of a journey not just to share, but to connect, inspire, and perhaps find appreciation in this vast sea of talent.

Every click to publish was a mix of excitement and fear. Would my voice stand out in this incredible expanse, where each writer’s words could change a life, invoke a laugh, or soothe a soul?

Amidst this tapestry of stories, I pondered my place, and my resonance with readers who, like me, sought connection and understanding.

Yet, it’s the journey, not the destination, that defines an adventure. My voyage through Medium has been a kaleidoscope of emotions, a testament to growth and the discovery that indeed, there’s space for every voice, including my own.

This blend of eagerness and anxiety has transformed into a driving force, a reminder of Medium’s essence — connection.

To those embarking on this journey, let this be your beacon: your voice matters, your stories deserve to be shared, and in this boundless ocean, there’s room for us all to leave our mark.

The Surprise Turnaround

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My Medium journey, marked by silent stretches where my words seemed lost in the digital void, took a surprising turn with one heartfelt article. Initially unassuming, it sparked an unforeseen chain reaction.

The stats began to soar, each notification a thrilling pulse, signaling not just visibility but a profound connection.

This wasn’t merely a surge in numbers; it was the unfolding of support, each view and clap a testament to the community’s embrace.

The real magic unfolded in the comments, where encouragement and shared stories painted a vivid picture of genuine engagement and unity.

This experience transcended mere metrics, highlighting the true essence of Medium: a space where distances collapse, connections form, and every interaction enriches us.

It underscored that success here is less about analytics and more about the depth of connections and shared journeys.

That unexpected peak wasn’t just a milestone; it was a lesson in the power of community and the impact of speaking from the heart.

It reaffirmed that when we share our truths, the world doesn’t just listen — it responds with an echoing chorus of support, transforming writing into a celebration of collective human experience.

Heartfelt Responses

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The support I received after publishing my 7th article was overwhelming, to say the least. Each clap and comment felt like a warm hug, reminding me of the deep connections we share as writers.

Among the echoes of appreciation, certain messages stood as beacons, illuminating the true essence of sharing our stories.

Val Garner - Friend of Medium Sharing Life 🖋️ congratulated me on my wins, appreciating the effort I put into the series of articles, and thanked me for sharing my journey.

Anujap thanked me for the mention and wished me the best.

Laércio de Sant' Anna Filho expressed gratitude for referencing their work in my article.

Some messages stood out among the rest.

Another reader shared their own story, echoing the themes of my article and highlighting the power of storytelling to connect people.

Of course, there were also critiques, which I welcomed as opportunities for growth. And amidst it all, there were simple messages of thanks that reminded me of the supportive bond we share as a community.

Shayla Renee 💖, Vanice Miorelli | @waitinlounge, Agbo Okwudili Paul, Heroic Cheryl, Kate Brennan, Kate Smoliakova, Melanie Jackson, Lewiscoaches, Thomas M Brady - author, life science investor, O+, Joshua Esin, Ilakkuvaselvi (Ilak) Manoharan, Hive 42, LEARNERSCARE LLC, Marius Andronie, Bhaskarthakur, Syed Iftekhar-Ur-Rahman, Ilinka Anderson, Ashfaq Ahmad and many others congratulated me on my achievement and expressed appreciation for sharing my journey.

The range of responses I received painted a clear picture of the diverse and supportive community I’m lucky to be a part of on Medium.

It’s moments like these that make the journey here so rewarding, showing me that even in a digital space, genuine connections can be formed and cherished.

Let’s Look at the Numbers

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Diving into our story’s early numbers with a bit of whimsy and crystal clarity, our digital nook buzzed like a beehive on a radiant day.

In just six hours, our latest narrative attracted 57 curious minds — akin to a cozy bus journey embarked on by a community eager for tales and insights.

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With 47 Medium comrades and 10 external wanderers joining the fray, it felt like a grand family gathering, enriched by new faces. Forty-two stayed to truly absorb our tale, granting us a heartwarming read ratio of 79% — a testament to the story’s resonance.

Our engagement tale is one of active participation:

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24 Clappers celebrated our journey with their applause, a virtual high-five for every shared stride.

