The Woke Tyranny of DEI

How DEI is weaponized to take over institutions

Sasha Kim
7 min readSep 2, 2023


DEI stands for Diversity-Equity-Inclusion. How can anyone be against this? Are you a bigot?

These words are euphemisms to obfuscate what this really mean, which should stand for really Discrimination-Exclusion-Indoctrination.

Let’s break these down.

Diversity: this sounds like a nice word, where we should embrace diversity of ideas and backgrounds, but what it really means is everyone that is not group in power, which currently means all white people, but it can include others, such as Asian people or others that don’t conform to woke orthodoxy. Ultimately, this really means diversity of non-white people or just plain discrimination.

Equity (Outcomes): this words is often confused with equality, but it is actually the opposite of equality. Equity is forcing equal proportionality of people in targeted group identity compositions. This is often implemented as race quotas or sex quotas. This is vulgarly racist and discriminatory. A better words for this category would be exclusion.

Inclusion: This is another nice sounding word, and it sounds like we should include everyone, but this really means that you must accept victim marathon ideology. Not accepting and conforming to the belief system means that you are not inclusive. A better word for this would be indoctrination.

DEI Industrial Complex

DEI initiatives have gained widespread popularity, extending their reach from universities, government agencies, and K-12 schools to now flourishing within the corporate landscape of the United States.

The instruction often includes teaching that employees that exist while white, should feel guilty and apologize for their privilege. You may have instructors in such organizations apologize that inventors for their field were white males. One exercise, had employees writing letters asking for forgiveness for existing while white.

Investment Firms forces DEI

Prominent investment firms, notably Blackrock and Vanguard, which wield significant influence over media, big tech, and various other corporations, hold controlling stakes in these corporations and compel them to enact DEI measures, such as the case with Apple and Google.

Larry Fink the CEO of Blackrock even said

You have to force behaviors. If you don’t force behaviors, whether it’s gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team, you’re going to be impacted. That not just recruiting, it’s development. We’re gonna have to force change.”

Government forces DEI

Recently, the executive branch of the United States has undergone policy shifts to endorse ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investment and reporting requirements for US corporations. Within this framework, the “social” aspect encompasses the integration of DEI programs into the corporate landscape of America.

Corporations are measured on their ESG success through CEI (Corporate Equity Index), which is controlled by an outside organization HRC (Human Rights Campaign). This organization receives funds from an infamous transnational billionaire organizations like OSF (Open Society Foundations). HRC that controls how companies are measured, are likely getting sudden increased funding from organizations that want a better CEI score.

Segue: OSF actively funds the Institute for Strategic Dialog (ISD), an organization that operates as a centralized platform for content moderation and censorship. Concrete evidence indicates that the FBI collaborates with major tech companies and takes directives from ISD to suppress the online presence of individuals like journalist Michael Shellenberger and professors like Jordan Peterson.

Segue: OSF, along with various organizations overseen by the same billionaire, has provided financial support to progressive prosecutors who advocate for policies such as bail suspension, reduced sentencing, and the dismissal of property crime charges. This influence extends to approximately 20% of all local prosecutors, and these policies have been frequently cited as contributing factors to the increase in violent crime and the deterioration of urban areas.

Currently the DEI industry was growing. In 2020, it was a $7.5 billion dollar industry, and is expected to reach $17.2 billion by 2027.

Origins of DEI

The origins of DEI are rooted in neomarxism and critical theory. The theoretical linguistic framework was developed by Erica “Ricky” Shereover-Marcuse, widow of Herbert Marcuse, who is the father the New Left political movement, and perhaps the grandfather of woke.

The New Left was a shift in Marxist political direction that included these elements:

  • shift from proletariat of the working-class as the revolutionary force to middle-class university students and inner city black ghettos.
  • embrace more democratic approach to politics in contrast to the centralized and authoritarian tendencies of pre-war leftist parties.
  • Long March through the Institutions” strategy to infiltrate and capture institutions.

DEI is ultimately a powerful tool to exert control over universities and other institutions in order to implement the “Long March through the Institutions” strategy.

Christopher F. Rufo documented this in his book America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything Resources:

This move from critical theory to “diversity, equity, and inclusion” was a stroke of genius. With one hand, the critical theorists invented subtle new oppressions; with the other, they administered the cure. Marcuse had once lamented the “language of total administration” that moved in “synonyms and tautologies” and made itself “immune against contradictions”. A few decades later, his disciples were wielding that technique in their favor. By combining the academic program of the critical theories with the bureaucratic program of diversity training, left-wing activists discovered the formula for expanding their power over the university as a whole. They designed their programs to appear neutral while, in reality, they exist to promote left-wing orthodoxy, suppress dissent through the punishment of supposed “bias” crimes, and harness the university to a campaign of social activities. They are, in short, political offices that carefully manage the cultural life of the universities and force all knowledge and scholarship through the filter of ideology.

Through running diversity programs, people that do not conform to woke ideology can be pushed out the institutions. This allows for institutional capture and the ability of institutions to impose divisive policies and practices around group identity on the majority.

Final Thoughts

Many people of liberal or conservative persuasions have expressed demoralization about what seems like insanity. It seems like we are hopelessly trapped in some episode of the Twilight Zone.

For them, I tell them not to despair, because these administrators that have taken over the institutions are not the majority, but just have strategically place themselves into power to lord over the rest of us.

The only way they can remain in power is with support from the public, which they can get by manipulating us, such manipulating the language, and also getting us to fight each other.

I think once most understand what this stuff really is about, the fact that DEI is not really about diversity, equity, and inclusion, but instead about control along with discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination, which includes things like race quotas and teaching that people are bad because of immutable characteristics, the popular support for this will evaporate.


Origins DEI


Articles on DEI industry

Segue: Censorship Industrial Complex

Segue: Prosecutors funded by infamous billionaire

