Islamic Relief Canada recognizes the everyday sheroes in our communities

Islamic Relief Canada
3 min readMar 24, 2020


Umm Ahmad with her grandchildren in Syria.

Islamic Relief Canada promotes the rights and potential of women both within our office and in the communities we work with around the world. Since the beginning of the year our teams have been buzzing with activity as we put together events for International Women’s Day (IWD). At these events, we recognize the women who are making extraordinary contributions to the progress of our world. It is important that we give them a platform to tell us about their dreams and the hard work they are putting in to make them a reality.

Some of the speakers who will be inspiring us at Islamic Relief’s IWD events this year are Minister Maryam Monsef, MPP Doly Begum, entrepreneur Karina Hayat, basketball player Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir, journalists Maleeha Sheikh and Nahreman Issa, activist and public health consultant Samiya Abdi, firefighter and life coach Amber Von Grat, fashion designer Eman Idil, comedian Nour Hadidi, trailblazing educator Rania Lawendy, and many others.

It is important to remember that International Women’s Day is a day in celebration of the woman. Every woman. Not only those women who are finally receiving their hard-earned recognition as the movers and shakers of our world. Not only women who have impressive lists of accolades, which they definitely deserve for all they do to make our world a better place.

But International Women’s Day is also for the women who are not in the spotlight, women who are not necessarily doing “extraordinary” things. Every day, billions of women put up an inspiring struggle to improve a world which often tries to deny their right to a safe, healthy and dignified life. Their daily lives, as quiet and simple as they may be, are in and of themselves an act of resilience. They too are the driving force of the global women’s movement.

Each of these women are our “everyday sheroes”, as we like to call them at Islamic Relief, and we should celebrate them accordingly.

For Muslims, it is important to remember that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) put a great deal of emphasis on the appreciating every person in his community, certainly including women. Umm Mihjan, who was known for sweeping the Prophet’s mosque in Madinah clean. When she passed away, the Prophet was not present, and the Muslims proceeded with her funeral. The Prophet soon noticed that she was missing from the mosque, so he asked about her and was told what had happened. He hurriedly went to her grave and prayed for her. Umm Mihjan may not have been the most impactful woman in the community, but the Prophet went out of his way to express his appreciation for the role she had played.

In Islamic Relief’s work in Canada and around the world, we meet so many such women. They chip away at systems and cultures which often put them at a disadvantage, and pave the way for everyone to enjoy a more equitable world in the near future. They are women like Vezire, who maintains a small goat farm in Kosovo through which she produces goat cheese, which she sells to help sustain her family. They are women like Umm Ahmad, who at the age of 73 saved the lives of her five grandchildren in Syria, against all odds.

They are two of the countless women who we must learn to acknowledge, appreciate, and introduce to a world in need of their inspiration. Start in your community today.

Hassam Munir is part of the External Relations team at Islamic Relief Canada.



Islamic Relief Canada

Islamic Relief Canada is an international NGO committed to alleviating poverty in 30+ countries around the world.