10 Highlighters illuminated key passages, guiding future readers through our shared insights.

12 Responders enriched our narrative with their thoughts, transforming solitary musings into a vibrant dialogue.

These figures transcend mere data; they embody the vibrant connections and shared moments that make our journey together so fulfilling.

Capturing this milestone, I’ve taken a screenshot — a digital memento of our collective voyage. This image, soon to be shared, is our group photo, a snapshot of our communal triumph.

To everyone who read, reacted, and engaged — thank you. Your presence in our statistics signifies much more; it’s the essence of our collective narrative, an ongoing celebration of connection and discovery.

As we anticipate the screenshot reveals, let’s continue this dialogue, sharing stories and aspirations. The journey is far from over; it’s just gaining momentum.

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So, stay tuned, keep engaging, and let’s embark on many more adventures together.

Here’s to the stories that await us and the milestones we’ll achieve as one.

The Strength of Our Support

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Reflecting on our shared Medium journey, it’s clear that the real power lies not in numbers, but in the profound connections and support we’ve cultivated.

A simple message from a reader once cut through my doubts, reminding me that our stories can bridge the vast divides between us, connecting hearts and igniting souls.

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This support has been more than just encouragement for my writing; it has spurred personal growth, teaching me the strength in vulnerability and the courage in authenticity.

Feedback and kind words from this vibrant community have been the stepping stones to finding my voice and connecting more deeply with others.

Our collective journey has transformed writing from a solitary pursuit into a shared celebration of diverse experiences. It’s a reminder that creativity’s ebbs and flows are navigated together, with the community’s support as our guiding light.

In this vast digital ocean, we’ve found a harbor in each other, a testament to the enduring power of connection.

As we continue this voyage of creativity and growth, it’s the bonds we forge that sustain and inspire us, a beautiful reminder of our journey’s shared heart.

Breaking New Ground Together

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As I sit down to pen this new chapter in our shared narrative, a playful thought dances in my mind: could this article outshine the last?

It’s a question that tickles the imagination, not because of a quest for accolades, but for the delightful anticipation it stirs within our collective journey.

Let’s envision our story as a garden. Each article is a seed sown with hope and nurtured with words.

The last one blossomed beautifully, didn’t it? Its petals reached far and wide, basking in the warmth of our community’s embrace.

Now, as we plant this new seed, there’s an electric buzz of possibility. Will it grow taller, and bloom brighter?

The suspense is part of the fun, a shared excitement that weaves through our conversations like sunlight through the leaves.

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But here’s the heart of the matter: it’s not just about breaking new ground or surpassing records.

No, it’s about the soil that nourishes these seeds — the rich, fertile ground of our community.

Each view, clap, and comment is like water and sunshine, vital nutrients that feed our garden’s growth.

And whether this new seedling soars to dazzling heights or finds a more modest stature, it’s a celebration of the ecosystem we’ve cultivated together.

This journey we’re on is painted with strokes of strength and kindness from every corner of our community.

Every success, whether a towering tree or a delicate flower, is a testament to the nurturing environment we’ve created.

Image generated by the author using DALL·E.

It’s a place where creativity flourishes, where ideas cross-pollinate and diversity blooms in spectacular color.

So, as we await the growth of this new seedling with bated breath, let’s remember that its true measure isn’t just in the height it reaches but in the joy of watching it grow.

Each article is a story of our collective endeavor, a piece of the mosaic we’re piecing together with laughter, tears, and dreams.

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And if this new ground we break together brings us closer, sparks more conversations, and weaves stronger bonds, then, my friends, we’ve already outdone ourselves.

Here’s to the garden we’re tending, to the stories yet to bloom, and to the journey that makes every step (and every word) worth it. Together, we’re not just breaking new ground; we’re cultivating a haven of connection and creativity.

Let the adventure continue, and may our shared narrative be filled with endless growth and boundless possibilities.

After all, it’s the journey we’re on together that truly makes this garden flourish.

A Mix of Here and There

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Our Medium journey is a vibrant tapestry, woven from the diverse threads of readers around the globe. It’s a blend of familiar faces and new friends, with dedicated members forming the heart of our community, offering support like family.

