What Is Bree Js?

2 min readJun 25, 2023


In the world of web development, scheduling tasks efficiently is essential for handling recurring tasks and improving application performance.

Bree.js is a job scheduler for Node.js applications. It allows you to schedule tasks to run at a specific time or interval.

It provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for creating and managing cron-like scheduled tasks. With Bree.js, you can automate repetitive tasks, such as generating reports, sending emails, updating databases, or performing any action that needs to be executed at specific intervals.

Getting Started with Bree.js:

To begin using Bree.js, you first need to install it in your Node.js project. run the following command

npm install bree

Once installed, you can import Bree.js into your project using the require statement:

const Bree = require('bree');

Defining a Job:

In Bree.js, a job represents a scheduled task. To define a job, you need to create a configuration object that specifies the task’s name, schedule, and the function to be executed when the job triggers. Here’s an example:

const bree = new Bree({
jobs: [
name: 'myJob',
interval: '1s', // Schedule format: '5 seconds', '2 minutes', '1 hour', etc.
cron: '* * * * *', // Alternatively, you can use cron expression
path: '/path/to/myJob.js',


Executing a Job: In the above example, we specified the path to the file containing the function to be executed for our job. This function will be called each time the job triggers. Here’s an example of how the myJob.js file might look:

module.exports = function () {
// Perform the desired task
console.log('Executing myJob...');

Running Bree.js:

To start running the scheduled jobs, you need to call the start() method on the Bree instance. This will initialize the job scheduler and begin executing the tasks based on their defined schedules.



Bree.js is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of scheduling and executing jobs in Node.js applications and provides multiple ways to define schedules, whether it’s using a simple interval format or advanced cron expressions, also its offers built-in error handling mechanisms that allow you to handle errors gracefully and prevent them from disrupting the entire job scheduler.


for more information, you can check these resources :

  1. https://jobscheduler.net/#/
  2. https://blog.logrocket.com/getting-started-with-bree-js/

