Calmar Isoe
4 min readJul 11, 2023


Can Cats Eat Kiwi?

Can cats eat kiwi?

It’s safe for cats to consume kiwi fruit, with the condition that the amounts consumed are small. Although kiwi is non-toxic to cats generally, there’re some potential hazards to be aware of.

Kiwi fruits are famous for their rich color and flavor and their nutritional benefits. They are considered a superfood by nutritionists since they are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre. Just as these fruits are healthy and nutritious for humans, they are also healthy and beneficial to our feline friends. Although kiwis are generally healthy for your cat’s consumption, they also come with potential dangers that can risk your pet’s health. To learn more about the benefits and dangers of the kiwi fruit to your cat, keep reading.

Are kiwis safe for cats’ consumption?

Generally, kiwi fruits are safe for cats’ consumption provided that they are being fed in moderation and the skin of the kiwi is peeled off. Always keep in mind that cats are carnivores, which means that their diet should mainly consist of animal protein. You can feed your kitty fruits and vegetables occasionally as treats. Therefore, even though kiwis are good for your pet, they shouldn’t be a large part of their diet.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals mentions kiwi fruit in the list of fruits that are safe for your pet. But remember, excess consumption of this fruit may have negative consequences on your feline.

Reasons why kiwis are safe and healthy for your cat.

Your cat can reap a lot of benefits from moderate consumption of kiwi. Among the benefits of feeding your kitty kiwi, is that the fruit improves their digestion. Kiwi improves your pet’s digestion thanks to the dietary fiber that bulks your cat’s stool, relieving digestive problems like diarrhea and constipation.

Kiwi fruit aids in the weight management of your pet. Due to its richness in fiber, when consumed, your cat will feel fuller for longer, despite having eaten a small amount. Although cats thrive on flesh-based diets, a bit of dietary fiber from kiwi will be helpful.

Kiwi can also help improve the appearance of your kitty’s coat. This fruit contains high quantities of vitamin C which promotes collagen production, making your cat’s coat appear softer, firmer, and radiant.

Kiwis improve your pet’s immune system. Apart from improving the appearance of your cat’s coat, vitamin C in kiwi is also a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C, together with other antioxidants in the fruit like carotenoids and phenolic, prevents cell damage caused by free radicals in your feline’s body.

Due to these antioxidants, your cat’s immune system can be able to fight chronic ailments like arthritis and cancer and also decrease the early symptoms of aging.

Reasons why kiwis can be potentially dangerous for your cat.

As mentioned before, besides the health benefits that kiwis provide, they also present potential hazards to your cat. One of the dangers is possible excess sugar consumption. Although kiwis have low calories, they contain high sugar levels of about 9g of sugar per 100g serving. This is extreme for a cat and thus the emphasis on feeding your cat in moderation to avoid serious chronic conditions like obesity and diabetes over time. Excess sugar consumption may also cause dental infections and diseases in your cat.

Another potential risk is that your kitty may experience laxative effects due to excess fiber intake if the amount of kiwi consumed is high. Laxative effects may lead to dehydration and diarrhea.

Some felines are at risk of experiencing allergic reactions to this fruit. If the amount eaten is high, there’s a possibility of allergic reactions which may present themselves as diarrhea, dilated pupils, upset stomach, irritability, coughing, and abdominal pain.

Finally, the skin of the kiwi fruit is covered with fine hairs that may irritate your kitty’s mouth, throat, and digestive tract or cause choking, if ingested. It is, therefore, crucial to skin the fruit before feeding it to your pet.

What to do if your cat eats kiwis.

Fortunately, kiwis are safe for cats. So, if your cat has had a few bites of the fruit, there’s no need to be concerned. Although if they’ve eaten kiwi for the first time or in large quantities, keep an eye on them for any gastrointestinal issues or allergic reactions.

Some of the allergic responses the cat might present include coughing and sneezing. It is advisable to visit a vet or call one for further advice.


Kiwi fruits are safe and healthy for your feline to eat but the amounts should be rationed, to prevent issues like allergic reactions, stomach upset, and chronic illnesses in the long term. Always remember to carefully peel the fruit before feeding your pet. Moderation is key when it comes to feeding your feline kiwis.



Calmar Isoe

Hey! I'm Calmar, the creative force behind captivating stories, SEO content magic, and stunning visuals on Medium. Let's embark on a journey of creativity!