9 Web Dev Myths; Costing You Time, Money, and Sanity

A No-BS Guide for New Web Devs, Backend Devs, PMs, and Execs

Prince Singh
6 min readAug 31, 2024

Hey there, tech world! 👋

There are some persistent myths out there. Whether you’re a fresh web dev, a backend developer, a seasoned PM, or a C-suite exec, we’ve all fallen for some web development myths.

Let’s clear the air about web development. It’s time to set the record straight!

1. The “It’s Just Frontend” Myth

Misconception: Web development is all about choosing nice colors and fancy fonts, making things look pretty.

The Truth: It’s so much more! Modern web apps are complex multifunctional beasts. Frontend developers aren’t just pixel pushers — they’re engineers tackling serious technical challenges.

They need —

  1. Accessibility — Consistent Experience for All Users
  2. Cross-Browser Compatibility — Handling inconsistent Browser APIs
  3. Cross-Platform Consistency — Mobile vs. Desktop and Operating System Variations
  4. Performance Optimization — to handle Large Asset Sizes and JavaScript Execution
  5. Security measures — to handle Data Security Concerns and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  6. Memory leaks protection — JavaScript Garbage Collection
  7. Efficient state management — challenges to handle complex states of enterprise-level apps without compromising performance
  8. and, Robust architecture — Modular Design, Separation of Concerns, Micro-Frontend, CSS Management, Scalability, and much more.

Also, they need Continuous Integration and Delivery for frequent updates without downtime, and solid backend systems.

Example: Take a seemingly simple feature like infinite scrolling. It requires careful performance optimization, efficient data loading, and state management. Not just CSS magic!

Real Talk: Front-end work has its own rabbit holes. Respect the craft!

  • For new web devs: Prepare to dive deep into algorithms, architecture, and yes, a bit of artistry too.
  • For backend devs: Check once! those console errors could be masking real issues in API responses.
  • For PMs: That “small UI tweak”? It might involve restructuring half the app. Plan accordingly!
  • For execs: Your web team isn’t just focused on making things visually appealing; they’re constructing the foundation of your entire digital presence.

2. The “We’ll Make It Responsive Later” Trap

Misconception: Responsive design can be tacked on at the end of a project. It is like the cherry on top.

Reality: It’s more like the flour in your cake. Responsive design needs to be baked in from the start. It affects everything from layout to performance to content strategy. Retrofitting responsiveness is painful and often leads to a subpar user experience.

Example: Ever tried to cram a complex data table into a mobile view as an afterthought? Not fun. Plan for all screen sizes from day one!

Real Talk: It is essential from the start.

  • For new web devs: Start with mobile in mind. Your future self will thank you.
  • For backend devs: Even your APIs need to be mobile-performance friendly!
  • For PMs: “Mobile-first” isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a project lifesaver.
  • For execs: A responsive site isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for reaching your entire audience.

3. The “JavaScript is Slow” Myth

Misconception: JavaScript is inherently slow and should be avoided for performance-critical tasks.

Reality: Modern JavaScript engines are incredibly fast. With smart optimization, JavaScript can handle complex computations efficiently. The key is writing good code and understanding browser rendering.

Example: Many popular desktop apps (like VS Code and Slack) are built with web technologies. They perform great when done right!

Real Talk: Modern JS is fast and agile.

  • For new web devs: Learn to write efficient JS, and learn TypeScript.
  • For backend devs: Give front-end JS frameworks a chance. They might surprise you. You can try Node.js.
  • For PMs: Don’t hesitate. JS-heavy projects can be blazing fast when done right.
  • For execs: Those web apps that feel as smooth as desktop applications? That’s the power of JavaScript, which has evolved tremendously!

4. The “We Don’t Need Testing” Delusion

Misconception: We Don’t Have Time for Tests. Manual testing is enough. Automated tests are a luxury we can’t afford.

Reality: Automated testing saves time and catches bugs early. It’s not a nice to have, it’s essential for maintaining quality as projects grow. Good test coverage lets developers ship with confidence.

Example: Imagine trying to refactor a large codebase without tests. It’s a recipe for introducing subtle bugs and regressions.

Real Talk: It’s more like insurance — seems expensive until you really need it.

