Unraveling Medium’s Algorithm: A Collective Journey

Seeking Insights Together on Medium’s Algorithm

Iftekar Shoeb
8 min readFeb 16, 2024
Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

A Surprising Start Turns into a Quest for Understanding

Just yesterday, I was riding high on a wave of excitement. My first-ever earnings on Medium — $1.06 for a single view and a 100% read ratio — felt like a monumental achievement.

Image Source: Author’s Desktop Screenshot-1

I was thrilled, convinced I’d cracked some sort of code on my very first try. But fast forward to today, and my excitement has morphed into a cloud of confusion.

Despite an uptick in views and reads, my earnings have flatlined at $1.09, and my read ratio has dipped.

What’s going on?

Image Source: Author’s Desktop Screenshot-2

This unexpected turn of events has led me down a path of curiosity and, admittedly, a bit of bewilderment. Here I am, a day later, with stats that have me scratching my head: more views, more reads, but the same earnings, and a lower read ratio.

There’s a lot I have yet to learn about the mechanics of Medium’s algorithm.

In this article, I’m laying out my current stats, my questions, and my hope to spark a conversation with both new and experienced Medium writers.

How do we navigate this platform’s algorithm together?

How can we turn our collective confusion into collective insights?

Join me as I dive into the details of my situation, openly seeking your guidance and sharing this journey toward understanding Medium’s inner workings.

The Unexpected Statistics: A Closer Look

Yesterday felt like a mini-celebration. My first dollar on Medium had me thinking I was on to something big.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

But today, as I poured over my stats with a cup of coffee in hand, I couldn’t help but feel a bit lost at sea. Despite the increase in views and reads on my article, my earnings seemed stuck at $1.09.

And my perfect read ratio? It dropped to 75%.

I thought the numbers would tell a straightforward story: more views, more reads, more money.


Wrong. Instead, they served up a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. The unchanged earnings were baffling enough, but the dip in read ratio was the real head-scratcher.

Wasn’t more engagement supposed to be a good thing?

Here I was, expecting to see my earnings inch upward with each new view and read. But the reality was a flat line that left me pondering what it takes to succeed on Medium.

It’s clear there’s a nuanced dance between views, reads, and earnings, and I’m still learning the steps. When I checked my Medium stats today, I was all set for a little celebration.

I thought the extra buzz around my article would surely mean a nice bump in my earnings.

Breaking Down Today’s Stats

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

Let’s dive into the numbers, shall we? Today, my story’s views jumped to four — all from Medium members. That’s right, four times the eyeballs, and yet, my wallet didn’t feel the difference.

The reads also saw an uptick, moving from one to three, but here’s the kicker: the read ratio slipped from 100% to 75%.

Image Source: Author’s Desktop Screenshot-3

1. On the brighter side, my engagement stats seemed to tell a more hopeful story.

2. Two claps (thank you, kind readers), one highlight (someone found a nugget of wisdom worth marking), and one new follower (hello there, welcome to my corner of Medium).

3. Plus, one reader left a response, sparking the beginning of what I hope will be many more conversations.

Image Source: Author’s Desktop Screenshot-4

Yet, as I sit here, trying to make sense of these stats, I can’t shake off the feeling that I’m missing a piece of the puzzle.

How do these numbers translate into earnings?

And why did my earnings stall despite the apparent increase in engagement?

My Confusion and Request for Insights

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I’ll be the first to admit: that I’m a newbie trying to find my footing in the vast world of Medium. The initial thrill of making my first dollar has given way to a quest for understanding.

How does this platform work?

What’s the secret sauce behind the algorithm that determines our earnings and visibility?

I’m reaching out to you, the Medium community, with a mix of humility and hope. To the seasoned veterans who navigate these waters with ease, and to the fellow newbies who are just as puzzled as I am: let’s figure this out together.

How do we crack the Medium code?

What strategies have you found effective in boosting your views, reads, and engagement?

Your insights, experiences, and advice are not just welcome; they’re needed. Together, we can turn this confusing array of numbers into a roadmap for success.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

So, let’s start the conversation.

