Love Because

Frankie Louise
2 min readMar 7, 2017


Love because it’s why you‘re here,
Love because it’s waiting for you,
Love because it’s who you are,
Love because you can’t help yourself,
Love because you’re invisible until you do,

Love everyone, because everyone is you,
Love because it wins hands down every time,
Love because it’s the greatest gift you can give,
Love because it’s painful, and pain is just trapped potential,
Love because it’s easy once you realize there’s nothing else.

Love because it heals every wound,
Love because you can,
Love because it makes the grass greener,
Love because everything else is a wild goose chase,
Love because it’s not over ’till you do.

Love because it’s life, and unless you love, you’re not living,
Love because it makes you sing in the shower,
Love the rage because it’s the only thing that transforms it, back into love,
Love because it makes everything taste better,
Love because you’re doing it anyway, even if you’re pretending you’re not,

Love comes in all shapes and sizes and you contain all of them,
Love is the master frequency that shows you where the miracles are hiding,
Love is often a lonely miracle,
Love is impossible to define,
Love is impossible.

You are an impossible miracle,
A frequency,
Of mastery.



Originally published at FRANKIE LOUISE.



Frankie Louise

Performance artist, writer, director & hacker of peak states of consciousness. Claircognizant, remote viewer, mischief & mescaline lover.