Resources to improve your Web Development Skills

3 min readDec 12, 2017


Noreedine Maamri — pexels

These are a series of resources that I have found useful in the day to day to become a better developer, also they include a description of why did I chose them.

Git flow and source control good practices

Source control is one of the skills that takes time to understand how to do it right, and of course one the best thing is learn by the example of how successful teams have done it, and how it improve the process, and even better learn new tricks with GIT.

Improve your coding habits

Code is more than code, is a series of process, interactions and responsibilities and this book explain how to create good code within organizations, from the initial writing until the deliver process, with advice in programming patterns, architectures, testing, and even communication skills, is not a one time read, the best thing is come back for more every once in while.

Code refactoring what to do and when to do it

It happened, you have to give look to piece of code and don’t now how to make it better, it works, but something bug you about it, in this talk Sandi Metz show multiple techniques of how to improve it, identify it and overall increase the maintainability of the code.

CSS Methodologies

Stylesheets are a huge part of the web development but their maintenance can be quite hard, because their open nature and sometimes messy flow. So now BEM appears as a integration of SASS and Good practices that will allow you to improve the way you organize and implement your styles, the great thing about it is that once you start following these principles you will get better in the vanilla css.

Technical debt

No matter how good the code base is, or how good the team and practices are, there will always be technical debt, and is the normal thing to happen, once more components, use cases and requirements are integrated into a project, the complexity will grow over time, but the good thing is that with some measures and constraints a better code base can be kept, the blog doesn’t focus only in what to do in a new project, but also for existing ones.

Animations in CSS the best way

In the current state of the web animations are used more and more, but understanding how they impact your web page is important to reach the elusive fluid experience of 60fps. The article is old but still prevalent today, even more with the spread of mobile devices.

The keys to mastery for JS

What about if your are preparing to get a new job or you want to measure how good you are in Javascript, in this blog post Eric Elliott makes an amazing overview of what a modern Javascript developer should now, and even better the facts about each of the points comes with an explanation of good and bad answers so you can dive into each topic.

Extra — Queues theory (how to handle many users or request)

Amazing talk to learn a little bit more of how to handle queues, is a little bit off-topic but it worth it.




Reader, Programmer, Introvert. Crazier than the average or an average crazier.