What is SEO? — Part#4 — Tools

Strategies to Get Your Content in Google Search Results. #tools

Iftekar Shoeb
Readers Hope
7 min readFeb 28, 2024


Image source: Generated by OpenAI’s DALL·E, a powerful AI for image creation

Welcome back to our comprehensive journey through the intricacies of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)! In this fourth installment of our 10-part series, “What is SEO? — Part#4 — Tools & Strategies to Get Your Content in Google Search Results,” we dive deep into the toolbox of any successful SEO strategist.

Before we embark on this exploration, I urge you to equip yourself with the knowledge laid out in the first three parts of our series.

These foundational articles pave the way for a more profound understanding of the SEO universe.

Discover the secrets to enhancing your content’s visibility, driving more traffic to your site, and unlocking the full potential of your digital presence.

If your ambition is to see your Medium writings not just float but sail across the vast ocean of online content, reaching far and wide, then ensure you’ve read Part-1, Part-2, and Part-3.

Prepare to elevate your SEO skills to new heights and witness your content soar in the Google search results. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to turn your SEO knowledge into your superpower!

SEO Tools and Resources I Swear By

Image source: Generated by OpenAI’s DALL·E, a powerful AI for image creation

In the ever-evolving world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), staying ahead means leveraging the right tools and resources. Through years of refining my SEO strategy, I’ve encountered a myriad of tools — some have been fleeting experiments, while others have become staples in my digital toolbox.

Here, I share with you the SEO tools and resources that have not only stood the test of time but have also made a tangible difference in my SEO efforts.

Whether free or paid, these tools can provide valuable insights, streamline your workflow, and ultimately enhance your website’s visibility and ranking.

Free SEO Tools That Pack a Punch

Image source: Generated by OpenAI’s DALL·E, a powerful AI for image creation

1. Google Analytics

Understanding your website’s traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics is fundamental, and Google Analytics is the powerhouse that delivers this data.

It helps me track website performance, understand my audience, and make data-driven decisions to improve my SEO strategy.

2. Google Search Console

Another indispensable tool from Google, the Search Console, allows me to monitor my site’s presence in Google SERPs.

It provides insights into which queries bring users to my site, how my pages are performing, and identifies issues that might affect my visibility, such as crawl errors or security issues.

3. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a freemium SEO tool that offers comprehensive keyword research, site audits, and competitor analysis.

I’ve found its keyword suggestions, search volume data, and SERP analysis features particularly useful for identifying new opportunities and refining my content strategy.

Paid Tools Worth Investing In

1. SEMrush

SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO toolkit that I’ve come to rely on for its in-depth market analysis, competitive intelligence, and robust site auditing capabilities.

Its features for keyword research, tracking ranking positions, and backlink analysis are instrumental in crafting and adjusting my SEO strategy.

2. Ahrefs

A close contender to SEMrush, Ahrefs shines with its powerful backlink analysis tool, allowing me to monitor my backlink profile’s health and scout for new linking opportunities.

Its content explorer also provides invaluable insights into what content performs well in my niche.

3. Moz Pro

Moz Pro is a suite of SEO tools that excels in its site audits, keyword research, and SERP analysis capabilities.

Its Page Optimization feature, which provides specific recommendations for improving page content and structure, has been particularly helpful.

Additionally, Moz’s domain authority metric is a standard in the industry for assessing a website’s potential ranking power.

Specialty Tools for Specific Needs

1. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

For technical SEO audits, Screaming Frog SEO Spider is unmatched. It crawls my websites just like a search engine would, helping me spot SEO issues ranging from broken links to duplicate content.

This tool is essential for ensuring my site’s technical health.

2. Yoast SEO

For those using WordPress, Yoast SEO is a plugin that I highly recommend.

It simplifies the optimization of on-page elements like meta titles, descriptions, and even readability, making sure my content is as SEO-friendly as possible.

3. BuzzSumo

When it comes to content marketing and link-building efforts, BuzzSumo is my go-to for uncovering content ideas that resonate with audiences and identifying influential creators in my niche for collaboration opportunities.


In a field as dynamic and competitive as SEO, having the right tools at your disposal can be the difference between stagnation and growth.

The tools and resources I’ve shared have been instrumental in shaping and executing my SEO strategy, providing insights that guide my decisions and actions.

Whether you’re conducting keyword research, auditing your website, analyzing competitors, or tracking your site’s performance, there’s a tool out there that can help.

Investing time and resources into these tools can yield returns many times over, propelling your website to new heights in search engine rankings and visibility.

Image source: Generated by OpenAI’s DALL·E, a powerful AI for image creation

As we wrap up this enlightening piece on SEO tools and strategies, remember that your journey toward mastering SEO doesn’t end here.

The tools and insights shared today are just pieces of a larger puzzle. To complete your mastery and ensure your content consistently hits its mark in Google search results, continue your exploration with the subsequent parts of this series.

Stay ahead of the curve by immersing yourself in the advanced tactics and deeper strategies that await in Part-5, Part-6, and beyond.

Each article in this series builds upon the last, offering you a comprehensive roadmap to SEO excellence.

Eager to keep the momentum going?

Make sure to dive into the next chapters for insights that will catapult your content to the top.

Your journey to SEO mastery is just getting started, and the best is yet to come!

Continue your journey with Part#5 here:

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Iftekar Shoeb
Readers Hope

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.