Unveiling Medium: Your Ultimate Guide to Writing, Earning, and Growing on the Platform

Discover Medium’s Safety, Ownership, SEO, and More: Tips for Success and Community Engagement

Iftekar Shoeb
13 min readFeb 14, 2024
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Entering the world of Medium was like stepping into a bustling marketplace of ideas, where writers, bloggers, and storytellers converge to share their thoughts and experiences with the world.

As I embarked on my journey into this platform, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. After all, I had heard both glowing reviews and cautious warnings about what to expect.

Medium, for those unfamiliar, is an online publishing platform that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It’s a place where anyone with a story to tell can find an audience, and where readers can discover a wide array of content spanning various genres and topics.

From personal essays to informative articles, from poetry to in-depth analyses, Medium offers something for everyone.

As someone who has always been passionate about writing and storytelling, I was drawn to the idea of sharing my thoughts and experiences with a broader audience.

However, like many aspiring writers, I had my doubts and hesitations. Would my writing be good enough? Would anyone even bother to read it? And perhaps most importantly, could I make a name for myself on a platform as vast and competitive as Medium?

Despite these uncertainties, I decided to take the plunge and create an account on Medium. Little did I know that my journey would take an unexpected turn right from the start.

The First Day — A Pleasant Surprise

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

My journey into the world of Medium began with cautious optimism. After setting up my profile — a simple task that involved choosing a username, a profile picture, and a brief bio — I sat down to write my first article.

I decided to write about a topic close to my heart, weaving my personal experiences into a broader narrative that I hoped would resonate with readers. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, I hit the “publish” button, sending my thoughts out into the vast digital ocean of Medium.

The initial hours passed with an eerie quiet. Like a message in a bottle tossed into the sea, my article floated in the digital expanse, waiting to be discovered. I busied myself with other tasks, trying not to obsess over overviews or claps (Medium’s version of likes). However, curiosity soon got the better of me, and I found myself refreshing the page, eager for any sign of engagement.

To my surprise, the quiet didn’t last long. By the end of the day, my article had garnered a handful of views and a couple of claps. More importantly, I received a few thoughtful comments from readers who shared their own experiences and perspectives on the topic I had written about.

The sense of connection and community was immediate and gratifying. But the real shock came later that evening.

I received an email from Medium congratulating me on being accepted into the Medium Partner Program. I was bewildered. I had heard that getting accepted could be a challenging process, requiring a certain number of followers and a track record of published articles.

Yet, here I was, accepted on my very first day, with just a single article to my name. The realization dawned on me that Medium was a platform full of surprises, where quality could indeed triumph over quantity, and where new voices could find their space in the sun.

This unexpected turn of events filled me with a newfound enthusiasm. It was a validation of sorts, a sign that maybe, just maybe, I had something worthwhile to share. More than the prospect of earning through the Partner Program, my writing affirmed that spurred me on.

I was now more determined than ever to explore Medium further, to understand its intricacies, and to carve out a niche for myself within its vibrant community.

As I lay in bed that night, my mind buzzed with ideas for future articles. The journey had only just begun, but already, Medium had taught me an invaluable lesson: the power of taking that first step, of putting your work out there, and of the unexpected opportunities that can arise when you dare to share your voice with the world.

In the following days, I would dive deeper into the Medium ecosystem, seeking answers to my many questions and charting my path forward. Little did I know, that the exploration would lead me to insights and revelations that would not only enhance my understanding of Medium but also challenge and enrich my journey as a writer.

Diving Deeper — Exploring Medium and Its Partnership Program

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

With my surprising and encouraging start on Medium, my second day was dedicated to exploration and understanding. I was eager to learn everything I could about the platform and how to make the most of the Medium Partnership Program.

My goal wasn’t just to earn but to grow as a writer, connect with a community, and share my stories with a broader audience. Here’s what I discovered about Medium and the answers to the first five out of twenty-five questions that had initially puzzled me.

Is Medium App Safe?
My first concern was about safety. It’s a digital age dilemma; how safe is your content on a platform? From what I gathered, Medium takes the privacy and security of its users seriously. Both writers and readers can engage with the platform confidently, knowing their data and content are protected. This assurance was crucial for me, as it laid a foundation of trust.

Do I Own My Content on Medium?
Ownership of content is a major concern for any writer. The assurance that “your content is always yours” on Medium was a relief. Knowing that Medium allows writers to retain ownership of their work gave me the confidence to share my writings without fear of losing control over them. This policy respects creators’ rights, encouraging more open and diverse expressions of ideas.

Should I Write on Medium or My Blog?
This was a dilemma. Having a personal blog offers complete control and customization but reaching an audience can be slow and challenging. Medium, on the other hand, provides instant access to an established audience. It seemed like a trade-off between control and visibility. For someone like me, just starting, Medium offered a valuable platform to build a presence and engage with readers directly. The choice became clear: start with Medium to build my audience and consider a personal blog as my presence grows.

