Super Baby!

Ismail Chaudhry
5 min readMar 7, 2023

A funny story for children by me.

Written by Ismail, a 10 year old boy from London.

Everyone loves babies. We love big babies , little babies, chubby babies, skinny babies, loud babies, quiet babies and even ones like, farting babies. But everyone especially loves a baby that lives far far away in a place called Bumble Town. His name is…


Super Baby wears a red blanket as a cape, baby nappies as his super belt and a stinky black sock as his mask. He also has something that makes him super strong called… SUPER MILK! I know it sounds crazy but it’s true.

“Help!” cried a woman outside, looking really scared. “Goo goo gaga oh no, sounds like someone’s in trouble. I’ve gotta get up! This sounds like a new mission!” said Super baby. He leaped out of his tiny crib, still wearing his white cotton baby grow with tiny blue stars and dashed out of his small room. He was quick, super quick. He grabbed his stinky mask from on top of the laundry pile and put on his big fluffy nappy. Normally he would have been changed in 1 second but today as he was a little tired it took him 2 seconds. It’s not much of a difference but hey, don’t judge me. Before he dashed out he grabbed his bright red blanket and tied it as a cape around his shoulders.

He jumped out of his window and flew to where he thought the voice was coming from.

“Argh, a flying baby!” yelped the woman as she saw Super Baby flying over head.

Super Baby said “Hey I’m not just a baby, I’m Superrrrr Baby! Now what is the matter Ms. Big Chubby Woman?”

“Oi! I am not chubby, I only eat 100 chocolate bars everyday!” screamed the lady.

“Wow! Then your super fa…Ah…Umm…you see…never mind, just tell me what’s wrong already! Otherwise I might just do an ULTRA poo on your face! Trust me…it’s ULTRA STINKY!”

“Ok ok sorry!” bellowed the lady. “I was just taking my baby for a stroll in the park as she was crying all evening so I thought it would calm her down. I was just about to buy a delicious looking chocolate cake from the shop across the street there but then someone came out of the bushes and snatched my baby out of the stroller! My poor darling. I know she can be a difficult little creature who farts every second, but she is precious and you have to help me get her back, NOW!”

“Umm- ok chubby lady…bye then…” replied Super Baby, and he left before the lady could shout at him that she wasn’t chubby or in other words, well, fat.

Super Baby soared high in the sky but as he was flying, he saw someone in the distance running away.

“STOP!” yelled Super Baby, but the mysterious figure didn’t stop running. Because of this, Super Baby followed the person until they were at the entrance of a dark cave. The person was about to enter the cave when Super Baby said,

“STOP! Who are you and what do you have in that bag of yours?”

The person turned around and Super Baby saw a creepy man. He had sharp claws, a black and purple suit and long tentacles. He also had the chubby lady’s farting baby in his bag!

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the most famous baby in Babyland, Super Baby.” said the man. “My name is The Baby Snatcher.”

“Well, it is not very nice to meet you Mr. Baby Snatcher. Now, give me back that baby!” roared Super Baby,

“NEVER! I need this baby to create a machine to steal all of the babies in the world! Also, do you know where to find more nappies to clean their poop? Speaking of poop, I may need to poop…”

“First of all,” said Super Baby, “ I won’t look at you while you do your poop. Second of all, I will not let you do this!”

Then, Super Baby zoomed towards him and was about to give him a painful punch but the villain grabbed him with his extremely long tentacles and threw Super Baby on the hard floor. BANG! Super Baby got a scratch on his leg but he still got up and tried again. BOOM! Super Baby got another scratch on his leg but he still tried again. But, even if he tried again, The Baby Snatcher kept on beating him up.

“You’ll never defeat me, little rat! You’re just a weak boy, HA HA HA!” said The Baby Snatcher wickedly and he left Super Baby on the floor, in pain and defeated. But, Super Baby never gives up. So, he got up and thought of a plan.

“Come on Super Baby, think, think, thi- hang on, my Super Milk! I still have it in my pocket! Now where is it… ahah! Found it!”

Once Super baby got his Super Milk, he drank it as fast as the flash! Suddenly, Super Baby’s tiny fat muscles became bigger and his nappie grew larger. He was no longer Super Baby, he was… MEGA BABY! He dashed off to the city and after hours of searching, found The Baby Snatcher!

“UGH! It’s you again, Super Ba…wait, why do you look stronger than before?”

“Uh hello? I have now become MEGA BABY!”

“Well Mega Baby, all the babies in town are in this giant jam jar that I finished using, and there is absolutely, super doobly, loopyloopy, yummy yummy nothing you can do about it!”

But, as soon as The Baby Snatcher had finished his sentence, Mega Baby punched him right on his bottom.


“Are you finished?” said Mega Baby.

“No-Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwch!” Screamed The Baby Snatcher.

Mega Baby thought he had defeated……tbc