Meanwhile, external visitors, our wildflowers, discover our stories through various channels, adding unexpected beauty and perspective. This melding of internal and external readership not only excites but enriches our shared narrative, urging our words to soar beyond imagined boundaries.

Every reader, whether from within Medium or beyond, contributes to the dynamic dance of our storytelling journey, blending the comfort of known connections with the thrill of new discoveries.

As we share our stories, we celebrate this diversity, expanding our community’s horizons and inviting the world to join us. In this mix, we find not just our purpose but a reminder of the power of our words to unite and inspire across all divides.

Here’s to the stories ahead and the ever-growing tapestry we’re crafting together, one word at a time.

Wrapping Up with Gratitude

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

As we come to the close of this chapter, my heart is brimming with gratitude. The love and support you’ve all shown have turned this journey on Medium into something far more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

It’s been a voyage not just of words and stories, but of building lasting friendships and learning from each other in the most profound ways.

This adventure we’re on together, it’s about so much more than just writing. It’s about the connections we make, the support we offer, and the collective wisdom we share.

Each comment, each share, each clap has been a building block in the foundation of a community that thrives on kindness, encouragement, and mutual growth.

Let’s Chat

Photo by Frank Leuderalbert on Unsplash

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s turn the comments section into our virtual campfire, a place to share stories of support, growth, and the friendships we’ve found here on Medium.

Whether it’s a moment that touched your heart, a friendship that blossomed out of a shared love for words, or how this community has supported your growth — I want to hear it all.

What does this community mean to you?

How has it shaped your journey, both as a writer and as a person?

Let’s share our stories and celebrate the bonds that tie us together, making this space a vibrant tapestry of human experience.

Your voice is a vital part of this ongoing story we’re writing together. So, let’s chat, share, and continue to build this wonderful community, one story at a time.

Exciting Update & A Call to Action

As we weave together the threads of our shared journey, I have another thrilling piece of news to share with you. The stats for our previous series article (the 7th installment), which many of you have been eagerly awaiting, are now in.

Thanks to your engagement and dedication to reading through my article during the last 12 hours, the story garnered 57 views, with 42 readers fully engaging with the content.

This represents a read ratio of 74%, culminating in an earning of $11.61 on the 1st of March, 2024.

This achievement is not just a personal milestone but a reflection of our collective effort and the vibrant connection we share within this community.

Image generated by the author using Midjourney

This moment of success is a testament to the power of our united voices and the impact we can create together.

It’s a reminder that each view, each read, and each interaction is a vital contribution to the growth and flourishing of our shared narrative.

As we celebrate this accomplishment, I invite you to continue this journey with me.

Your thoughts, your stories, and your support are what make this adventure so rewarding.

In the spirit of our ongoing collaboration, I encourage you to share your reflections in the comment section below.

Let’s use this space as a forum for discussion, a place to connect, and a source of inspiration for one another.

Additionally, if you’re new to our series or have yet to explore the earlier chapters, I warmly invite you to read through articles 1 to 7.

By doing so, you’re not just supporting my writing journey but also immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of experiences, insights, and emotions that we’ve woven together.

This call to action is more than just an invitation to engage; it’s a celebration of our collective achievements and a step forward in our continuous path of growth, learning, and connection.

Your voice is a critical part of this story we’re writing together, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Let’s keep the conversation going, share our stories, and build upon the wonderful community we’ve created, one story at a time.

Thank you for being an integral part of this journey, and here’s to the many more milestones we’ll achieve together.

Come along on this writing adventure with me!

🌄 Here’s how you can join in:

📚 Follow me on Medium as → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
🗣️ Share your thoughts in the comments and give a round of applause if you enjoyed the story! 🥰
💌 Don’t miss out! Sign up to receive email notifications whenever I publish → Click Here 🥰

Let’s dive into the magic of storytelling together! And if you liked this story, don’t forget to show your support by clapping 50 times.

Feel free to explore my other stories and share your thoughts in the comments, highlighting what you liked or disliked and offering suggestions for improvement in future stories.

Your feedback means the world to me!




Thank you once again for your time and engagement.

Let’s stay connected and continue this journey together. I eagerly await our next encounter in my upcoming article!Best regards,

Iftekar Shoeb



Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.