  • For new web devs: Learn testing early. It’ll make you a better developer.
  • For backend devs: Front-end needs just as rigorous testing as your APIs!
  • For PMs: Build testing time into your sprints. It’ll save you from future fire drills.
  • For execs: A well-tested app means fewer embarrassing bugs in front of clients.

5. The “Any Backend Dev Can Do Frontend” Assumption

Misconception: Frontend development is easy. Any competent backend developer can handle it.

Reality: Frontend development has its own set of complexities. It requires deep knowledge of browsers, accessibility, user experience, and rapidly evolving frameworks.

Example: Try explaining the nuances of CSS layout models or the change detection cycles to someone who’s only done backend work. It’s a whole different world!

Real Talk: Frontend development is a specialized skill set.

  • For new web devs: Invest time in mastering the skills and tools that make user interfaces intuitive and engaging.
  • For backend devs: If you’re venturing into frontend, dive into UI/UX design principles and web (performance) best practices to truly excel.
  • For PMs: Recognize and allocate the right resources and support to ensure your web interfaces are as polished as your backend systems.
  • For execs: Invest in dedicated frontend talent to create seamless, impactful user experiences.

6. The “We’ll Figure Out Security Later” Danger

Misconception: Security can be bolted on at the end of development or in the backend only.

Reality: Security needs to be a consideration from day one. It affects architecture, data handling, and even UI decisions. Retrofitting security often leaves vulnerabilities.

Example: Ever seen a project scramble to implement proper authentication after launch? It’s not pretty, and it often leaves holes.

Real Talk:

  • For new web devs: Learn security pitfalls and integrate security measures from the start.
  • For backend devs: Collaborate with your frontend team to ensure a cohesive, secure application from end to end.
  • For PMs: Plan for it from day one, and ensure it’s woven into both frontend and backend development processes.
  • For execs: Invest in a security-first approach across both frontend and backend teams to protect your business and users.

7. The “Constant Change is Unnecessary” Grumble

Misconception: The frequent changes and fast update cycles in web development are just trends or unnecessary churn.

Reality: The rapid evolution in web technologies is driven by real needs. It’s about improving performance, security, and developer experience, and unlocking new capabilities.

Why so many changes?

  1. Browser evolution: New APIs and features require framework updates.
  2. Security: Vulnerabilities are constantly discovered and patched.
  3. Performance: There’s an ongoing race to make web apps faster and more efficient.
  4. User expectations: As users expect more from web apps, frameworks evolve to meet those needs.

Example: The shift from long-polling to WebSockets to Server-Sent Events shows how web tech evolves to handle real-time communication more efficiently.

8. The “Everything Should Be Reusable by Now” Frustration

Misconception: After years of development, all our code should be perfectly reusable.

Reality: Perfect reusability is often an illusion. Business needs change, technologies evolve, and what seemed reusable yesterday might not fit tomorrow’s requirements.

Why isn’t everything reusable after two years?

  1. Changing requirements: Business needs evolve, making old solutions less relevant.
  2. Technical debt: Shortcuts taken for deadlines can hinder long-term reusability.
  3. Evolving best practices: What was considered good code two years ago might not be today.
  4. Context-specific solutions: Some code is too tailored to be truly reusable.

Example: A custom authentication system built two years ago might not handle today’s complex OAuth flows or new privacy regulations.

9. “Everything already available over NPM” the fast track risk

Misconception: All components and functionality are already built and available over open-source platforms like NPM, and Yarn.

The Truth: They’re more like shortcuts through a minefield — helpful, but proceed with caution.

Why Can’t We Just Grab Any Widget or Package?

Let’s dive deeper into this last point because it’s a doozy:

  1. Integration Headaches: That cool date picker might fight with your form library.
  2. Performance Penalties: External packages can bloat your app faster than you can say “load time.”
  3. Security Risks: Third-party code can be a Trojan horse for vulnerabilities.
  4. Customization Limits: When you need that widget to do something just a bit different? Good luck!
  5. Maintenance Mayhem: What happens when that package is abandoned by its creator?

In conclusion:

Remember, web development is a wild, wonderful world that’s constantly evolving. The key to success? Stay curious, keep learning, and never assume you know it all — because in web dev, “it all” changes every Tuesday!

Now, go forth and build amazing things — Happy building!

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Prince Singh

I specialize in architecting enterprise-scale web applications and intuitive data visualizations from zero. Expertise - TypeScript, Rest APIs, Postgres DB