35 Hafiz Quran Quotes — Quotes, Messages and Best Wishes For Hafiz E Quran

6 min readDec 18, 2022


As-Salamu Alaykum. Have you ever heard of a Hafiz? The word may ring a bell. If you are familiar with the term, then feel free to continue reading or skip straight to the quotes/messages section. Otherwise, take a moment to read the next couple points and learn all there is to know about a Hafiz. Read till the end of this post to discover 35 Hafiz Quran Quotes — Quotes, Messages and Best Wishes For Hafiz E Quran.

What is a Hafiz?

Hafiz means memoriser. In the context on Islam, Hafiz is a Muslim who has memorised the full Holy Quran. A Hafiza is the term used for a female who has memorised the Quran. It’s important to note that becoming a Hafiz is not obligatory, however, it’s a great blessing from Allah.

Other terms used for Hafiz

In different cultures and languages, a Hafiz may be called something different. Here are a few terms you might hear when someone refers to a Hafiz or the act of becoming a Hafiz:

  • Hafidh
  • Huffadh
  • Quran Memorisation
  • Quran Completion
  • Hafiz E Quran

Status of a Hafiz

A Hafiz/Hafiza is granted special status in this world and on the Day of Judgement. It also comes with great responsibility and is important to keep the Quran memorised and not forget it.

As an example, it is narrated in Al-Tirmidhi, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

It will be said to the companion of the Quran: Recite and ascend as you recited in the world! Verily, your rank is determined by the last verse you recite.”

On the Day of Judgement, the Hafiz will be instructed to recite the Quran. The more they read the higher their rank will become in Jannah. Subhanallah, what a great blessing.

Interesting Hafiz Facts and Statistics

1. Who was the First Female Hafiz?

The first female hafiz was Um al Momineen Hafsa bint-e-Umar (R.A). She was the daughter of Umar Bin Khattab (R.A), and the wife of the Prophet (PBUH), Hafsa bint-e-Umar (R.A).

2. How Many Hafiz are the in the world?

A researcher by name of Mohammad Qasim estimated around 2.5 million Hafiz E Quran globally. However, personally I believe there are many more. A conservative estimate would be around 50 million or more. With 2 Billion Muslims worldwide and growing, the number of Hafiz will be increasing daily.

3. Countries with the most number of Hafiz

  • Pakistan
  • Somalia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Indonesia
  • Nigeria
  • India

Best Hafiz E Quran Gifts

Personalised Hafiz Cards | Quran Cards — Islamic Gift Cards

Once you’ve selected a beautiful Hafiz Quran Card, use the following quotes to help turn your feelings into words. Customise the inside of the card with an inspiring Islamic Quote about Hafiz, a Quran Verse about Hafiz or insert one of the meaningful messages below.

Check out these 35 Hafiz Quran Quotes — Quotes, Messages and Best Wishes For Hafiz E Quran

The journey of the Hafiz does not end when they memorise the last ayah, rather this is just the beginning.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “ It will be said to the companion of the Quran: Recite and ascend as you recited in the world! Verily, your rank is determined by the last verse you recite.” (Al-Tirmidhi 2914)

The child (Hafiz) and it’s parents, moreover the whole lineage is graced by honour and dignity.

Contentness of Hafiz: Eternal salvation from poorness and hunger gained through removing the shortness of sustenance.

Parent will be given a crown on the Day of Judgement, who light will be more than that of the sun.

Through the blessing of memorizing the Quran, one is protected from going astray and wrong beliefs.

A Hafiz’s whole life will become Ibaadah when one recited in every situation some or other verses, because one has memorized the Holy Quran.

Allah has selected a Hafiz as someone to protect the Quran, a great blessing.

By the intercession of a Hafiz, 10 persons from his Muslim family members are granted salvation on the Day of Judgement.

Allah the Almighty appoints angels for the protection of a Hafiz E Quran.

A Hafiz will be granted the topmost place in Jannah which he/she likes for themselves.

A true Hafiz of the Quran is not the one who has memorised its words, but one who implements the words which he has memorised into his life.

Benefits of Becoming Hafiz

Memorising the Quran takes a certain lifestyle. Achieving status of Hafiz means you’re in a good condition to continue learning about Islam and increase your knowledge of the Holy Quran.

Increase the length of your Salaah, thus becoming closer to Allah. In order to achieve this, recite more of the Quran (longer Surahs) during your prayers and follow that way of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who also did this beautiful act.

The Prophet (PBHU) would usually assigns leaders based on their knowledge of Quran. A Hafiz in generally respected amongst their community and is a great stepping stone to gain even more knowledge about the Quran.

Best Wishes and Message For Hafiz

Grab your own gift for a Hafiz. We have the best Collection of amazing Hafiz Cards 🥳🙌

May Allah keep you steadfast in reciting the Qur’an continually, Ameen.

We are all so proud of you! May Allah keep the holy Quran in your heart forever, and bring countless blessings on you here and in the hereafter. Ameen

We are so proud of your amazing achievement- Masha Allah, well done.

May Allah keep you steadfast in reciting the Quran continually. Ameen. Love and Duas from Family xx

To Hafiz x, congratulations on memorising the book Allah. May Allah SWT always keep you steadfast on Deen.

Congratulations on becoming a Hafiz. May Allah swt make all your dreams come true.

May Allah give you the Tawfeeq to continue to recite the Qur’an beautifully, to understand and act up on it consciously and teach it to others humbly, Aameen.

Mubarak on becoming a Hafiz May Allah bless you

To Hafiz x, may you ascend ranks in the hereafter with every verse you have recited in this world. And may your parents be adorned with jewelled crowns for every moment you have spent with the Quran in this world. Ameen

A true hafiz of the Quran is not the one who has memorised its words, but one who implements the words which he has memorised into his life. Mashallah so proud may Allah grant you every success ameen lots of love x

Mubarak x on becoming a hafiz

Congratulations on completing the quran. All the best

Congratulations on completing your first Quran, Ma Sha Allah we are so proud of you. May the book of Allah guide you throughout your life, Ameen.

Congratulations on memorising the Quran. All your efforts have paid off, we are so proud of you. May Allah grant you with endless blessings and success.

Mubarak x. Your dedication and efforts have paid off! May Allah grant you the strength and perseverance to continue your studies and bless you with success in your endeavours.

May Allah SWT reward you immensely with every effort you put in during these years. May this be a means of more barakah and success for you in this dunya and akhira, Ameen.

By memorizing the Quran you have proved that Allah is with you and He has gifted you with a wonderful mind. Congratulations and I also wish you a lot of success in your life.

May you stay steadfast upon the teachings of the Quran and continue to receive its blessings.

Masha Allah, you have made all of us proud. I am so happy and wish you many congrats from deep of my heart. Mubarak to our new hafiz e quran

Congratulations on being one of the blessed people to be a hafiz of the quran. May Allah give you an easy path to success and answer all your Duas.

May Allah (swt) preserve the love of the Quran in your heart and may this be the key to entering Jannah for you and your parents Ameen

Final Words

And there you go… Next time you come across a Hafiz or Hafiza, send them one of these beautiful messages. Or even better, get one of our amazing Hafiz or Quran Cards and gift them something luxury and memorable.

Create your very own one-of-a-kind Quran or Hafiz Islamic Greeting Card right here. Make their day, it’s never been easier Alhamdulillah 🎉

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As-Salamu Alaykum,


