No-code isn’t scalable. Our learnings at FINN going from 1000 toward 100,000 car subscriptions

Ishtiaque Zafar
9 min readJul 18, 2022
FINN cars waiting to be delivered to happy customers :)

At FINN, we grew from 0 to 20,000 car subscriptions, expanded to the US, all in just two years. Those statistics bring one word to mind: speed. We were fast, and how we did so is no secret either. If you want to know, read it here:

All that speed came with certain costs. The tech relied heavily on no/low code tools like Airtable, Make (Integromat) and Retool, to name a few. We built a lot of microservices, automation workflows which enabled us to automate a lot of processes revolving around e-commerce and car subscriptions.

Early 2021, we had our 1000th car subscription and things weren’t slowing down. Around mid-2021 we were selling 70 car subscriptions daily: our highest record being 242 cars in a day! Imagine that! By end of 2021 we had crossed 10K subscriptions! Growth-wise it was looking great, but the tech was already at its peak and showing signs of struggle.

These two years of rapid prototyping and experimenting helped us learn what works well and what doesn’t, but…



Ishtiaque Zafar

Founding Engineer @ Skyflow. Using my tech powers to solve real-life problems. Dreamer, doer, go-getter.