How do you navigate Medium’s algorithm?

What mysteries have you unraveled, and what puzzles still leave you scratching your head?

Join me in this journey of discovery. Your wisdom, your questions, and your stories have the power to illuminate the path for us all.

Let’s demystify Medium’s algorithm together, turning our collective confusions into collective triumphs.

Questions for the Community

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Now, here’s where I roll up my sleeves and get down to business. I’ve got questions, folks, and I’m hoping you’ve got some answers.

How do these views and reads turn into dollars and cents?

Is there a secret handshake with the Medium algorithm that I missed out on?

The Impact of Engagement: How exactly do claps, highlights, followers, and responses play into our earnings? Is there a magic number of claps that makes the algorithm sit up and take notice?

Strategies for Success: For those of you who’ve been around the block a few times, what’s worked for you? Are there certain types of stories or topics that tend to do better, or is it all about how you market your pieces?

Medium Members vs. Non-members: How big of a role does the audience play in our success? Should we be tailoring our content to appeal more to Medium members since they’re the ones who can contribute to our earnings?

Deciphering Stats: For someone still trying to get a grip on what all these numbers mean, do you have any tips for interpreting stats? How do you adjust your strategy based on what the numbers are telling you?


So, here we are at the end of this little exploration into the heart of Medium’s algorithm. The aim was simple: to start a conversation, to learn from each other, and to peel back the layers of this complex system we’re all trying to navigate.

I’m calling on you, dear readers, whether you’re just starting like me or you’ve been writing here for years. Your experiences, your trials and errors, and your successes could light the way for the rest of us.

There’s something incredibly powerful about community knowledge, and together, we can turn the daunting into the doable.

Let’s not let the algorithm keep us in the dark. By sharing our stories, our insights, and our questions, we can build a roadmap that helps all of us thrive on Medium.

Call to Action

Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

Now it’s your turn. Hit the comments with your thoughts, your advice, and any clarifications about how this whole Medium thing works.

Whether it’s a strategy that’s worked wonders for you, a question that’s been burning a hole in your pocket, or just a word of encouragement, I’m all ears.

A big thank you in advance for your support and for sharing your wisdom with the community. Here’s to making sense of the Medium maze, together.

Let’s turn our collective confusion into our collective wisdom. Can’t wait to hear from you!

And there you have it, folks. I’m setting out on a quest — a deep dive into the heart of Medium’s elusive algorithm.

My mission?

To unearth the hidden truths and strategies that can help us all do better on this platform. From scouring Medium’s FAQs to combing through Google search results, from absorbing wisdom in YouTube success stories to digesting guidelines from Medium’s most successful authors, I’m on it.

This journey is not just about me. It’s about all of us. I’m on a mission to pave a path that we can all walk down successfully.

My upcoming articles will be a tapestry of research, insights, and real, actionable strategies gleaned from the corners of the internet and the minds of those who’ve mastered the Medium maze.

Here’s where you come in. I need your eyes, your minds, and your experiences. As I embark on this exploratory journey, I invite you to join me.

Read along as I share my findings, insights, and, inevitably, the occasional stumble. Your feedback is invaluable.

Point out the potholes I missed, the turns I took too sharply, or the signs I misread.

Your input will not only sharpen my understanding but will enrich our collective journey on Medium.

Join the Journey: Unveiling Medium’s Secrets Together

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Keep an eye out for my upcoming articles. This is just the beginning, and your participation is crucial.

Share with me the errors you spot in my logic, the oversights in my analysis, or even the successes you’ve had that contradict my findings.

Every piece of feedback is a puzzle piece in solving the Medium algorithm mystery.

Let’s not just navigate this platform; let’s master it, together. Your insights, critiques, and successes are the beacon that will guide this exploration. Join me, share with me, and let’s uncover the secrets to thriving on Medium, one article at a time.

Are you ready?

Follow me, engage with my upcoming pieces, and let’s make our mark on Medium together. Here’s to our shared success and the journey ahead.

Join me on my writing journey!

🌄 Here’s how you can be part of the adventure:

📚 Follow me on Medium → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
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Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.