Why You Shouldn’t Publish on Medium?
Every platform has its limitations, and understanding these was crucial for me. Medium restricts the use of custom calls to action, which could potentially limit direct reader engagement strategies, such as newsletter sign-ups. This limitation made me think about creative ways to engage my readers within the Medium framework, focusing on quality content and genuine interactions rather than overt marketing tactics.

How Much Does Medium Pay Per 1,000 Views?
The potential for earning through the Medium Partner Program intrigued me. Payments are based on reader engagement rather than just views, emphasizing the quality of interaction. This approach resonated with me, as it aligns with my goal of meaningful writing. It’s encouraging to know that there’s potential to earn based on how readers value your content, not just on how many clicks an article gets.

These initial discoveries about Medium were both enlightening and motivating. They addressed my primary concerns and painted a picture of what I could expect moving forward. As I delved deeper into the platform, my excitement grew. Medium wasn’t just a place to publish content; it was a community where engagement, growth, and learning were actively encouraged. With my newfound knowledge and understanding, I was ready to take my Medium journey to the next level, exploring more about how to succeed on the platform and connect with its vibrant community of readers and writers.

Unraveling More Mysteries — Insights and Strategies

Photo by Mareks Mangūzis on Unsplash

As I continued to immerse myself in the world of Medium, my curiosity led me to explore further and uncover more about the platform’s nuances. The next set of questions and discoveries focused on optimizing my presence and content on Medium, understanding its impact on SEO, and comparing it with other blogging platforms. Here’s a deeper dive into the next ten FAQs that helped shape my strategy on Medium.

Can I Post the Same Content on Medium and My Blog?
A crucial consideration for many writers is the ability to repurpose content across different platforms. Medium’s stance on originality meant I had to rethink how I approached content creation. The platform discourages duplicate content to maintain a unique and valuable experience for readers. This prompted me to create exclusive content for Medium while using my blog for more personal or niche topics, ensuring both platforms remained valuable in their own right.

Is It Better to Write on Medium or WordPress?
Choosing between Medium and WordPress felt like deciding between community engagement and customization. WordPress offers extensive customization and control, making it ideal for building a personal brand or business. However, Medium’s built-in audience and simplicity provide a straightforward path to sharing my stories and connecting with readers. I realized both could serve different purposes in a writer’s portfolio, with Medium being the starting point for immediate reach and WordPress for long-term brand building.

Does Posting on Medium Help SEO?
Understanding the SEO implications was crucial, as visibility on search engines can significantly impact readership. While Medium posts do rank on search engines, leveraging SEO within Medium requires a focus on quality content and reader engagement rather than technical SEO strategies. This realization shifted my focus towards creating valuable, engaging content that could naturally attract readers, both from within Medium and through search engines.

How Long Should an Ideal Medium Blog Post Be?
Engagement on Medium is influenced by many factors, including post length. Learning that the ideal Medium post hovers around 1,600 words, or roughly 7 minutes of reading time, provided a useful benchmark. It encouraged me to focus on concise, impactful writing that respects the reader’s time while delivering value, striking a balance between depth and accessibility.

How Do You Get Traffic on Medium?
Attracting readers on Medium isn’t just about writing great content; it’s also about understanding and leveraging the platform’s features. Strategies such as SEO, using Medium’s tagging system effectively, engaging with other writers, and regular posting can significantly increase visibility. This insight led me to adopt a more strategic approach, focusing on consistency, community engagement, and leveraging Medium’s tools to grow my audience.

What Makes a Medium Article Successful?
Success on Medium isn’t solely about the number of views or claps; it’s about meaningful engagement and connection with readers. Successful Medium articles often address readers’ interests and needs, provoke thought, and provide value. This understanding prompted me to focus on the quality and relevance of my content, ensuring that each piece I wrote aimed to add value to my readers’ lives.

Can You Really Make Money on Medium?
The prospect of earning through my writing was exciting, yet I understood that significant earnings on Medium require dedication, quality content, and an engaged following. While some writers achieve substantial income, it’s important to approach Medium with realistic expectations and view any earnings as a bonus to the primary goal of sharing your voice and connecting with others.

How Often Should You Post on Medium?
Finding the sweet spot for posting frequency is key to growing an audience on Medium. While more frequent posts can increase visibility, quality should never be sacrificed for quantity. I learned that a consistent schedule, whether daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, helps in building a loyal readership, as long as the content remains engaging and valuable.

How to Engage with Other Writers on Medium?
Engagement goes beyond just publishing your own stories. Commenting on, clapping for, and sharing other writers’ work fosters a sense of community and can lead to reciprocal engagement. This strategy not only helped in growing my network but also in learning from others, gaining inspiration, and understanding what resonates with the Medium audience.

