Evaluating Speeches Tactfully (Part 3)

Ismail raja
Public Speaking 101
2 min readJan 22, 2019

Structuring an Evaluation

1.Observe and listen carefully to what the speaker is saying and

how they are presenting.

2.Address the objectives from the speaking manual.

3.Use CRC (Commend Recommend Commend) method. Always start positively and finish positively

4. Consider the ‘what, how and why’ approach to commendations and the ‘what, why and how’ approach to recommendations.

5. Identify what will assist the speaker the most and prioritise your feedback accordingly.

6. Use meaningful language when presenting your evaluation i.e. Avoid using adjectives such as ‘good’ and ‘excellent’ and rather find alternatives that describe the aspect of the speech more clearly.

CRC — Commend, Recommend, Commend

Evaluation Opening (30 seconds)

a. Say who you are evaluating and what the title of their speech was

b. For a Toastmasters manual speech, remind everyone briefly of the project objectives.

c. Identify the purpose of their speech, as you perceived it.

d. Provide an overview statement of how you perceived the speech, and whether it achieved its purpose.

Evaluation Body:

e. 2 Commendations (50 seconds)

f. 2 Recommendations (70 seconds)

g. 1 Commendation (15 seconds)

Evaluation Conclusion: (15 seconds)

h. Summarise the 5 points in the body of the speech

i. Close with a positive remark to the speaker

What, How, and Why Speech Analysis Framework

•What the speaker did (or what the speaker could have done).

•Why it influences the effectiveness of the speech in achieving the speech’s purpose.

  • How the speaker did it (or how the speaker could have done it).

•Speech Title: Speaker’s Name: Date:


•Refer to manual objectives and identify the speaker’s purpose

• Commendation 1:

What, How, Why important/effective:

• Commendation 2/3:

•What, How, Why important/effective:

• Recommendation 1:

What can speaker improve, Why important, How to


• Recommendation 2:

What can speaker improve, Why important, How to change/improve

• Commendation 3/4:

What, How, Why important/effective

  • Summary — Briefly go over main points for speaker and end positively

Alternative words to good and excellent

Click here for the next part

