My Journey with ‘Friend of Medium’ and the ‘Medium Partner Program’ — Part 6

How the Friend of Medium Subscription Opened Doors to the Medium Partner Program and Unleashed My Writing Potential

Iftekar Shoeb
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]
7 min readFeb 29, 2024



Image created by the author using Midjourney

Hey there!

Let me share a little secret about my journey on Medium that turned everything around for me, and it’s all about making friends and helping each other out.

It’s super simple and honest, no fancy tricks.

Starting Small: When I first joined Medium, I was pretty much talking to myself with just 3 followers.

I decided to not just write, but dive into what others were writing too.

I figured, why not spread some love?

So, I started reading a bunch of articles, leaving comments, and really engaging.

You know, the kind of stuff that makes someone’s day.

Image created by the author using Midjourney

The Magic of Giving Back: By the 13th day, something crazy happened. My followers shot up to 300! All because I spent time reading and supporting other writers.

And guess what?

Some of them even started following me back and highlighting parts of my stories they liked.

It felt like finding my tribe.

Image created by the author using DALL-E

First Earnings, Big Milestones: The coolest part? I started earning too.

From just $1 with 3 followers to nearing $70 with 250+ followers in just 13 days! All thanks to the community vibe. It’s wild how supporting others can come back to you in so many ways.

Here’s What I’m Thinking: I want to keep this good vibe rolling. I’ll be sharing stories from the folks I’ve connected with.

And I’m inviting you to join in.

Just give their stories a read, leave a nice comment, and maybe give them a bunch of claps.
It’s not about expecting anything in return; it’s about lifting each other up.

But, you know, the cool thing is, this kind of kindness usually does come back around.

Image created by the author using DALL-E

No Pressure, Just Good Vibes: Don’t worry about keeping score or anything. Just enjoy reading, share some love with your claps and comments, and let’s see how much brighter we can make our little corner of Medium.

It’s all about making friends, learning from each other, and growing together.

Image created by the author using DALL-E

So, what do you say? Ready to spread some positivity and watch it come back fourfold?

Trust me, it’s the best strategy out there — not just for growing your followers but for building genuine connections.

Let’s dive in and make Medium even more awesome together!

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to the authors whose writing lit the way for me on my journey.

Your words have been a guiding light, illuminating the path and inspiring me to forge ahead with passion and purpose.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom, your stories, and your insights. You’ve shown me what’s possible, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Join me in this journey of exploration and growth on Medium. Share your own experiences, stories, and thoughts.

Image created by the author using DALL-E

Let’s create a vibrant dialogue that enriches our community even further. Together, we can continue to inspire, connect, and support each other as writers and readers on this incredible platform.

Come along on this writing adventure with me!

🌄 Here’s how you can join in:

📚 Follow me on Medium as → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
🗣️ Share your thoughts in the comments and give a round of applause if you enjoyed the story! 🥰
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Let’s dive into the magic of storytelling together! And if you liked this story, don’t forget to show your support by clapping 50 times.

Image created by the author using DALL-E

Feel free to explore my other stories and share your thoughts in the comments, highlighting what you liked or disliked and offering suggestions for improvement in future stories.

Your feedback means the world to me!


Thank you for your time and engagement.

Let’s stay connected and continue this journey together. I eagerly await our next encounter in my upcoming article!

Best regards,

Iftekar Shoeb



Iftekar Shoeb
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.