How To Have Lovely Hands And Nails On Your Wedding Day

Isobel Yoder
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


It is often said that if you want to know someone, check out their hands. The hands reflect the kind of work we do and the activities we love. The more we are into sports or crafts, the more our hands need care. They even show if you wash your dishes by hand.

Our daily tasks can make our hands so rough. On our wedding day, we want everything to be wonderful and perfect. That means a little pampering is required for one of the most overworked part of our body — our hands.

The first step is to properly shape your nails. Even if your work calls for you to have really short nails, it doesn’t mean you should just square them off. File your nails using an emery board (one direction only please) into the shape that best suits your hand. You’ll be amazed how much more elegant your hand looks, without them being less capable.

Next, you need to get rid of the dead skin on your hands. You can buy one of the ready made products from companies like Sally Hansen or Crabtree and Evelyn. But if you’re working on a budget, you can just fill a bowl with some warm water or buttermilk or natural apple cider vinegar and soak your hands for a while. That will help take the dead skin off.

Taking care of your hands is absolutely relaxing. A little massage of your palms, fingers and wrists can go a long way to helping relieve the stress of preparing for your major event. The great part: this won’t cost you much and you can do it easily.

Considering how much use our hands get, it is a surprise that most people don’t take better care of their hands. It is easy to have great looking hands if you eat right (green leafy vegetables and food rich in iron, vitamin C, B12 and calcium are a must). Improving your diet alone can begin to create wonders in your nails.

Don’t forget to take care of your cuticles. It really isn’t hard to do. You just need to push them gently back towards the half-moon at the base of your nail using the flat side of an orange stick. Be careful not to crack it or damage it. Keep in mind that the cuticles protect your nails from infections. You may want to use a cold pressed oil or olive oil on them to make the process smooth sailing.

Use a fine pumice stone to rub the skin of your hands. This will remove any rough skin and ridges. Don’t rub too hard on stubborn spots. Given enough treatments, it will smooth out.

There are also buffing kits available to make your nails look like you’ve used nail polish when all you really did is sand and polish them. It’s a great natural look that any bride will love.

Last but not least, moisturize your skin. Get your hands soft and smooth by regularly rubbing lotion or moisturizing cream on them. Your husband will love your soft hands. Smooth hands will mean your wedding ring will just glide onto your finger as your husband pledges you his love.