What Are Medium’s In-built Features for Growth?
Medium offers various features such as tagging, publications, and the Partner Program to help writers reach more readers. Understanding and utilizing these features effectively can amplify your content’s reach. Joining publications related to my niche and using relevant tags became a part of my strategy to increase visibility and engagement on my posts.

This phase of exploration and learning was instrumental in shaping my approach to writing on Medium. With a better understanding of the platform’s capabilities and limitations, I felt equipped to refine my content strategy, engage more effectively with the community, and leverage Medium’s features for growth. As I prepared to dive into the final set of FAQs, I was more confident in my ability to navigate the platform and make the most of the opportunities it presented.

Final Insights and Invitation for Community Engagement

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

My journey through the labyrinth of Medium, armed with questions and a thirst for knowledge, was nearing its conclusion. But before I pen my final thoughts, let’s explore the last set of FAQs that every budding or seasoned Medium writer might ponder. These insights not only broadened my understanding but also refined my approach toward a more fruitful and engaging Medium experience.

What is the Best Time to Publish on Medium?
Timing can significantly impact the visibility and engagement of your posts on Medium. Through my research and observations, I discovered that posting when your target audience is most active can lead to higher immediate engagement. Although there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, experimenting with posting times and analyzing engagement patterns can help identify the optimal times for your specific audience.

How Can Medium Publications Boost Your Reach?
Publications on Medium serve as collaborative spaces where writers can contribute their content, gaining access to a broader audience. By joining and contributing to publications related to my niche, my work received more visibility and engagement than it might have on its own. This collaboration is a powerful tool for growth, offering both exposure and a sense of community.

What Role Does Networking Play on Medium?
Medium is not just a platform for individual writers; it’s a community. Engaging with other writers through comments, responses, and collaborations can open doors to new opportunities and insights. Networking has enriched my Medium journey, transforming it from a solitary endeavor into a collaborative adventure.

Can Feedback on Medium Help Improve Your Writing?
Feedback from readers and fellow writers is a goldmine for improvement. Constructive criticism and diverse perspectives have helped me refine my writing style and content. Embracing feedback with an open mind is essential for growth and development as a writer on Medium or any other platform.

How Does Medium Handle Content Moderation?
Understanding Medium’s content moderation policies was crucial for ensuring my content aligned with community standards. Medium promotes freedom of expression but within a framework that ensures respect and safety for all users. This balance fosters a positive environment where diverse voices can share their stories without fear of undue censorship or harassment.

How to Stay Motivated as a Medium Writer?
Writing, like any creative pursuit, has its ups and downs. Staying motivated, especially in the face of slow growth or engagement, can be challenging. Setting personal goals, celebrating small victories, and remaining focused on the joy of writing and sharing stories have kept me motivated. Connecting with the Medium community for support and inspiration has also been invaluable.

What Are the Common Mistakes to Avoid on Medium?
Every platform has its pitfalls, and Medium is no exception. Overpromoting oneself, neglecting engagement with others, and inconsistent posting are common mistakes. Learning from these missteps, I aimed to create a balanced approach that prioritizes genuine engagement, consistency, and value over mere self-promotion.

How Can You Use Medium to Build Your Personal Brand?
Medium can be a powerful tool for personal branding, allowing writers to showcase their expertise and perspectives. By consistently publishing high-quality, relevant content and engaging with the community, I’ve begun to establish myself in my niche. Personal branding on Medium is about consistency, authenticity, and engagement.

What Future Trends Can We Expect on Medium?
The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and Medium with it. Trends such as increased personalization, more interactive content, and enhanced community features may shape the future of Medium. Staying adaptable and open to new trends and features will be key to thriving on the platform.

How Can You Leverage Medium for Professional Opportunities?
Medium not only allows you to share your voice but also to connect with potential collaborators, clients, or employers. By showcasing your expertise and engaging with the community, you can open doors to professional opportunities. Medium has the potential to be more than a blogging platform; it can be a portfolio, a networking tool, and a launching pad for professional growth.

As my exploration of Medium comes to a close, I realize that this journey is far from over. Each day presents new opportunities to learn, engage, and grow.

Now, I turn to you, dear readers, to share your experiences, insights, and opinions. Whether you’re a seasoned Medium writer or someone considering taking the plunge, your stories and advice are invaluable.

In the comment box below, please share your thoughts on writing for Medium, your successes, challenges, and what you’ve learned along the way. Together, we can continue to navigate the vast and vibrant world of Medium, supporting each other in our writing journeys.

Your voice is not just welcome; it’s essential. Let’s keep the conversation going and build a richer, more connected community of writers and readers.

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Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.