Lawyers Prompt — Google Bard vs OpenAI ChatGPT Series

Artificial Intelligence in Plain English
3 min readJun 6, 2023


In this article, we embark on an exciting exploration, comparing Google Bard and OpenAI ChatGPT through the use of lawyer's prompts sourced from my e-book titled “Prompts for Attorney / Lawyer”. Our objective is to compare the results from both tools, let us dive into this captivating journey of discovery, and uncover the insights that await us.

1st Prompt (Bankruptcy Lawyer)
A debtor in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case has received an objection to their discharge from a creditor who claims that the debtor obtained a loan fraudulently. What steps do you take to defend your client’s discharge?

Bard Answer

ChatGPT Answer

2nd Prompt (Employment and Labor Lawyer)
What are the consequences for an employer who violates an employee’s rights under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)?

Bard Answer

ChatGPT Answer

3rd Prompt (Tax Lawyer)
You have a client who is being audited by the IRS. How do you prepare your client for the audit and what strategies do you use to defend them?

Bard Answer

ChatGPT Answer


I would love to hear your opinions on the answers given by Google Bard and OpenAI ChatGPT. Which answer do you consider superior and why? Please share your insights in the comments. The best answer will be rewarded with a complimentary copy of our “Prompts for Attorney / Lawyer” book.

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I'm on a mission to uncover how AI can benefit every profession. Software Engineer | Writer | DAD.