My Journey to Friend of Medium: Part 9 — Clapping, Commenting, and Connecting

Unveiling the Magic of Interaction in the Medium Community

Iftekar Shoeb
6 min readMar 2, 2024
Image generated by the author using DALL·E.

Hey there, fellow Medium adventurers!

Can you believe it’s been 16 days since I set sail on this wild journey of reading, clapping, and commenting?

In these digital waters, every scroll unveils a new treasure trove of words waiting to be explored.

So, sit tight, because I’ve got some tales to share that’ll tickle your funny bone and maybe even tug at your heartstrings.

Let’s embark together on this adventure through the depths of Medium’s stories and discoveries.

Discovering the Magic of Being a Friend of Medium (FoM):

Image generated by the author using Midjourney

Entering the realm of Friend of Medium (FoM) has been like stumbling upon a hidden treasure chest. Every clap I dish out feels like striking digital gold, multiplying earnings fourfold with each tap of that clap button.

It’s a secret superpower I wield, transforming mere clicks into meaningful support for creators.

But beyond the allure of earning potential, I’ve embraced a personal mission to spread joy and appreciation like confetti.

From deeply moving essays to simple “thank you” notes, I make it my quest to shower 50 claps on every piece that resonates with me.

After all, if someone’s words touch my soul, the least I can do is offer a virtual round of applause in return.

Exploring the Stats:

Screenshot from the Author’s desktop

Diving into the numbers of my Medium journey reveals some surprising figures.

I’ve responded a staggering 542 times — more than the number of times I’ve hit snooze on my alarm!

Each interaction, whether through comments or claps, feels like sending a little love letter into the vast expanse of the Medium community.

Quirks and Discoveries:

Image generated by the author using Midjourney

One peculiar habit I’ve developed is my method of clapping. Instead of holding down the button for the big 50, I’ve been clicking manually, earning my claps the hard way.

Yet, in this seemingly mundane action, I’ve unearthed unexpected lessons, discovering the value of simplicity and the beauty of efficiency in the digital landscape.

Observations on Fellow Medium Writers:

Image generated by the author using DALL·E.

In traversing the Medium terrain, I’ve encountered writers of all stripes, each with their unique approach to appreciation.

Some seasoned scribes are surprisingly conservative with their claps, prompting reflections on the diverse ways in which support is expressed.

Yet, amidst this diversity, I’ve come to understand and appreciate the myriad perspectives that enrich our community, fostering empathy and camaraderie among us.

Finding Gems in the Medium Community:

Image generated by the author using Midjourney

Amidst the vast sea of content, I’ve stumbled upon hidden gems that shimmer with talent and creativity.

These writers aren’t merely scribblers — they’re true wordsmiths, weaving tales that leave me spellbound.

The joy of discovering such talent is amplified when these writers reciprocate with follows, forging connections that enrich our Medium experience and reinforce the bonds of mutual appreciation.


In this whimsical journey through the depths of Medium, I’ve embraced the role of a maven, spreading joy through interactions and celebrating the richness of talent within our community.

Image generated by the author using DALL·E.

From showering claps like confetti to unearthing hidden gems of creativity, every moment has been a testament to the magic of storytelling and connection.

Toast to the Readers:

To you, dear reader, I raise a virtual glass, wishing you plentiful stories to ignite your imagination and even more plentiful claps to support the creators who inspire you.

May your Medium adventures be filled with wonder and discovery, leading you to new horizons of knowledge and appreciation.

Image generated by the author using Midjourney

Call to Action:

As we bid adieu for now, I encourage you to continue spreading the love and appreciation within the Medium community.

Whether through claps, comments, or follows, your support fuels the creativity and passion of writers around the globe.

So until our paths cross again, let’s keep the spirit of camaraderie alive and the stories flowing.


Let’s keep the conversation going, share our stories, and build upon the wonderful community we’ve created, one story at a time.

Thank you for being an integral part of this journey, and here’s to the many more milestones we’ll achieve together.

Come along on this writing adventure with me!

🌄 Here’s how you can join in:

📚 Follow me on Medium as → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
🗣️ Share your thoughts in the comments and give a round of applause if you enjoyed the story! 🥰
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Let’s dive into the magic of storytelling together! And if you liked this story, don’t forget to show your support by clapping 50 times.

Feel free to explore my other stories and share your thoughts in the comments, highlighting what you liked or disliked and offering suggestions for improvement in future stories.

Your feedback means the world to me!



Thank you once again for your time and engagement.

Let’s stay connected and continue this journey together. I eagerly await our next encounter in my upcoming article!Best regards,

Iftekar Shoeb



Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.